Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 348 The hunting game ends here. The next step is the real battle.

The Fengshan Dragon subjugation mission has officially begun!

The vanguard ship in front began to attack Fengshan Dragon, and those shells ruthlessly bombarded the ore resources on Fengshan Dragon's back.

As the ore resources fell into the yellow sand, the two support ships following behind opened a large net and drew all the ore resources into the net.

The workers on the ship also began to move all the minerals in the net to the bottom of the support ship.

Leivinia leaned on the railing and looked at the battle in the distance.

The captains of the pioneer ship are very skilled in sailing, and they have participated in the Fengshan Dragon's harvest festival many times.

The behavioral pattern of Fengshan Dragon is still very clear.

The battle ahead is getting more intense.

The cannons continued to bombard Fengshan Long, and the ammunition was quickly exhausted.

A pioneer ship out of ammunition will slow down and come to the side of the support ship.

Then the workers on the support ship will take advantage of the support ship's height compared to the pioneer ship and shoot the steel cable towards the pioneer ship.

Then pulleys and steel cables were used to carry combat supplies to the vanguard ship.

The vanguard ship with full ammunition will join the battle again.

In this way, the support ship originally carrying full ammunition will gradually be filled with various minerals and resources of Fengshan Dragon.

The battle was very time-consuming and exhausting. It took about an hour for the vanguard ships to finish the first round of attacks.

And it was at this point in time.

There was damage to the first pioneer ship.

With a heavy impact from Fengshan Dragon, a pioneer ship was broken into two halves directly in the middle.

The pioneer ship sank in the sea of ​​sand, and the crew and hunters on the ship were forced to stop, but luckily no one was seriously injured.

Almost all of them survived, but unfortunately they can no longer participate in the hunt.

The vanguard ships attacking from the front did not slow down their attack speed because there was one less vanguard ship. The vanguard ships continued to output.

As time went by, Fengshanlong began to attack these annoying sand ships more frequently.

Within half an hour, another pioneer ship sank.

Now there are only 6 pioneer ships left, and the sacrifice of those two pioneer ships is not in vain.

Under the continuous attacks, Fengshanlong's physical strength declined greatly.

The hunters were waiting for this moment. Each of the hunters tied ropes around their feet, and then borrowed the steel ropes to land on Fengshanlong's back.

The hunters began to use their own weapons to attack Fengshan Dragon, and some hunters took out stone manuscripts and began to dig more accurately.

Bai Chen, who was on the rear support ship, looked at the hunters who were busy and shook his head helplessly.

Most of these hunters are at level 30 or 40.

Their attacks are no different from scratching an itch for Fengshan Dragon, which is as high as level 90.

Even the cannons on the sand ships were only attacking the dead skin of Fengshan Dragon.

It did not cause any effective damage to Fengshan Dragon's body at all.

Even for Fengshanlong, these hunters bombarding the rock formations behind him were helping to reduce his burden.

Seeing this, Bai Chen finally understood why Fengshanlong would pass through the Lockak Desert every one or two years, and why he didn't take revenge on this huge city after being attacked every time.

For Feng Shanlong, every time he comes, he comes to take a bath, and every time he leaves, he leaves comfortably.

He will naturally want to come again next time.

This can be regarded as a different kind of symbiosis.

Leivinia looked at the Fengshan Dragon over there who was constantly being pursued and attacked. She asked Bai Chen worriedly: "Sir, will the Fengshan Dragon be in pain?"

The first princess's way of thinking has changed. She now regards the ancient dragons as targets that can be communicated with.

This change is of course due to Nergigante and many other ancient dragons.

She is a princess who has played chess with the ancient dragons. From her current point of view, as long as these ancient dragons have the opportunity to communicate, there is still a certain possibility that they can communicate.

Of course, she also understands that strong force is the foundation of everything.

I want to talk to others as equals without strong force.

She's not that naive yet.

Bai Chen chuckled and told her not to worry.

"That Fengshan Dragon is still enjoying himself. There is no need to worry about him. That is a super-large ancient dragon that even I need to take seriously. If he is really in pain, none of those sand ships will be spared."

Bai Chen briefly explained the current situation to the first princess.

After hearing this, the first princess couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, Fengshan Long thought this way. This was really a perspective that he had never thought of before.

At the same time, the first princess also captured the key to Bai Chen's words.

A very large ancient dragon that needs to be taken seriously.

In other words, as long as Bai Chen goes all out, he can easily defeat the opponent, right?

The First Princess is now becoming more and more curious about how powerful Bai Chen really is.

Bai Chen continued to explain: "In fact, not only Fengshan Dragon, but also Steel Dragon will sometimes deliberately provoke humans and then let humans attack them."

"Why is this?" the first princess asked Bai Chen curiously.

Bai Chenyan said: "Of course that's because the appearance of steel dragons will actually rust. After they rust, they need to molt. At this time, encountering a powerful attack can help them complete the molt faster."

When the steel dragon rusts, it turns into a rusty steel dragon.

"Stainless steel dragon, do you mean the brown steel dragon? Isn't that a subspecies of steel dragon?"

"Of course it's not a subspecies. That's your misunderstanding about steel dragons."

Bai Chen gave the first princess some knowledge about the relationship between the rusty steel dragon and the steel dragon.

During the growth process, the steel dragon will continue to shed its skin. The body of the steel dragon that has just completed its molting is milky white. After contact with the air, it quickly oxidizes to a bright iron color. This is the most active state of the steel dragon, so the witness reports are relatively More.

Reaching the growth transition period, the steel dragon's body becomes darker and its skin begins to rust. During this period, the Steel Dragon was extremely violent and repeatedly attacked villages and fortresses, using human defense weapons to destroy its hard shell. But in the final molting period, the steel dragon's body will be covered with rust and its movements will become sluggish.

It usually chooses an inaccessible place. After new skin forms under the rusty skin, the steel dragon will break free of the rusty skin and continue to grow in this repeated process of rusting and molting. The age of the steel dragon can be easily determined from its appearance. The continuous exoskeletonization will leave traces similar to growth rings on the body of the steel dragon.

After listening to Bai Chen's explanation, the first princess suddenly realized.

Naturally, the First Princess believed in the information provided by Bai Chen.

After all, Bai Chen himself raises a steel dragon. There is probably no one in this world who understands the steel dragon better than Bai Chen.

At the same time, Leivinia also realized how important Bai Chen was to the entire hunter civilization.

Bai Chen is not only powerful, Bai Chen can even help humans easily unravel the mysteries of ancient dragon species.

Bai Chen continued: "This is why I am constantly looking for ancient dragon species. They have many abilities that are unimaginable to humans, and these abilities are what I want."

The first princess now understands why Bai Chen pursues these ancient dragons.

She looked at the hunters over there who were struggling to attack and dig.

He said: "The Fengshan Dragon is indeed the most difficult ancient dragon to deal with. It is too deeply bound to Lockak."

Bai Chen looked at the hunters over there and suddenly said in a confused way: "Everything is not absolute. Ancient dragon species are ancient dragon species. They have great power that humans cannot resist at this stage. This kind of symbiosis is very abnormal. Yes, the strength of the two sides is not equal at all.

This symbiotic relationship is not unreliable. Lockrak is extremely dependent on Fengshan Dragon, and Fengshan Dragon does not necessarily need humans. He has many other alternatives. Moreover, human desire is the strongest among all creatures. When desire and greed anger the ancient dragon, humans will pay the price. "

The first princess suddenly fell silent when she heard this.

She also listened to Bai Chen's words, so she knew what Fengshan Long was thinking.

But among the hunters participating in hunting now, who really understands what’s going on?

Which of these hunters came here not to truly kill the Fengshan Dragon?

If they really have a chance, they will definitely kill Fengshan Dragon mercilessly, without exception.

While Bai Chen and the First Princess continued to chat, the fighting over there also intensified.

The number of pioneer ships is rapidly decreasing.

After five hours of fighting, the last three vanguard ships were left, as well as the two support ships at the rear.

Almost all the supplies on the support ship were consumed.

At this moment, Fengshan Dragon's forward speed was getting slower and slower, and it was already less than half of its original speed.

Bai Chen was able to check the situation of Fengshan Dragon. He knew clearly that Fengshan Dragon was in a somewhat trapped state because of its constant physical exertion due to its continuous advancement in the sea of ​​sand.

In addition, the burden on his body has been reduced a lot, and he feels a little comfortable and wants to rest.

But in the eyes of other hunters, Fengshanlong's physical strength has now been reduced to a very low state.

All it takes is one more shiver, and it's very possible to kill the opponent.

Just when everyone felt that they had earned enough from this harvest festival.

With sharp eyes, Bai Chen saw at a glance that Tinu and three or four high-ranking hunters over there had landed on the back of Fengshan Dragon without any resistance.

From the battle till now, Tinu and the hunters have always conserved their physical strength.

While other hunters were busy digging, they were shooting shells from the outside.

Bai Chen could probably guess what these people were thinking.

This is only about twenty kilometers away from Lockark.

If they can kill the Fengshan Dragon near Lockark, they will definitely become famous throughout Lockark.

Bai Chen turned to look at the receptionist who had been accompanying the team and asked him: "If, I mean if, the Fengshan Dragon brings a fatal danger to the entire Lockark City, then can I handle this on my own?" Fengshanlong?"

"Huh?" After hearing Bai Chen's words, the receptionist was obviously stunned. She looked at Bai Chen in confusion, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"That is to say, if Fengshan Dragon is about to destroy Lockark, can I directly attack him?"

"That's natural" the receptionist replied without thinking.

If Fengshan Dragon is about to destroy the city, then whoever can defeat the other party will do so no matter what method he uses.

Isn't this a matter of course?

Bai Chen nodded with satisfaction: "With your words, I feel relieved."

The receptionist didn't realize what this meant.

Suddenly there was a bang!

A very shocking explosion broke out on the head of the Fengshan Dragon in front.

The explosion was more powerful than the explosion of ten cannons at the same time.

"Ang——!" Fengshan Dragon roared in pain.

The explosion just now obviously hurt Fengshan Dragon.

Bai Chen looked at the explosion over there with some surprise.

This bomb is naturally not as powerful as ordinary bombs, but a special bomb that integrates many high-level explosive materials.

The technology of the bomb is not high, but the price of the materials used is very high.

I am afraid that the price of a bomb is equivalent to a thousand artillery shells.

From this point of view, the master hunter Ti Nu is not unprepared, but is truly fully prepared.

"Then, what happened over there?"

The receptionist looked ahead in disbelief. She quickly took out the telescope. She could only see the hunters led by Ti Nu rushing into the mouth of the Fengshan Dragon at a very fast speed.

If you want to say where the defense of the Fengshan Dragon is the lowest, it is naturally inside the body of the Fengshan Dragon.

Tinu was planning to kill Fengshanlong from the inside with the hunters.

If the situation was really as Tinu expected, and Fengshanlong's physical strength and health had fallen to a very low warning line, then their plan would be easy to succeed.

But unfortunately, Fengshanlong's health was at least 90% left.

Their attack would not only not kill Fengshanlong, but would completely anger Fengshanlong.

About three or four seconds later, Fengshanlong suddenly roared in pain, and he increased the swing of his body, sinking all three surviving pioneer ships with one blow!

The three pioneer ships crashed into another support ship.

Four ships sank at the same time!

If it weren't for the superb driving skills of the captain of the No. 10 support ship, coupled with Bai Chen's superpowers, this support ship would have sunk directly into the sand sea.

The receptionist held the railing tightly with both hands, so he was not thrown into the sand sea.

She looked at the mountain dragon in front of her in disbelief, her tone full of disbelief: "How could that mountain dragon still have so much physical strength!!!"

However, the situation continued to deteriorate. The captain of the ship looked to the right of the ship and shouted in astonishment: "There is a new sandstorm 5,000 meters to the right!"

New sandstorm?

Everyone looked over and saw another sandstorm approaching.

That was not a naturally formed sandstorm.

The receptionist took out the telescope and looked into the distance. She vaguely saw a mountain dragon tumbling in the sea of ​​sand.

"The second mountain dragon!?"

The situation in front of her was completely beyond the receptionist's imagination.

Her legs softened and she fell on the deck.

A mountain dragon with a lot of physical strength, plus a new mountain dragon.

This situation can only be described as desperate, and this place is less than 15 kilometers away from Shaklock.

Just when the receptionist was desperate,

Bai Chen suddenly spoke again and asked, "Is the current situation a crisis?"

Bai Chen's voice pulled the receptionist back from despair.

She rekindled hope. Isn't there a legendary hunter who defeated the ancient dragon species in front of her! ?

"Master Bai Chen, can you solve the current disaster?!" The receptionist looked at Bai Chen hopefully.

Bai Chen nodded affirmatively: "As long as there is a mission permission, I can take action at any time."

Now the receptionist finally understood what Bai Chen meant by what he said before.

Could it be that Master Bai Chen had already predicted that the situation would develop to such a bad level?

If so, wouldn't he have the ability to predict the future?

What the receptionist didn't know was that Bai Chen really had a move to predict the future.

But now was not the time to think about it. The receptionist said seriously: "I have the power to issue emergency missions temporarily. Please stop these two mountain dragons no matter what!"

"Can you arrange it as I want?" Bai Chen asked repeatedly.

"Of course!"

Bai Chen nodded in satisfaction and laughed: "Since you said so, the hunting game ends here. The next step is the real battle."

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