Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 341 Please accept me as your disciple!

The first princess changed into a gorgeous white dress.

Everyone was amazed at her beauty when they saw her.

The first princess was already famous for her beauty.

Now with the white evening dress, she looked extremely holy.

In the dull eyes of everyone, the first princess came to the balcony of the banquet hall.

No one dared to approach the balcony, but this did not include the first princess.

Standing outside the balcony, the first princess asked Bai Chen: "Lord Bai Chen, can I come in?"

Bai Chen glanced at the first princess and said: "Please."

With Bai Chen's permission, the first princess stepped into the balcony.

The nobles behind her were amazed again.

The ancient dragon Aotuna was waiting beside Bai Chen, but she never thought that the first princess would go in like this.

Isn't Her Highness Levinia afraid?

The first princess was really not afraid at this moment.

After playing chess with Aotuna, she was much less afraid of Bai Chen's ancient dragons.

She found that these ancient dragons would not hurt humans.

Entering the balcony, the first princess noticed that Bai Chen didn't like to get along with other nobles, so she thoughtfully closed the balcony door, and the noise from the banquet hall could not be heard here.

Bai Chen noticed Leivinia's actions and secretly admired Leivinia's vision.

Being called the smartest princess by everyone, she is indeed praised for her own merits.

Leivinia looked at Bai Chen, who was enjoying dinner with only his mouth exposed, and sighed with some regret in her heart.

She was still very confident in her dress tonight, but she never thought that Bai Chen didn't even look at her more than the first glance.

"Isn't this dress good-looking?"

Leivinia encouraged herself in her heart, and she came to Bai Chen's side, looking at the many Pokémon and ancient dragons in the garden.

Leivinia asked Bai Chen to find a topic: "Master Bai, is that deer-like monster also an ancient dragon? It feels a bit like a fantasy beast like a Qilin."

Bai Chen answered casually: "I didn't expect you to know a Qilin. Although she is very similar to a Qilin, both are quadrupedal, but the Qilin can't be compared with her at all."

"I have seen many portraits of Qilin in ancient books before. Master Bai, have you seen a Qilin before? I have only seen it in ancient books."

"I have a Qilin partner, but he is not here now."

Levinia was stunned. She thought that these monsters in front of her were all Bai Chen's partners, but she never thought that Bai Chen actually had other ancient dragon partners.

Levinia asked curiously: "Master, how many ancient dragon partners have you subdued so far?"

Bai Chen counted and said: "If we only count the ancient dragons, 11."

Levinia took a deep breath in her heart. The number of Bai Chen's ancient dragon partners far exceeded her imagination.

It would be amazing for ordinary people to see an ancient dragon once, but I didn't expect that Bai Chen actually had 11 of them.

Just as Leivinia was looking for a topic, many nobles in the banquet hall could not hear the conversation between the two on the balcony.

They saw the first princess of the kingdom dressed up and the first thing she did after arriving was to find Bai Chen.

They also roughly guessed what the first princess was thinking.

Seeing that the king acquiesced to this matter, they all whispered about it.

"Can the first princess get the other party's favor?"

"It's definitely no problem. The first princess is the most beautiful and talented princess in the kingdom. If even the first princess can't do it, then I'm afraid no one in the world can get the favor of that adult."

Just as the nobles were discussing in a low voice.

In the crowd, a girl in a maid outfit was quickly approaching the balcony.

She was the third princess who was now "wanted".

She had wanted to find Bai Chen before, but because there were too many patrolling knights on the road, she had no chance to get close to Bai Chen.

Now she finally had a chance. While everyone was distracted by the powerful ancient dragons, she could quickly approach the balcony area.

On the way to sneak, the third princess heard the discussions of the nobles.

The more she listened, the angrier she became.

She admitted that her sister was indeed very good, but it was definitely not her sister who was favored!

The third princess quickly shuttled through the crowd, and soon someone noticed the maid who bumped into people and seemed very offensive.

Just as they were about to scold her, everyone suddenly recognized that it was the king's favorite daughter, the third princess.

Seeing the black and white maid outfit she was wearing, plus a sneaky look, everyone immediately reacted.

He hurriedly shouted: "Your Highness the Third Princess!"

Everyone around cast their eyes on the third princess, and the king, who was originally looking at his eldest daughter with relief, also heard the noise of the nobles.

He also saw the third princess who was approaching the balcony area quickly at a glance.

For his third daughter, the king still knew his daughter's thoughts clearly.

He called the maids to catch the third princess.

But how could the third princess, who had once been able to fool the Kingdom Division and escape from the capital, be caught by these maids so easily? She nimbly dodged the capture of the crowd and easily came to the balcony door.

With a bang, the third princess opened the balcony door roughly.

The first princess on the balcony heard the sound and looked back outside the balcony. Seeing her sister, the first princess froze on the spot.

The first princess looked at Bai Chen nervously.

The rough way of opening the door just now was very rude.

She thought Bai Chen would be very unhappy, but unexpectedly, Bai Chen didn't seem to notice that the balcony door was opened.

I don't know whether Bai Chen didn't notice it or noticed it, but he was too lazy to say it. The first princess hurried to the side of the third princess, ready to take her sister down first.

When she came to her side, the first princess whispered to the third princess: "Why are you here, Xia Lu?"

Speaking of this, the third princess was full of anger. Since Bai Chen arrived in the kingdom in the afternoon, she has been almost under house arrest.

This made her very unhappy.

The third princess said to her sister angrily: "It's none of your business."

After saying that, the third princess took two steps forward and knelt down in front of Bai Chen.

She said directly to Bai Chen: "Lord Bai Chen, please accept me as your apprentice."

When everyone heard the words of the third princess, they all exclaimed in surprise. Those nobles didn't expect the third princess to be so bold that she actually wanted Bai Chen to accept her as a disciple.

But this seems to be a good way. If Bai Chen can accept a disciple, and a princess of the royal family, it will be a great thing for the whole kingdom.

But after seeing her sister's behavior, the first princess secretly cried out in her heart.

No matter what, you can't say such things now.

Even if you want to become a disciple, you shouldn't ask Bai Chen at this time.

Bai Chen looked at the many companions in the garden as if he didn't hear the words of the third princess.

He ignored the request of the third princess.

Seeing that Bai Chen didn't answer, the third princess thought that Bai Chen didn't hear it, so she repeated it again.

"Please accept me as a disciple! I am willing to do anything for this."

Bai Chen still ignored the third princess.

Now it is clear that Bai Chen definitely heard the request of the third princess, but he ignored her.

Seeing that the third princess wanted to continue to ask, the first princess hurriedly prepared to pull up her sister on the ground.

But the third princess seemed to have her feet rooted in the ground. No matter how the first princess pulled, the third princess just couldn't get up.

The third princess asked Bai Chen again, and this time the first princess spoke up, apologizing for her sister and Bai Chen.

"Lord Bai Chen, please forgive my sister's rudeness."

Seeing the first princess apologizing for her, the third princess said dissatisfiedly: "I really want to become your disciple!"

"Shut up!" The first princess was rarely angry, and she called the maid to have her sister forcibly pulled down.

At this time, Bai Chen finally spoke up.

"With great power comes great responsibility. You can't understand this at all now, and you are not qualified to be my apprentice at all."

Bai Chen has many memories of the third princess.

In order to keep warm, she asked the hunters to help hunt the golden lion, and in order to win the fishing competition with her brother, she asked the hunters to help capture the lava dragon.

The third princess is a spoiled princess. She wants to find me to become your disciple because she thinks the ancient dragon is very handsome and wants to catch one for fun.

Such people will only bring disaster to the world when they have power.

Although Bai Chen never claimed to be a messenger of justice, he would never let others use the power he taught to do evil.

The willful third princess would definitely use her power to do something willful.

"I, I can learn!" The third princess looked at Bai Chen firmly, her tone full of determination.

"Learn?" Bai Chen laughed, he turned his head to look at the third princess, the Kirin mask looked a little strange at night, "You just said you are willing to do anything?"

"I am willing to do anything!"

"Well, if you can pass this test of mine, it doesn't matter if I accept you as my apprentice."

"Really?!" The third princess was overjoyed.


"What is the test?" The third princess asked excitedly.

Bai Chen stretched out his index finger directly to the third princess.

The black energy condensed at the tip of Bai Chen's finger.

With a whoosh, the energy penetrated directly into the head of the third princess.

Bai Chen directly used the nightmare move to let the third princess enter the second life.

After the super energy entered her mind, the third princess collapsed to the ground with her eyes blank.

The first princess was startled. She squatted down and called her sister's name, but got no response.

She looked at Bai Chen anxiously: "Lord Bai Chen, what's going on?"

Bai Chen retracted his hand and said: "Don't be nervous. This is just a test for her. Take her back now. No matter how painful she is in her sleep, don't try to wake her up, otherwise she may become an idiot."

What Bai Chen did was to let the third princess gain powerful power in her dream.

Doesn't she want power? Then give her what she dreams of, and then let her experience the life she wants.

Hearing Bai Chen's words, the first princess was a little relieved.

Since Bai Chen said so, her sister should not be in any big trouble.

The dinner ended in this farce.

In the third princess's room, Leivinia moved a chair and sat by the bed.

She was concerned about her sister's condition.

At first, the third princess looked happy and excited, as if she had had some wonderful dreams.

But those dreams only lasted for a short one or two hours, and then the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

The third princess seemed to have dreamed of a nightmare, with a horrified expression on her face, and then she kept muttering "I didn't mean it".

Then the third princess burst into tears in her sleep, and even began to struggle in pain.

Seeing this, the first princess wanted to wake up the third princess out of concern, but she only shook her twice and her hand stopped.

She remembered Bai Chen's previous instructions that no one could wake her up forcibly. If she did, it would probably make the third princess an idiot.

All she could do now was to wait by her side.

About half an hour later, the painful expression on the third princess's face weakened a little, as if she had passed the most difficult time in the first stage.

At this time, the door of the third princess's room opened.

The king came in.

Seeing her father, Levinia quickly stood up from the chair.


The king nodded to the first princess and said, "You've worked hard. You should go and rest now. Leave this to me."

The first princess wanted to continue to wait here, but the king said, "You have more important things to do. Go and get busy."

Remembering that she still had a mission, the first princess said goodbye and wanted to leave.

Before leaving, the king asked about the progress: "Levinia, after spending half a day together, what do you think of Lord Bai Chen?"

The first princess answered honestly: "I feel that the lord is very powerful, but that's why he feels a little difficult to approach."

"I know, go and get busy."

After saying goodbye to her father, the first princess hesitated for a moment. She went straight to Bai Chen's room. Standing outside the room, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Lord Bai Chen, are you free now?"

Bai Chen's voice soon came from the room: "Come in."

"Excuse me." The first princess pushed open the door.

The door opened, and she saw Bai Chen sitting by the window sill, quietly enjoying the tranquility of the evening breeze.

Bai Chen took off his mask at this moment. He was holding a cookie in his hand and feeding Huanxiang who had just returned from a night out.

Seeing Bai Chen's true face, the first princess seemed to be distracted for a moment.

At this moment, she understood why Bai Chen wore a mask.

It was not to cover up his ugly appearance, but to avoid disaster.

"It's so late, what's the matter?"

Bai Chen continued to feed Huanxiang cookies without looking back.

The first princess came back to her senses, and her cheeks turned red like blood for some reason.

She invited Bai Chen, "Lord Bai Chen, Levinia knows a place with a great view at night, do you want to come with us?"

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