Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 346 Can we sleep together?

A clicking sound came in.

Leivinia looked at the door of the room in disbelief.

No matter how it sounded, it sounded like someone was prying the door of their room.

Leivinia wanted to sit up from the bed, but she found something wrong as soon as she moved.

She couldn't move at all, her body was like paralyzed, and her hands and feet were completely out of control.

"I, I can't move! What's going on?!"

Leivinia was shocked. She wanted to call Bai Chen's name, but she couldn't make any sound now.

Her throat was like a mute.

This suffocating despair suddenly enveloped her.

She really couldn't figure out what was going on, why she couldn't move and couldn't make any sound.

After a panic, Leivinia thought of the sweet and greasy fragrance she had smelled before.

Could it be because of that fragrance?

Was she poisoned! ?

The first princess had never seen such a scene before. Now she could only move her eyeballs.

She looked at Bai Chen on the bed beside her. Bai Chen lay motionless on the bed as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Could it be that Lord Bai Chen had also planted poison?

The First Princess' mood fell to the bottom.

Just when she was in disbelief, there was a sudden click, and the door lock of the room was opened.

The harsh creaking sound of the wooden door was extremely harsh in the quiet room.

Outside the room, two burly men wearing masks quietly walked in from outside the room.

After entering, the two directly closed the door.

Seeing the two motionless people in the room, the leading gangster laughed twice as if he had succeeded.

"The poison that can paralyze even the red-armored beast is really useful. No human can resist it."

Levinia glanced at the tattoos on the two people's arms, and she knew that these two people were the two villains who had been eyeing her covetously before.

"Boss, this woman is really beautiful!"

When Levinia heard this, she panicked even more.

The target of these two people is indeed herself.

"Don't talk nonsense, go kill that man, don't make any extra noise."


The henchman took out a knife and swaggered towards Bai Chen on the bed.

Levinia wanted to warn Bai Chen, but she couldn't make any sound now.

The knife emitted a dazzling cold light in the moonlight.


The knife stabbed directly into the heart.

Levinia was completely desperate.

Even if it was Bai Chen, there was no possibility of survival if he was stabbed in the heart.

The leader of the bandits came to Levinia's bed, he squatted down, looked at Levinia with a smile, and said: "Your male companion is really too much, he actually let you, a beautiful and bubbling beauty, sleep on the floor, don't worry, I am different from your dead male companion, I will treat you well, as long as you serve me well."

The imagined crying and fear did not appear.

Leivinia stared at the other person fiercely. Even though she could only move her eyes, the sense of majesty that came naturally from being in a high position still existed.

Just a look made the bandit leader's heart tremble, and he actually fell to the ground.


The henchman looked at his boss in disbelief.

The boss who killed people without blinking an eye was actually scared away by a woman's eyes?

Hearing the voice of his younger brother, the bandit leader came back to his senses, and he was horrified to find that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

He roared at Leivinia in anger: "Okay, you dare to stare at me!"

The bandit leader raised his right hand high, ready to teach Leivinia a lesson before enjoying it.

"It's no use for you to beg for mercy now!"

After saying that, the bandit leader clenched his fist and smashed it towards Leivinia's head, and it seemed that the fist was about to hit Leivinia's head.

The fist suddenly hovered in the air.

It took a long time to fall.

Leivinia had closed her eyes to prepare for the violence, but after waiting for a moment, the imagined pain did not come.

She opened her eyes again and saw the bandit leader's unbelievable eyes.

"Boss?" The henchman looked at his boss in confusion.

The next second, the bandit leader's arm was twisted into a knot in a weird posture.

The severe pain rushed straight into the bandit leader's head. He wanted to call for help, but he couldn't make any sound.

The hell stab took away his voice.

The sudden change not only scared the bandit leader, but also shocked the henchman so much that he couldn't speak.

The henchman looked at the bed. The person who was supposed to be stabbed to death by him disappeared without a trace at some point.

He was shocked.

It's over. This is a ghost!

He wanted to scream and run away, but he couldn't move at all, and he couldn't make any sound.

At this time, the illusion in the room was lifted, and the room was extremely bright. At the tea table at the door of the room, Bai Chen was holding a ceramic cup and sipping tea elegantly.

How could he be killed by these ordinary people? Bai Chen had already noticed them when they were about to harm Leivinia.

He could have directly broken the heads of the two men from a distance of 100 meters, making this farce impossible, but thinking that Leivinia came out this time to gain experience, Bai Chen let the two bandits play freely.

He had protected Lilia very well, but in disguise, he also deprived Lilia of the opportunity to grow.

If he protected the First Princess as well as he did Lilia, then there would be no point in letting the First Princess come out with him.

Bai Chen would not give the First Princess a special trial, but he would not deprive her of the opportunity to grow. Everything would be fine if it went as it should.

I think after this incident, the First Princess would be able to maintain a certain degree of vigilance towards humans of the same race.

At least next time, when she hears about the Life Stone, she would think more about whether others are deceiving her.

When he went out to look for the Peak Mountain Dragon today, the First Princess was shopping in the city. Ninety-five percent of the so-called specialties she purchased were fake.

In addition, because she lost money during this period, she was targeted by many thieves. If it were not for the secret protection of Huanhuan, she would have been penniless by now, and she didn't know where she would be abducted.

After listening to Huanhuan's report, Bai Chen decided to carry out this matter tonight.

Bai Chen looked at the two criminals. He had no interest in letting them go, but killing them directly would be too easy for them.

Judging from their methods, the two had been habitual offenders for a long time.

I don't know how many people died at their hands.

Bai Chen used hypnosis again and asked about their accomplices.

After learning the truth, Bai Chen waved at the two and they disappeared in the room in an instant.

Finally, only Bai Chen and Leivinia were left in the room.

Bai Chen used aromatherapy to directly clean up all the toxins in the body of the first princess.

Leivinia finally sat up from the bed with a light body.

She looked at Bai Chen in front of her with some disbelief.

"Lord Baichen, is it really you?" Leivinia asked Bai Chen carefully.

"Of course it was me."

Levinia looked at the two gangsters who suddenly disappeared, and she forced a smile and said, "I seem to have had a dream just now."

The sudden turn of events made the first princess unable to react. She kept rubbing her eyes, as if she wanted to wake herself up completely.

Bai Chen drank a sip of tea and explained, "That was not a dream just now, it was a real thing. If you want to go out for adventure in the future, you must be careful."

Bai Chen couldn't help but sigh at the power of the first princess.

If an ordinary girl encountered such a situation, she would have been scared to tears when facing the bandit leader, but she never thought that the first princess could scare the bandit with a look in her eyes when she was desperate.

This is really amazing.

Bai Chen apologized calmly, "I didn't mean to scare you. The purpose of your coming out this time is..."

Before Bai Chen finished speaking, he heard sobbing.

He looked at the first princess who was so majestic just now in disbelief.

At this moment, she kept wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves. She looked completely pitiful, and there was no majestic look that scared away the gangsters with just one look.

Bai Chen thought to himself that he was finished.

He seemed to have done too much.

He hurried forward and apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I actually discovered their ill will towards you a long time ago. I could have stopped all this, but I thought that you came out to see the world this time, so I thought that you should experience this kind of thing in person, so I didn't stop them for the time being."

Bai Chen kept apologizing.

But after he finished speaking, the first princess cried even harder, and her emotions had completely collapsed.

Bai Chen felt a little regretful at this moment.

Although the first princess showed a strong side when facing those gangsters, no matter what kind of education she had received and how talented she was, she was still a girl under the age of 20. In the face of such a crisis, she would naturally feel desperate and uneasy.

Scaring away the gangsters was just showing off.

Seeing the first princess crying more and more, Bai Chen also had a headache. He really didn't know how to protect Leivinia.

He said: "In fact, I have always used a barrier to protect you. Those people can't touch you. I really didn't mean to scare you."

No matter how Bai Chen explained, the first princess didn't seem to stop crying.

Helplessly, Bai Chen could only say: "How about this? As long as you stop crying, I will create a Z move for you, how about it?"

Leivinia was still crying.

Bai Chen scratched his head and said, "How about I promise you a request? Even if you want an ability, I can give it to you, okay?"

After hearing Bai Chen's words, Levinia finally stopped crying. She looked at Bai Chen and asked, "Any request is fine?"

Seeing that this was effective, Bai Chen nodded and said, "Any request is fine, but it can't be too much, and it must be something I can do."

Levinia sniffed her nose and said with a little nasal tone, "Then it's a deal."

Levinia extended her little finger to Bai Chen, and Bai Chen hooked it with his hand and agreed, "It's a deal."

Then he muttered, "Why do I feel like I've been tricked by you?"

Bai Chen realized it only now.

Levinia burst into tears and laughed, "In that situation, even I would feel uneasy, and there was a moment when I really thought you were dead, and I was still thinking about how to help you get revenge."

Bai Chen has the ability to see through lies, and he knows that Leivinia is indeed not lying.

Bai Chen handed the tissue to Leivinia and said, "Okay. If that's the case, it's nothing for me to agree to one of your requests. Here, tissue."

Leivinia took the tissue and blew her nose, then asked, "Sir, does what you said before about helping me create a special Z move still count?"

"Didn't that change to agreeing to one of your requests?"

"Ah, so it's not two gifts. I thought you were talking about two things." Leivinia looked aggrieved again after saying that.

Bai Chen was afraid that the other party would cry again, so he said, "Okay, okay, I promise you, and give you another special Z move."

Seeing Bai Chen agree, Leivinia showed a devilish smile on her face and said, "Hehe~ I didn't expect that you are not good at dealing with girls' tears. I finally found a weakness of yours, sir."

He really couldn't bear to see women cry, but that was limited to his companions. If it was an enemy, the harder they cried, the happier he was.

During this period of time, Bai Chen had been traveling with the First Princess, and he had learned a lot about the First Princess.

The First Princess was different from the Third Princess.

She was more intelligent, rational, and stronger.

He gave the other party the Z move, so he didn't need to worry about the First Princess abusing her power.

Finally calmed down, the First Princess asked about the fate of the two gangsters: "My Lord, what are you going to do with those two scumbags?"

"Them? Don't worry, I will let them get the punishment they deserve, and then apologize."

Seeing that Bai Chen didn't describe the process in detail, the First Princess was also very sensible and didn't ask.

For the two scumbags, Bai Chen's method was very simple, that is, to use fantasy to turn them into naked women, and then throw them to the black market.

There will be other scumbags to torture them there.

They will personally experience the pain of the victims, and then end their lives there.

For such scum demons and those who want to kill him, Bai Chen will never let them continue to live.

Seeing the time, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening. Bai Chen also said, "It's not early anymore. Go to bed quickly. No one will disturb you tonight. Rest at ease."

Bai Chen returned to his bed and prepared to have a good rest.

The first princess held the pillow in her arms and did not lie down for a long time.

Bai Chen asked, "What's wrong?"

After Bai Chen asked, the first princess boldly asked, "My lord, can I sleep with you tonight? Something like that just happened. I really don't dare to sleep alone."

After thinking for a while, Bai Chen moved to the side of the bed, freeing up a little space and said, "Just tonight."

With Bai Chen's permission, Leivinia happily lay down beside Bai Chen.

The bed is probably only big enough for one person to sleep, and it is inevitable that there will be some physical contact when two people get together.

For Bai Chen, this self-control is still there, and there is no situation where he can't control his lower body.

For Leivinia, being able to stick close to Bai Chen will give her a very strong sense of security.

After just lying there for a while, Leivinia felt her eyelids begin to feel heavy.

She couldn't help but think, "How nice it would be if time could stay at this moment."

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