Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 362: Sublimation and Return

Bai Chen poured Shuiyun a cup of sake.

Shuiyun seemed to have opened up a chatterbox. She, who was usually not very talkative, talked about many of Huo Ya's advantages.

Even the expression on his face became softer than the usual cold expression.

"The happiest moment is when I can rest on Sister Huo Ya's lap. At that time, I really wish that time could stay at that moment forever."

After saying that, Shui Yun suddenly realized something. She looked at Bai Chen and apologized with a red face.

"Sorry, I just kept talking about my own things."

"It doesn't matter. It's good to listen to these stories while drinking. Besides, someone who feels like you will definitely be very happy. I think Huo Ya will also be happy because of having a sister like you. "

Bai Chen didn't know much about Huo Ya's character, but Shui Yun's character, who likes someone, will focus on that person in her eyes, and still cares about the other person silently, and will not make the other person embarrassed, is really good at it. Makes people feel happy.

"How could it be." Speaking of this Shui Yun said with a somewhat downcast expression, "Compared to Sister Huo Ya, I am very stupid. I often think that if I have an ability or talent that can make everyone think that I am Sister Huo Ya's younger sister Enough"

"In terms of talent, you are indeed not as good as Huo Ya. I can see through other people's talents and abilities. I can't lie about this. In other words, Huo Ya's talent surpasses almost 99.99% of the human beings in this world. Few people can compare to Huo Ya.”

"Sister, you are really awesome!" Shui Yun did not feel aggrieved or unhappy because Huo Ya was praised and she was belittled. On the contrary, she was really happy for Huo Ya's awesomeness.

This point really surprised Bai Chen.

Bai Chen chuckled and said: "She is indeed very powerful, but to a certain extent, you are more powerful than your sister. Maybe you won't change much, but the person you like will definitely be very happy."

The First Princess possesses the talent of [Super Brain] which can enhance her intelligence.

Huo Ya possesses [Talent MAX], a special talent that makes her learning ability far exceed that of her peers.

Shui Yun seems to be the 'residue' of Huo Ya, but her body contains talents that far exceed those of the two.

This talent is called [Sublimation], and it is a rarity 10 move skill.

This is a one-time skill move, and it cannot be used on yourself, it must be used on others.

The effect of this talent is to increase the potential rarity of a person's talents with rarity 10 and below by one level.

For example, Bai Chen's numerous skills could be enhanced by Shui Yun's [Sublimation].

Then those moves and skills with rarity 10 can be upgraded to 11.

Skills and moves such as Soul of Origin and Body of Origin can be improved.

If you add the title of [Dragon of Creation] that can increase the rarity of all skills by 1, then Bai Chen will have a lot of moves and skills with rarity 12.

It can be said that if Shui Yun's [Sublimation] skill can help him once, Bai Chen can completely ascend, and it will not be too difficult to defeat Arceus himself in the future.

This [Sublimation] skill is so powerful.

But this talent is completely blocked at the moment, and this skill has two very strict unlocking conditions.

1. When Shui Yun likes a person wholeheartedly, this talent will lock in the other person.

This is a prerequisite, it must be wholehearted, and it must also be the kind of love that can't hold anyone in your heart.

Only after the prerequisites are met can the second requirement be made.

2. Shuiyun needs to offer everything, including her own talents and her own potential, in order to completely sublimate the other party.

Everything here includes Shui Yun's existing talents and even her characteristics.

After giving everything, they will all disappear, and she will become a complete useless person.

She can't become stronger or acquire any other skills. Even if Bai Chen gives her abilities, Shui Yun can't learn them.

Sublimation is left to others, and the results are left to yourself.

This talent is excellent to others, but to Shui Yun herself, it is poisonous.

In addition, the process of sublimation requires some indescribable activities to allow energy to completely flow into the other party's body.

This kind of activity is what everyone often calls - sexual intercourse.

In other words.

Only when Shui Yun really likes someone and offers her virginity.

Only this talent will be unlocked and completely sublimate the opponent.

To be honest, this skill is a bit scary for Bai Chen.

It is also more coveted by him than any other skill. The most other people can upgrade is to upgrade a few skills and talents.

Bai Chen's sublimation is to sublimate thousands of skills at once.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Shui Yun's talent was tailor-made for her.

After all, he is the only one in the world who can fully unleash all the power of this move.

Even if it was the Huangheilong that Bai Chen encountered before that could use all the skills of the five series, even if he turned into a human form and obtained Shui Yun, his skill improvement would not be as high as Bai Chen's.

But even so, Bai Chen didn't intend to take away Shui Yun's ability.

First of all, the difficulty can be almost judged as impossible to complete, relying on Shuiyun's love for her sister.

In this world, except Huoya, no one can make Shuiyun meet the first unlocking condition.

Let Shuiyun forget her sister and devote herself to one person wholeheartedly. This condition is impossible to achieve even if Baichen uses brainwashing.

Secondly, it is because the cost of this ability to Shuiyun is too high.

Once this skill is used, Shuiyun will really become an absolute useless person and will not be able to obtain any skills.

Just as the skill describes, dedicate everything you have, even your future and your hopes.

This is the real cost of the skill.

Baichen is not willing to let others make such sacrifices for short-term benefits.

To put it bluntly, even if he does not have Shuiyun's sublimation skills, as he continues to analyze and understand the skills, he can increase the rarity of all his skills to 12 or even higher levels in the future without strengthening stones.

It's just that this process will be very time-consuming.

It may take a thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years.

After he obtained AZ's [Eternal Life] talent, he can already achieve immortality.

In addition, if he gets the title of [Dragon of Creation], he can even get a lifespan that exceeds the heaven and earth.

Time has become worthless to him.

After listening to Bai Chen's words, Shui Yun murmured to herself: "The person I like will definitely feel very happy? Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. No matter your intention or talent, the person you like can definitely be called a lucky person."

Being praised by Bai Chen from other perspectives, Shui Yun was still very happy for a while.

Bai Chen said so, so sister must feel happy too, right?

Seeing Shui Yun's happy face when she thought of Huo Ya, Bai Chen couldn't help but think of Liliae, who was separated from him by a world.

"It's been a long time since I came out. I don't know how she is now?"

Liliae didn't come with me this time, just because she needed to find her father.

After so long, Liliae should have found her father.

Maybe it was under the stimulation of alcohol, or maybe it was under the stimulation of the current atmosphere.

That kind of longing is getting stronger and stronger.

Bai Chen stood up, looked up at the sky, and said to Shui Yun: "Sorry, I may have to leave tonight."

"Are you going to find the ancient dragon?"

"No, there is no rush for that plan. You and Huoya can pack your luggage for the next two days. When I come back, we will set off again."

There was no rush for time. Bai Chen opened the hole of the other dimension and put most of his partners into the other dimension.

Only Menghuan and Xiao Xingyun were left.

Bai Chen wanted to return to the Pokémon world now.

Even if it was just to meet, it would be good.

Anyway, traveling through the world is more convenient for him than taking a high-speed train or a plane.

But when he goes back this time, the safety of Yanhuo Village may not be guaranteed. Bai Chen is not sure whether the ancient dragon that caused the disaster will descend on Yanhuo Village as soon as he leaves.

So Bai Chen specially left his partners to help guard it. Bai Chen said to Menghuan: "The safety of Yanhuo Village will be left to you in the few days I am back."

"Meow~" Menghuan nodded and said that such trivial matters would be left to her.

Mew is a level 100 Pokémon with several titles. She is the strongest in the entire Pokémon world.

Even if she encounters the previous Black Dragon, Mew has the strength to fight, and as long as she wants, she can immediately take the whole village to teleport away from here and take refuge elsewhere.

Moreover, for Mew, she has not had enough fun in the Fire Village. Even if Bai Chen asks her to return to the Pokémon world with him, there is a high probability that Mew will refuse.

"Then I will be back soon."

Xiao Xingyun used her power to open an Ultimate Cave.

Bai Chen got on Xiao Xingyun's back and prepared to leave.

And Huoya and Leivinia, who were looking for Bai Chen before, finally found Bai Chen and came to the top floor of the gathering place.

Before the two of them spoke, Bai Chen directly entered the Ultimate Cave, and the Ultimate Cave was directly closed.

Looking at the empty night sky and Mew who waved goodbye to Bai Chen, both of them sighed and felt a little ashamed.

Was it because they were annoyed by the two of them, so they left?

Shui Yun heard the sighs of the two and came back to her senses from the shock. She looked at the two: "Sister Huoya? Miss Leivinia? Why are you two here?"

"Shui Yun, where is Lord Bai Chen going?" Huoya asked hurriedly.

"I don't know, but it seems that he is going to a very far place and will take a few days to come back." Shui Yun answered honestly.

Bai Chen did not explain to her where he was going, and told the three of them to make preparations first and come back in a few days.

At this time, Leivinia, the first princess, sighed again and said: "Lord, you should have left our world."

Huo Ya and Shui Yun looked at each other in surprise: "Leaving our world? What does this mean? Is there another world besides this world?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I heard from the adults that there are countless worlds outside our world, more than the stars in the sky, and that dream is the companion that the adults brought from other worlds."

Regarding the things in the Pokémon world, Leivinia heard Bai Chen mention it a few times during the journey.

She knew that the technological level of that world was much higher than that of their world, and she also knew that Bai Chen's lover was there in that world.

"Alas." Thinking of this, the First Princess sighed.

It's really stupid. I haven't even seen the final boss. Today, I started to compete with Huo Ya first.

After Bai Chen left, the first princess asked Huo Ya, "Is it okay for me to stay at your house during this period? It's not okay for me to stay at Raymond's house temporarily if you leave."

"No problem at all."

Huo Ya still won't compete with Leivinia on this kind of matter.

On the other side, through the Ultimate Cave, Bai Chen successfully returned to the Pokémon world.

He took out his phone and looked at his location. Unexpectedly, he was teleported to the Sinnoh region.

Bai Chen took out his cell phone and contacted Lillie.

After waiting for a while, the call didn't come through.

Bai Chen looked for Lusamine and Gladion again, but received no reply from either of them.

"What happened to them?"

Thinking of this, Bai Chen teleported directly to his own forbidden island.

His spiritual thoughts swept across the island, and Bai Chen unexpectedly discovered that the three lake gods on the island, Bolkenion, and the Dark Lantern Dragon who had completed their transformation. No, the Dark Red Dragon that should have been called Dark Red Dragon have disappeared now.

Only Qilin, Majiana and other friends were left on the island, and Dianxi also stayed on the island.

Just when Bai Chen was wondering where everyone was going, the three holy birds guarding the island flew up.

After asking, Bai Chen knew the cause and effect.

Lillie and others found Morne, who had been missing for many years, in the Crown Snowfield in the Galar region.

But due to a moment of negligence, an ultimate beast kidnapped Morn and took him into the Crown Temple.

Lillie wanted to catch up to find her father, but she didn't want to be directly attacked by a powerful Pokémon in the temple.

Lillie tried to communicate with the other party, but there was no progress.

In desperation, Lillie could only go back to the island to bring in reinforcements, and see if she could use the power of the reinforcements to create an opportunity for her to communicate on an equal footing with the powerful Pokémon in the temple.

After learning the cause and result of the incident, Bai Chen started thinking.

Speaking of the Legendary Pokémon in the Crown Temple, it should be one of the strongest Pokémon in the Galar region, King Raycroon, right?

If King Lei Guan can force Lillie to return to the island to ask for reinforcements, then his level must have reached level 100, and he is also a King Lei Guan who holds the title.

"Interesting." Knowing that there was a strong enemy, Bai Chen turned around and flew towards the Galar region at a speed exceeding three times the speed of sound without making any stops.

If King Lei Guan really wants to fight, Bai Chen will definitely not be afraid of trouble!

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