Jieyun Village.

The biggest feature of this village is the Jieyun wood and hot springs.

This place also attracts tourists from all over the continent who come for the hot springs.

In order not to scare ordinary people here, Bai Chen took the Dark Red Dragon back to the other dimension when he was about to approach Jieyun Village.

Instead, he asked Lilia's Wind Drifting Dragon and other ordinary monsters to help with transportation.

Bai Chen asked the four people to go to Jieyun Village first, and he used teleportation to return to the New World to pick up Raymond, and returned to the Ekana Continent to pick up Aina.

Arriving at the gate of Jieyun Village, Bai Chen asked Lilia and others to go to Jieyun Village for a circle, while he and Raymond went to find Rob first.

At the gate, Raymond stretched and sighed: "Benefactor, your teleportation is really convenient. I didn't expect that a distance of thousands of kilometers can be reached in just a moment."

"These are just tricks. Let's go. Do you know where Rob's house is?"

"Of course."

Bai Chen is ready to repay the last favor.

At the beginning, Rob, like Raymond, gave Bai Chen his dog-tag-like amulet and all kinds of materials he had harvested in the New World.

If he finds Rob again now.

Bai Chen can help him regenerate his broken limbs, and can give him a set of powerful armor like Raymond did.

Following Raymond's steps, the two came all the way to Rob's door.

Raymond knocked on the other party's door, but the other party didn't open the door for a long time.

At this time, the neighbor next door heard the sound and opened his door. He looked up and down at Bai Chen and Raymond and asked, "Who are you two?"

Raymond explained, "We are Rob's friends. I wonder if he is at home now?"

"You knocked for so long and he didn't open the door. Obviously he is not at home."

Raymond asked, "Then do you know where he went?"

"I don't know, but he is a hunter. I haven't seen him for a while. He should have gone out to take a mission, right? After all, it is normal for hunters to go out and not come back for ten days or half a month. Of course, it is also possible that they have died in the wild. Jieyun Village has not been peaceful at all during this period."

"Thank you, then let's go to the gathering house to ask."

After thanking each other, Raymond and Bai Chen also went straight to the gathering house.

The entire Jieyun Village is located at a high altitude. The whole village is like it is built on a mountain peak. Many places require climbing stairs.

Come to the gathering house at the highest point of the village.

The gathering house will not only provide a gathering place for hunters, but also provide accommodation for tourists.

In addition, you can directly take a hot spring bath in the meeting hall of Jieyun Village, which makes people feel a little stuffy as soon as they enter.

Looking around, Bai Chen did not see many hunters and tourists here.

It is the golden season for hot spring bathing now, and it is really rare to have so few tourists here.

When they came to the front desk, two receptionists in pink and blue reception uniforms greeted them.

"Welcome to Jieyun Village, do you want to stay? Or do you want to eat? Or do you want to post a task?"

Bai Chen and Raymond were not wearing protective gear, so the receptionist naturally mistook him and Raymond for tourists.

Bai Chen said to the receptionist: "Sorry, we are not here to check in, we are here to look for someone. Do you know where Rob Hunter is?"

"Rob Hunter?" The receptionist looked at the two and asked curiously, "Can I ask what is your relationship with Rob Hunter?"

Bai Chen said: "We are hunters from the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team. We used to be colleagues with Rob Hunter. We came to Yanhuo Village to look for him this time."

"I see." Seeing that Bai Chen and Raymond did not seem to be lying, the receptionist said, "It's unfortunate. If you are here to look for Rob Hunter, he accepted an investigation mission a week ago and went to investigate the stream. You can also wait for him in Jieyun Village. If everything goes well, you may see him again soon."

Bai Chen naturally knew that the other party was out hunting.

Bai Chen continued to ask: "I wonder if you can conveniently reveal what specific mission he accepted? In addition, I just saw that there were few guests in Jieyun Village on the road. I wonder if something happened nearby?"

The receptionist was a little embarrassed.

These mission information are confidential and cannot be provided to ordinary people.

What's more, the specific mission information of other hunters cannot be provided to other hunters.

If this is provided, things like hunting, murder and looting may happen.

In the history of the Hunter Guild for so many years, such things have happened before.

In this world with low education level, there are many scumbags.

As for the members of the investigation team mentioned by Bai Chen and Raymond, the receptionist would not believe it before seeing the proof.

The receptionist said: "The mission information is very private. Sorry, we can't provide it."

Bai Chen knew that the receptionist should see that he was not a hunter, so he refused to provide the mission information.

Bai Chen rummaged in the other dimension and wanted to take out his hunter certificate, but after searching for a while, he remembered that he had left his hunter certificate with the receptionist there when he was in Rocklark.

The hunter certificate was not on him.

Raymond spoke for Bai Chen and said: "Let me introduce you again. This is Cang Lanxing from the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team."

"Cang Lanxing?" The receptionist had never seen the real Cang Lanxing, and she looked at Bai Chen in confusion, with a suspicious look.

"This is the hero who solved the truth of Gu Longdu."

The receptionist said: "I know the hero Cang Lanxing, but unfortunately I have never really seen that adult, so I can't tell whether you are the real person."

Raymond wanted to argue, and then Bai Chen put one hand on his shoulder and took out another ID.

"This is my honorary elder's badge, this should be able to prove my identity, right?"

The receptionist took the badge from Bai Chen's hand, and she had never really seen what the honorary elder's badge looked like.

But she knew the quality of the material.

This badge is probably forged from ancient dragon-level materials, and it is impossible to replicate.

The receptionist's tone was much more respectful, and she said: "Please wait a moment!"

After that, she took Bai Chen's badge to find the village chief of Jieyun Village.

Soon, a dragon woman wearing a kimono, with her hair piled high and her ears slightly drooping, walked over quickly.

The dragon woman's makeup was very Japanese style.

Holding Bai Chen's badge in her hand, she walked quickly to Bai Chen and bowed to him very respectfully.

"I didn't expect the honorary elder to come to Jieyun Village in person. I wonder if the Jieyun Village Guild Branch can help you in any way?"

The village chief returned the badge to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took it and put it away, saying: "We are here to find our old friend Rob. Can you tell me his whereabouts? What happened near Jieyun Village? Why are there so few tourists here?"

"Sir, please follow me to the reception room. I will explain it to you in detail."

The village chief personally brought Bai Chen and Raymond to the luxurious reception room of the Jieyun Village Assembly Hall.

After arriving here, the village chief asked the receptionist to move all the information Bai Chen needed.

The village chief explained in detail: "In fact, the two things you want to ask are actually one thing. Recently, there have been traces of powerful monsters like Thunder Wolf Dragon in the stream area near Jieyun Village, which has caused many passages leading to Jieyun Village to be blocked, which is why the number of tourists has decreased.

And Hunter Rob took the investigation mission and went to the stream area to investigate the reason why Thunder Wolf Dragon left its habitat. Now he is completing the mission in the stream."

Hearing that the Thunder Wolf Dragon was driven out, Bai Chen's expression was lifted. This is a typical plot in the previous life.

Because the Thunder Wolf Dragon was driven out of its habitat by Lanlong, it began to affect the business of Jieyun Village. At this time, the branch of Jieyun Village asked for help from the headquarters, and then the headquarters sent powerful hunters to help, and then the story unfolded.

After listening to the description of the village chief, Raymond guessed: "Will the disaster of Jieyun Village be the same as the disaster of Yanhuo Village? Yanhuo Village has also been invaded by the Night Walk of Hundred Dragons recently."

Jieyun Village is located in the mountains. Unlike Yanhuo Village, it is difficult to encounter large-scale beast tides here.

But if the ancient dragon intends to drive it away, Jieyun Village will hardly be spared.

Of course, if there is an ancient dragon that is determined to destroy the entire Jieyun Village, it will not choose to drive away the beasts, which is a waste of time.

If the ancient dragon descends directly, Jieyun Village can be completely wiped off the map.

Bai Chen said: "There is this possibility."

Bai Chen asked the village chief a lot of news about the disaster near Jieyun Village.

Bai Chen finally learned a lot from the other party.

He now confirms that it is Lanlong, the ancient dragon of the unlocking level, that brought disaster to the entire Jieyun Village.

Lanlong, there are many nicknames.

For example, names like Great Disaster and Destruction Dragon God.

Lanlong generally has a body similar to that of the Eastern Dragon, and its skeleton is basically the same as that of the Sea Dragon. From the appearance, if Lanlong is placed in the water, it is a full-fledged Sea Dragon. The average body length of Lanlong is 31 meters, with a slender body, softer skin on the back, and a stronger shell on the belly. There is a pair of golden dragon horns growing upward and backward on the head, which are flatter towards the end. The limbs of the Lanlong are fin-like like those of aquatic animals, and the front feet retain several claws.

Although the Lanlong has no wings, it can float in the air for life unless it is restrained by a restraining bullet or dies.

There are some white films of unknown purpose growing all over the body of the Lanlong. The films are related to the ability of the Lanlong to float, and are called "flying membranes". The Lanlong is grayish white in normal conditions. When the Lanlong is angry, the color will turn black, and the carapace on the chest will emit golden fluorescence. This state is called the "great awakening state".

The Lanlong is an ancient dragon with water attributes. Wherever it goes, it brings storms. Some people believe that storms are their means of transportation.

It can be said that the Lanlong is the embodiment of disasters such as floods, rainstorms, tornadoes, etc.

The strength of the Lanlong should not be underestimated.

It belongs to the strongest ancient dragon under the taboo.

Bai Chen thought about it when he heard this.

"Could this Lanlong be the mastermind behind the Night Parade of Hundred Dragons in Yanhuo Village? Lanlong can control the storm, and those monsters that were driven away also had marks like being cut by the wind."

Thinking of this, Bai Chen couldn't sit still.

He had a hunch that Lanlong would be very powerful and would become one of his strong enemies.

Bai Chen stood up and said to the village chief: "Leave this disaster to me to solve."

After saying that, Bai Chen moved directly to a height of thousands of meters above Jieyun Village.

Looking at Bai Chen who suddenly disappeared in the reception room, the village chief looked at the empty cushion in surprise.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she had seen it wrong: "Where did Elder Bai Chen go?"

Raymond explained helplessly: "The benefactor moved away instantly, he should have left Jieyun Village by now, right?"

It was the first time that the village chief saw this scene, and he was a little scared.

Raymond said: "Since the benefactor said to leave it to him, it should be an ancient dragon-level disaster, right?"

Raymond knew that ordinary monsters would hardly attract Bai Chen's interest, and the only monster that could make Bai Chen leave impatiently was the ancient dragon species.

The village chief couldn't believe it: "An ancient dragon-level disaster? If it is really a disaster of this level, it would be difficult for the elder to deal with it alone, right? Isn't this too reckless?"

Raymond was not panicked at all, he said: "Don't worry, the benefactor's strength is beyond our imagination. A few days ago, he only took half an hour to solve the ancient dragon-level disaster in the new world. He can do a lot of things alone."

The village chief didn't feel real. The ancient dragon was named a disaster, and it was not something that could be stopped by human power.

Raymond stopped thinking about the ancient dragon. He asked about Rob's specific whereabouts to see if he could find Rob in advance.

At the same time, in the sky, Bai Chen summoned the Dark Red Dragon.

Let the king of the ancient dragons take him to fly towards the direction of Lingfeng.

Since the Lanlong would drive out monsters such as the Thunder Wolf Dragon, it is very likely that he would use Lingfeng as his habitat and territory.

Although Lanlong's desire to attack is not as strong as other ancient dragons, his territorial awareness is very strong.

If the Dark Red Dragon approaches his territory, then Lanlong is likely to be drawn out by the breath of the Dark Red Dragon.

One person and one dragon went straight towards the direction of Lingfeng.

After flying for an hour or two, Bai Chen in the sky felt a little rain.

The rain hit his face, a little cold, and strangely comfortable.

But as he got closer to Lingfeng, the rain got heavier.

In front of him was the huge cloud tornado covering a diameter of tens of kilometers.

The scale was something Bai Chen had never seen before. The fact that it could cause a disaster of this level proved from the side how strong Lanlong was.

Entering the tornado, the sudden strong wind almost knocked down the forbidden ancient dragon Ming Chilong. Fortunately, Bai Chen deployed the shield in time to prevent Ming Chilong from being blown to the ground by the strong wind.

The wind roared with a speed of more than 200 meters per second in his ears, and the heavy rain in front of him made it impossible to see the front.

Lightning flashed in the tornado ahead.

As a flash of lightning passed, Bai Chen saw the figure of an ancient dragon.

He was flying towards him and Ming Chilong!

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