Settle the affairs of the first princess.

Bai Chen teleported and ‘captured’ Lilia.

Lilia thought Bai Chen was kissing the first princess, but she never thought that Bai Chen would appear in front of her.

Seeing Bai Chen, Lilia was surprised and relieved.

Bai Chen is also a normal man. He must be a little restless after being stimulated before.

And Lilia’s behavior also made Bai Chen a little angry, so he must be ‘punished’.

Lilia suddenly disappeared with Bai Chen.

Only Huo Ya and Shui Yun were left looking at each other, wondering where the other had gone.

When the two saw Lilia again, it was already noon the next day.

Bai Chen didn’t look any different, but Lilia’s face was flushed.

Even if the three didn’t know what the two did last night, seeing that Lilia was outside with Bai Chen all night, the three more or less guessed the truth.

When they had lunch together at noon, Leivinia was more proactive than yesterday, and even ate next to Baichen at noon.

Baichen didn't show much resistance to this.

Lilia also looked as if she didn't see it.

This surprised Huoya even more, and she didn't know what happened last night.

Huoya wanted to ask the first princess, but she didn't expect that Leivinia would resign directly from Baichen before she asked in the afternoon.

She and Baichen have now agreed to be the greatest queen in history, and she is now rushing back to fulfill her agreement with Baichen.

Baichen didn't stop Leivinia from leaving. Anyway, if he needs Leivinia's super brain assistance later, he can just teleport to the kingdom directly.

For him, it's just a matter of a moment.

After Leivinia packed her luggage, Baichen used teleportation to send Leivinia to the roof of the palace.

At the time of parting, Bai Chen handed Leivinia a monster ball and said, "This is the newly released ancient dragon species I captured in the New World, named Tiandi Huangti Dragon. Your safety will be temporarily entrusted to her."

Bai Chen didn't know whether he would encounter some troubles in the future and fall into a deep sleep.

Since he was going to give the first princess a chance, he still had to ensure her safety.

Tiandi Huangti Dragon, the [Great Existence] of the New World.

As a monster with super power + dragon type, she can help the first princess in terms of super power.

In addition, Tiandi Huangti Dragon is level 90. As a released ancient dragon species, it can beat almost all other existences except those with titles or forbidden monsters.

Levinia also took the monster ball from Bai Chen.

Bai Chen then took out another Z-pure crystal and gave it to Levinia, saying, "This is the exclusive Z-moves I promised you before. This move is called [Resurrection of All Things]. After using it, even if Tiandi Huangtilong is seriously injured, you can recover at least half of his injuries. Moreover, this move is a large-scale treatment. Within the coverage of the move, everyone's injuries will be recovered."

This Z-pure crystal strengthened Levinia's newly learned healing move - Healing Wave. This skill changed on Levinia and became [Healing Aurora].

Although Levinia obtained most of the psychic moves given to her by Bai Chen.

But due to her own racial value and level and other issues, Levinia's own combat power is still very weak.

At this time, if she can let Tiandi Huangtilong help her strengthen it, plus [Eternal Life], Levinia can be regarded as half invincible in this world.

"In addition, Tiandi Huangtilong has also learned the trick of becoming small, so you can keep her with you at all times."

"Yes!" After accepting the various items given to her by Bai Chen, Leivinia was also full of confidence.

When they parted, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Bai Chen's cheek, saying: "I will try my best to complete the task you gave me!"

"Come on, I will come to the kingdom to find you when I need your help."

After saying that, Bai Chen said goodbye to the first princess and left the kingdom.

Regarding making Leivinia the greatest queen, Bai Chen did not just let Leivinia practice and develop her skills.

Another reason is the title issue.

After this period of exploration, Bai Chen also understood the triggering conditions of the title task.

For example, when Bai Chen was preparing to participate in the Pokémon World Championships, he triggered the title task of [Pokémon Champion].

If Leivinia can become the queen, then she may also trigger the title task related to the queen.

At that time, she can also obtain the title blessing related to the queen.

After so long, Bai Chen also found that the truly rare thing might not be a single extremely rare skill, but the title.

The conditions for this thing to appear are different, and there is no fixed condition for people to refer to.

And many titles are unique.

Just like the King Trial of the Dark Red Dragon, if the Dark Red Dragon becomes the King of Ancient Dragons, then no one can get the title of the King of Ancient Dragons again.

Even Bai Chen can't do it.

Levinia looked at Bai Chen who was leaving, she took a deep breath and calmed down her thoughts of wanting to see Bai Chen.

Returning to this "cage" again, the first princess was still a little lost.

But when she thought that if she became the greatest queen, she could be with the person she loved forever, she felt full of motivation again.

Thinking of this, Leivinia walked down the rooftop of the kingdom.

As soon as she appeared in the palace, she caused an uproar. Everyone in the palace knew that the first princess had gone out to travel with Bai Chen.

Now that the first princess is back, does that mean that Bai Chen is back too?

As a result, everyone looked and found that only the princess came back.

Back in the palace, Leivinia also took a bath and changed her clothes, and then was summoned by her father and mother to the audience hall.

Just as the first princess was about to go in, she didn't expect the third princess to come after hearing the news.

Seeing her sister whom she hadn't seen for a while.

The once willful third princess was very happy to hold her sister's hand.

"Sister, did you encounter anything fun this time?"

Although the third princess had lived a so-called [second life] because of Bai Chen's power and changed some of her willful personality, she still maintained a high curiosity about the outside of the palace.

Last time, she didn't make a fuss about going with her sister because she didn't dare to have more contact with Bai Chen.

She was afraid that Bai Chen would make her live a desperate and painful [third life] again.

Leivinia touched her sister's head and smiled, "Wait a minute, I'll tell you slowly. I have something important to discuss with my father and mother now."

The princess entered the audience hall while being summoned.

Looking at their daughter whom they hadn't seen for a long time, the king and the queen looked at the first princess with some concern in their eyes.

Going out with Bai Chen, although they didn't need to worry about their daughter's safety, they didn't know whether Leivinia ate well, slept well, and had fun.

Most importantly, the king didn't know how his daughter and Bai Chen were progressing.

The king asked Leivinia these questions one by one.

Leivinia also told her father and mother in detail about Bai Chen's capture of Xialong, Fengshanlong, and Lingshanlong, and also told the story of defeating Lanlong some time ago.

During the story, she also used superpowers to show the scenes in her mind to the two of them in a loving and affectionate way.

After seeing the new abilities displayed by Leivinia, the two were very shocked.

They knew their daughter best. Although Leivinia was born smart, she would never use the same abilities as Bai Chen.

This was the ability that Bai Chen gave to his daughter.

When talking about the progress with Bai Chen, Leivinia paused, looked at her father, and boldly proposed the idea of ​​inheriting the throne now.

This caused an uproar in the hall.

To be honest, with just these words, the king could arrest his daughter on the charge of treason and put her in jail.

But the king did not do so. He asked his daughter in detail why she suddenly wanted to inherit the throne.

Now the king has three children.

The second prince is brave, but reckless and reckless.

The third princess is smart, but extremely willful.

Compared with these two, the first princess is steady and intelligent. Since childhood, the first princess has many admirers.

Now in the palace, the first princess has the highest voice as the next successor.

If it is announced now that Leivinia will become the new queen, the whole kingdom will be shaken, but it will not be a big deal.

Leivinia did not hide it, but told her parents in detail about her agreement with Bai Chen.

After listening, the king did not understand Bai Chen's intention.

To be honest, Bai Chen's strength is not enough to think about the throne of the royal family.

If Bai Chen wants, he doesn't need to take the throne. He only needs to advertise to the world that he wants to build a country.

At least half of the people in the world will leave their villages or countries and go to Bai Chen.

If a country is protected by the ancient dragon species, it is more convincing and recognized than any royal bloodline.

At worst, Bai Chen will directly take away his throne. All over the country, whether nobles or civilians, even if they are dissatisfied with Bai Chen, they will not do anything to Bai Chen.

As long as Bai Chen governs properly, in fifty years at most, Bai Chen will be able to successfully become the only royal family in the kingdom, and no one will remember their original royal family.

But now, Bai Chen lets Leiwenia inherit the throne and wants Leiwenia to be the new queen.

The reason behind this is very intriguing.

Leiwenia also knows her father's concerns, and she explained: "Lord Bai probably wants me to gain some powerful abilities in this way."

After Leiwenia unlocks the think tank, she can see other people's panels and the existence of titles.

She is smart and knows very well that Bai Chen is probably aiming at titles such as [The Greatest Emperor].

To be honest, she is also very interested in this title.

"Powerful abilities? What abilities will you gain by becoming a king?"

The king has been at the pinnacle of power for a long time, and he doesn't feel that he has any new abilities.

Leiwenia did not explain in detail, and the titles are generally world-class titles.

If you want to get a title, you have to do it to the extreme, so Bai Chen said that he would make her the greatest queen.

After talking a little more, the king immediately decided to list Leivinia as the heir to the throne.

Next, Leivinia needs to gradually take over the king's work, and get the recognition of the people and nobles, and finally become the new queen of the kingdom.

From the king's heart, if Leivinia really wants to be the queen, then let Leivinia be the queen.

Anyway, he originally planned to let his eldest daughter be the new queen.

But many things require a gradual process, and the same is true for the succession to the throne.

Leivinia naturally understands the king's thoughts, and she also knows that this is a necessary procedure.

After leaving, Leivinia looked at the flag of the kingdom behind the king.

The flag of the kingdom depicts a black dragon totem.

Leivinia silently made up her mind in her heart that when she became the queen, the first thing she would do was to change the flag of the kingdom to the totem of the Baichen Origin Giant.

That is the "God" of mankind, not the evil dragon.

On the other hand, Baichen, who returned to Jieyun Village again, was also ready to leave here.

Bai Chen summoned Lanlong. He rode Lanlong and took Huoya and others to continue looking for the ancient dragon species that caused the Night Parade of Hundred Dragons to harm Yanhuo Village.

Now Bai Chen is 100% sure that it was not Lanlong that caused the Night Parade of Hundred Dragons, but other monsters that can control the strong wind.

As a forbidden ancient dragon that can release tornadoes, rainstorms, and lightning, Lanlong's perception of wind direction and lightning is still very strong.

Combined with the resonance ability of Huoya and Shuiyun.

It only took Bai Chen five days to find the culprits of the Night Parade of Hundred Dragons in [Dragon Palace] - Wind God Dragon and Thunder God Dragon.

These two ancient dragon species, one is a master of using strong winds, and the other is a master of using lightning.

Both ancient dragons are level 100 ancient dragons, belonging to the forbidden monsters.

Bai Chen did not personally go down, nor did he let Lanlong take action.

After handing these two monsters over to the Exterminating Dragon and the Dark Red Dragon, Bai Chen successfully subdued these two forbidden ancient dragon species.

It is worth mentioning that Nergigante activated its fifth gear state in this battle.

In the first gear state, Nergigante can obtain a powerful ability bonus.

In the second gear state, Nergigante can generate thorns and erode the earth.

In the third gear state, the strength of Nergigante's thorns increases.

In the fourth gear state, Nergigante gains a recovery power equivalent to that of the Dark Red Dragon absorbing the dragon vein energy.

When the fifth gear is activated, the earth collapses and the sky is dyed into a blood moon.

When this state is activated, almost all the ancient dragons below the taboo level have their influence on the weather and the venue suppressed by Nergigante.

And in this state, the enemy's health will be continuously weakened and eroded.

Even for the ancient dragon, it will take at most two or three hours before it will be completely eroded by this erosive force.

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