Flame Village.

The story stage of Monster Hunter Rise.

Before Bai Chen crossed over, he had never played this game, he only heard a little about it.

He didn't know much information.

One is [Night Parade of Hundred Dragons], which is said to be a large number of monsters attacking the village, and there is a special monster [Overlord] among those monsters.

Overlord monsters are different from the Overlord Pokémon in the Pokémon world.

Overlord Pokémon are special Pokémon that are affected by the aura of the Overlord and gain strength and size.

And the Overlord monsters have become the strongest individuals in the tribe after very harsh and cruel natural competition. They can directly command the tribe, so they are called Overlords.

Bai Chen still knows a little about this.

The second information is related to the poster girl of this game.

It is said that the poster girl of Flame Village is better looking than Aibo of the New World Investigation Team, that is, the 'Tyrannosaurus cub' in terms of modeling.

And it seems that on some color websites, some special videos of the other party can be found, which is a treatment that the Tyrannosaurus cub does not have.

Just when Bai Chen was thinking.

The first princess beside him suddenly asked Bai Chen: "Lord Bai Chen, were you thinking about women just now?"

"Hmm?" Bai Chen looked at the first princess unexpectedly. He touched the mask on his face and asked, "I'm wearing a mask, can you tell?"

The first princess sighed and said with a complicated expression: "This is a woman's sixth sense. It turns out that you are really thinking about women."

Is it really that I have no charm at all?

I am around, but I am still thinking about other women.

This feeling is actually not about likes or dislikes, but a sense of defeat of being compared.

She actually learned about Lilia from Bai Chen a long time ago.

As for her attitude towards Bai Chen's love, she felt that as long as she was not married, she would have a chance, and according to the laws of the kingdom, the royal family did not have a monogamous system.

And the person Bai Chen was thinking about just now was definitely not Lilia, but other women!

She was very sure of this!

Bai Chen laughed: "Your sixth sense is comparable to mind reading."

Bai Chen did not explain to the first princess, and there was no need to explain.

"Let's go, let's go into the village."

When they arrived outside the Yanhuo Village, the village guard at the door immediately stopped Bai Chen and asked him why he came.

Bai Chen also answered directly: "I am here to find a former hunter named Raymond. I wonder if he is in the village now?"

"Raymond? He is indeed in the village. I wonder who you are to him?"

"He and I were teammates of the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team. This time I passed by Yanhuo Village and just wanted to find an old friend to reminisce."

"I see." The village guard briefly questioned Bai Chen's purpose and let him go.

Then he was very enthusiastic to show Bai Chen the way and pointed out where Raymond's home was.

After thanking the village guard, Bai Chen took the first princess into the Yanhuo Village.

Watching Bai Chen's back as he left, the village guard looked at his companions in disbelief and asked in a low voice: "They don't seem to be hunters, right? How did they get through the queue of the Hundred Dragons Night Parade to Yanhuo Village?"

Now, the entire Yanhuo Village is on alert, and even hunters find it difficult to reach Yanhuo Village, let alone ordinary people.

"Maybe it's luck that we missed those monsters?"

The two village guards didn't dwell on this matter.

They continued to perform their tasks.

Entering Yanhuo Village, Bai Chen looked around. Yanhuo Village was built on a small island.

The level of the people in the entire Yanhuo Village is higher than Bai Chen imagined.

Every civilian here has a good combat power.

It can be said that compared with Locklak, the average level of the civilians is 20 levels higher than Locklak. He is not clear about the quality of the hunters.

But it should be much better than ordinary hunters.

Walking into the village, the villagers are very curious about the new travelers.

It has been a long time since Yanhuo Village has seen outsiders.

Some vendors took the initiative to talk to Bai Chen, but Bai Chen politely rejected them at first.

His top priority now is to find Raymond.

As he continued to go deeper with the first princess, Bai Chen's eyes were attracted by a dragon girl sitting on a red chair at the village intersection.

She had long black hair, pointed ears, and was wearing a red and white witch costume.

The girl was holding a string of rabbit dumplings in her hand, eating while recording something on the notebook on her thigh.

And beside the girl was a ceramic plate with at least 50 rabbit dumplings piled on it.

When he saw her, Bai Chen immediately understood who the poster girl of Yanhuo Village, who was generally loved by players in the previous life, was. Just by looking at her appearance, he knew what the girl in front of him was without asking.

When the first princess saw her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.

Didn't Lord Bai Chen think about this dragon girl before?

But he shouldn't have met her.

Bai Chen glanced at the other person and then looked away.

He was just curious about what the poster girl looked like before, but now that he had confirmed it, his curiosity was satisfied and it was enough. There was no need to keep staring at her.

And for him, appearance was not part of his criteria.

After passing the other party, Bai Chen continued to look for Raymond in the direction indicated by the village guards.

Huoya looked at Bai Chen and Leivinia curiously.

It was a little strange that there were ordinary people entering Yanhuo Village at this stage.

Suddenly she remembered that she was the poster girl of Yanhuo Village and had to receive the other party.

Huoya swallowed the rabbit dumpling in her hand in two or three bites, then immediately put down her work and hurried to catch up.

"Please stay."

Bai Chen and Leivinia turned their heads to look at Huoya behind them.

The girl had a warm smile on her face, like the warm sun.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" Bai Chen asked the other party.

Huoya quickly introduced herself: "It's our first meeting. My name is Huoya. I don't know how to address you two?"

Bai Chen briefly introduced his name.

Huoya said with a smile: "It's Mr. Baichen and Ms. Leivinia. I'm the receptionist of Yanhuo Village. You two are new here. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Baichen said simply: "I'm here to find Raymond. We were partners in the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team. He was a hunter of the fourth group and I was a hunter of the fifth group. I passed by Yanhuo Village recently, so I thought of visiting my friend."

"New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team? It turns out that Mr. Baichen is a hunter of the fifth group!"

Huoya had naturally heard about the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team.

It is said that it is a survey team that tracks ancient dragons, investigates the ancient dragon crossing phenomenon and investigates the ecology of the New World.

Raymond participated in the selection of the fourth group and successfully became a member of the fourth group. He was active in the New World for a full 10 years.

And the fifth group is said to be all hunters, and all powerful hunters.

She thought Baichen was not a hunter because she saw that Baichen did not carry any weapons or protective gear.

Now it seems that Baichen is probably very powerful.

No wonder he was able to cross the Night Parade of Hundred Dragons without any injuries and come to Yanhuo Village.

Huoya took the initiative to suggest: "If Lord Baichen doesn't mind, how about I lead the way for you? It's still a long way from here to Raymond's business. If you just follow the instructions of the village guards, you may not be able to find him."

"Then please."

Baichen didn't bother to be polite with the other party.

"Please follow me." Huoya led the way for Baichen and Levinia in front.

On the way, Baichen asked Huoya curiously.

"I wonder how Raymond is doing now? Is their business going well?"

"Very well, and they got a big order some time ago." Huoya shared this information with Baichen. After she finished speaking, she said with some regret, "It's a pity that Raymond no longer participates in the hunter's acquisition. It's a pity for his strength."

"It's no wonder that something like that happened in the New World."

At the beginning, Raymond and Rob encountered the most vengeful monster-the brute jaw dragon.

The brute jaw dragon directly blocked them outside the tree hole.

The sense of oppression was still very strong.

And when Raymond developed fear, he was not suitable to continue hunting.

After Bai Chen finished speaking, Huo Ya curiously asked about what happened between Bai Chen and Raymond in the New World.

"Sir Bai Chen, have you ever teamed up with Raymond to hunt before?"

"No, I was not close to him at the beginning, and I just said hello a few times. But later I went to rescue him with the swordsmanship master of the investigation team. After that, he left the New World and gave me all his savings. I received some of his favors, and this time I passed by Yanhuo Village, so I wanted to see him."

"So you are Sir Bai Chen!" Bai Chen talked about how he had saved Raymond, and Huo Ya suddenly realized it.

She said why she felt that the name was very familiar before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"I didn't expect him to mention my name."

"That was a life-saving grace, he naturally mentioned it to everyone, and he has always been very grateful to you."

While the two were chatting, Huo Ya also brought Bai Chen to a store selling all kinds of daily necessities.

At first glance at the store entrance, Raymond himself was not seen.

Huoya walked forward and rang the bell at the door.

Soon, Raymond's voice came from the store.

"I'm here."

About ten seconds later, a sturdy man walked out of the store.

Seeing Huoya, Raymond greeted her: "What kind of wind is this that blew you here, Miss Huoya? Is there anything you want to buy? I'll give you a discount."

"Haha, you said so, then I'll buy some goods and take them back later. But today I'm not here to see you, it's this gentleman who's looking for you."

Huoya pointed to Bai Chen beside her.

Raymond looked at Bai Chen with a mask on his face, frowning slightly, and he didn't recognize Bai Chen for a while.

"Senior Raymond, long time no see." Bai Chen took the initiative to take off his mask.

Seeing Bai Chen, Raymond was stunned in an instant.

Huoya was also curiously looking at him, but when Bai Chen took off his mask, her pupils couldn't help but dilate a little.

Raymond recognized him in disbelief.

Then he rushed forward with ecstasy on his face and hugged Bai Chen.

He shouted excitedly: "Benefactor! I didn't expect it to be you!"

Although Bai Chen's appearance is very different from before, especially the temperament that emanates from him, which makes people feel unreal.

But Raymond can still recognize his savior at a glance.

It was Bai Chen's extremely handsome knight kick that pulled him out of the edge of life and death.

That scene, as dazzling as the dawn, he still often dreams about.

After hugging Bai Chen excitedly for a while, Raymond let go of Bai Chen.

He happily asked: "Benefactor, why did you come to Yanhuo Village?!"

"I attended the Fengshan Dragon Harvest Festival in Lockark not long ago. I just finished my work and wanted to come to Yanhuo Village to see how you were doing. What? Don't you welcome me?"

"Welcome! How could you not be welcome! It's not too late for me to be happy!"

Bai Chen put on his mask again, and Raymond put his arm on Bai Chen's shoulders and introduced Huo Ya again.

"Miss Huo Ya, let me reintroduce you. This is the strongest hunter in the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team, Mr. Bai Chen! He can personally solve the culprit of Gu Longdu. He is called by the guild [Canglan who guides the bright road]. Star], in addition, he is currently the only [Honorary Elder] in the world!”

Huo Ya came back to his senses.

At that moment, she lost consciousness.

Huo Ya maintained her self-cultivation. She bowed slightly and said politely: "I didn't expect it was Lord Canglanxing. I was a little rude just now. Please don't take it to heart."

Leivinia looked at the expression on Huo Ya's face and curled her lips secretly.

"That's it. There's one more person here. It's just acknowledgment. Is it really necessary to take off the mask?"

Leivinia sighed helplessly in her heart.

Bai Chen waved his hand towards Huo Ya and said, "It's just a false reputation, don't take it seriously."

Then, Bai Chen turned to look at Raymond and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know so clearly."

You must know that the communication in the Monster Hunter World is very backward. It is very difficult to learn about the New World in Yanhuo Village.

Raymond scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Although I left the investigation team, I still paid attention to everyone's active performance! It is exactly what I thought at the beginning. It was you, my benefactor, who led the investigation team to unlock the secrets of the New World. ah."

Bai Chen was silent.

It is not difficult to see that Raymond seems to be looking forward to hunting very much.

Maybe you were still a little unwilling to leave the hunting ground at that time, right? After all, he worked for the investigation team for 10 years. After leaving, the mystery of the ancient dragon crossing phenomenon in the New World was solved.

That kind of unwillingness to not see the finale must be very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen took the initiative to invite Raymond and said: "The survey team recently discovered another continent, which was named Icefield. If you want to return to the team, I think the Commander-in-Chief and others will be very happy."

After Bai Chen finished speaking, the happy expression on Raymond's face quickly turned cold.

He looked at his hands and shook his head helplessly: "I'd better forget it. I may never be able to pick up a weapon to hunt again in this life. Now that Yanhuo Village is in crisis, I can't even pick up a weapon to protect it with everyone." Village, even if I return to the New World now, I will only cause trouble. "

Bai Chen didn't think he could make Raymond change his mind with just a few words.

He respected Raymond's own choice.

If he doesn't have the motivation, then nothing he says will be of any use.

Without thinking about those troublesome things, Bai Chen asked Raymond: "By the way, Senior Raymond, have you found any traces of ancient dragon species in Yanhuo Village recently?"

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