Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 382 Princess Qiqie: I seem to be dreaming!

After talking to Yang Yan about Lan Long's situation.

Yang Yan's expression was very complicated.

Lan Long was defeated and subdued by Bai Chen, which was good news for Yang Yan, but facing Lan Long who destroyed his hometown, his emotions were still very complicated.

On the one hand, he wanted to take revenge himself, and on the other hand, he knew that he might not have the opportunity to seek revenge on the extremely powerful ancient dragon in his lifetime.

After thinking for a while, Yang Yan sorted out his emotions, bowed to Bai Chen seriously and thanked him, saying that thanks to Bai Chen's help, the current Moon City was liberated.

Lan Long's previous territory and range of activities were near Lingfeng and Moon City.

Now that Bai Chen successfully subdued Lan Long, Yang Yan had the opportunity to return to his homeland.

Facing Yang Yan's thanks, Bai Chen waved his hand and said that it was just a piece of cake.

After formally saying goodbye to everyone in Yanhuo Village, Bai Chen and Huo Ya followed Fioraina on a boat to prepare to go to Elgard, the base of the kingdom.

Elgard is a stronghold built in the port. Like the previous Xingchen stronghold, this stronghold lacks a lot of supplies and is a stronghold on the poverty line.

There is a lack of resources and manpower here, but the facilities are relatively complete. It is just that there is no training ground here for various reasons.

After arriving in Elgard, Fiolaina led Bai Chen in front, and the three of them prepared to go to the headquarters to meet the highest commander of this stronghold-the admiral.

Along the way, Bai Chen simply took a look at the personnel configuration of Elgard. There are very few hunters here. At a glance, there are only less than ten hunters, and the number of knights is not large, only a small number.

When passing the bulletin board for the release of the task, Fiolaina walked over specially.

Bai Chen followed behind Fiolaina.

When she came here, Fiolaina said respectfully to the poster girl: "Your Highness Qiqi, I'm back."

The Qiqi mentioned by Fiolaina is a short-haired girl who looks like she may be only thirteen or fourteen years old.

From Fiorina's respectful attitude and the noble aura emanating from the girl, Bai Chen knew with his toes that this poster girl had a high status, and that Fiorina, the leader of the knights, was so respectful, so this girl named Qiqi was at least a princess.

The truth of the matter was just as Bai Chen guessed, this girl was indeed the first princess of the kingdom, and her status was equal to Leivinia.

Qiqi came to Elgard just to help Elgard, which was very short of people.

Of course, these were things that Bai Chen knew later.

Now he didn't know the girl's true identity.

Qi Qie smiled and nodded to Fiorina, saying, "Welcome back, Fiorina, how is the pursuit mission of the Ice Wolf Dragon going?"

"It lived up to expectations and successfully defeated the Ice Wolf Dragon. In addition, I also invited powerful foreign aid this time when I went to Yanhuo Village."

Fiorena made way for Qi Qie and introduced her, "This is Mr. Bai Chen, the Blue Star of the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team and the Honorary Elder of the Hunter Guild."

As the first princess of the kingdom, Qi Qie may not have heard of Bai Chen.

But as the poster girl of the guild, she is very familiar with the titles of the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team, Blue Star, and Honorary Elder.

Some time ago, she also received a notice from the guild headquarters, indicating that a new honorary elder was born, and in the future all hunter guilds will provide Bai Chen with all the help he needs.

Qi Qie didn't expect that she would meet this legend in Elgard.

Qi Qie's eyes lit up. She walked to Bai Chen in two or three steps, looked at Bai Chen nervously and said, "Mr. Bai Chen, I have heard of your name for a long time. I wonder if I can shake hands with you?"

"Of course." Bai Chen stretched out his hand to Qi Qie indifferently.

Qi Qie excitedly held Bai Chen's hand with both hands.

Qi Qie muttered in her heart: "I thought legends would have thick calluses on their hands because they often hold weapons. I didn't expect that this legend's hands don't look like he has practiced martial arts. Is he an imposter?"

Although Qi Qie had some doubts in her heart, she was very well behaved and didn't question Bai Chen in person.

She shook her hands and said happily: "I didn't expect to see my idol in Elgard and shake hands with him. This is definitely the happiest moment of my day!"

Bai Chen laughed and greeted Qi Qie. Then he asked Qi Qie directly: "I wonder if there are any traces of other ancient dragons besides the Kaiju Silver Dragon near Elgard?"

"Ancient dragon species?" Qi Qie hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are you planning to defeat the ancient dragon species?"

Qi Qie was a little worried about Bai Chen's safety. Although she heard that Canglanxing had defeated an ancient dragon species called the Dark Lantern Dragon in the New World, it was just a rumor after all, and no one knew the truth of the matter.

Fiorena heard the worry in the tone of her own princess.

"Excuse me." She took two steps forward and leaned over to whisper in Qi Qie's ear.

Qi Qie's eyes widened in disbelief when she heard Bai Chen pinch Fiorina's sword with two fingers.

When she looked at Bai Chen again, there was no more doubt in her eyes, but admiration and surprise.

Fiorina had no reason to lie to her, in other words, the person in front of her was really Cang Lanxing!

Qi Qi bowed politely and apologized to Bai Chen: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai Chen, I had some doubts about your identity before."

Bai Chen said it didn't matter.

Qiqie then said: "As for the ancient dragon species, there are two or three sighting reports of the ancient dragon species in the fortress highlands. If you want, I can sort them out for you."

"Then it's up to you."

From the sighting reports of two or three ancient dragon species, if we can learn the location of some ancient dragon species, and let the extermination dragon hunt those ancient dragon species.

It's just around the corner that Nergigante will get a new title.

Qiqie continued: "It may take a while to sort out the information. You can go do other things first, and I will send it to you after I have sorted it out."

Bai Chen's identity allows him to view all the file information, and the ancient dragon species information that is regarded as confidential can be contributed to Bai Chen.


Bai Chen didn't waste time. He first followed Fiolena to visit the top commander of the stronghold, Admiral Garreas.

Admiral Gareas is the leader of the kingdom's knights and the commander of the observation base Elgard.

Although he is taciturn, his majestic appearance and practical leadership ability not only gain the trust of the kingdom's knights, but also the entire kingdom's trust in him.

After saying hello to the commander of this stronghold, Fiolena also thoughtfully helped Bai Chen and Huo Ya arrange their accommodation.

Although Bai Chen won't stay in Elgaard for too long, she was the one who asked for help after all. If she doesn't even have a place to stay, it would be unreasonable or too negligent.

Got a room that I was happy with in terms of decor and location.

On the way here, Bai Chen also learned the true identity of Princess Qiqie from Fiolena.

In addition, Bai Chen also learned from Fiolena that Qiqie had only recently come to Elgaard.

Probably while the Hundred Dragons Night Walk in Yanhuo Village continued, Qiqie gave up the luxurious life in the palace and came to Elgard, a stronghold with insufficient supplies and manpower, to help.

At that time, Qiqie even cut her long hair short to express her determination.

After hearing what happened to Qiqie, Bai Chen still had a good impression of the princess.

After talking to Bai Chen about something, Fiolena was also going to go to the meeting place to find Qiqie to submit her task.

Only Bai Chen and Huo Ya were left in the room.

Bai Chen didn't waste time. He summoned the ancient dragons from his own extra-dimensional space. Bai Chen asked Huo Ya to use the ancient dragons to exercise his own characteristics.

The characteristics of fire buds are not just as simple as being able to resonate with ancient dragons. The characteristics of fire buds can theoretically resonate with powerful creatures in other worlds, such as legendary Pokémon and other powerful creatures from other worlds. Fire buds can even resonate with invisible creatures. Natural will resonates.

This characteristic is as outrageous as Leivinia's super-brain skill, and it is a special talent that leads directly to the realm of God.

Imagine that one day in the future, Huo Ya can really resonate with the invisible consciousness such as natural will, then Huo Ya can be said to be the messenger of natural will.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a witch who communicates with gods.

It is extremely difficult to control this characteristic. Before Bai Chen discovered Huo Ya, Huo Ya had never resonated with other ancient dragons. It was only after Bai Chen told Huo Ya that Huo Ya finally knew that he still had such a talent.

In addition, and most importantly, Bai Chen is probably the only one in the world who can provide Huo Ya with the resources and knowledge to practice his characteristics.

The concept of finding an ancient dragon to resonate with oneself in the wild is still different from that of resonating with an ancient dragon with Bai Chen's help.

Bai Chen said to Huo Ya: "You should try to resonate with Lan Long first. Lan Long is very strong. If you can force her to resonate with her, then generally other ancient dragon species can force you to do so just by seeing the other person." Resonate with the other party, and your search radius will be greatly increased.”

"Yes~" Huo Ya, under Bai Chen's command, began to try to resonate with Lan Long.

Bai Chen, who was bored in his free time, was dragged by Ao Tu Na to play chess.

After probably playing three or four games of chess in the room, Bai Chen's door was knocked, and Qiqie's voice came from outside the room.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I have sorted out the information you need and sent it to you."

Bai Chen used his mind power to unlock the door and shouted to the door: "Please come in, the door lock is unlocked."

"Excuse me." Qiqie opened the door of Bai Chen's room with the information in his arms.

As soon as the door opened, Qiqie felt as if he had opened the door to hell.

The powerful coercion emanating from those ancient dragon species made her breathless.

Look into the room.

An ancient white dragon with six wings and four legs sat opposite Bai Chen and played chess with Bai Chen. In Bai Chen's arms, he held a two-winged, four-legged ancient dragon with black and white thorns all over its body.

In the sky above the room, there were two miniature versions of the Wind and Thunder Dragons flying on the roof.

When they are intertwined, they will emit faint fluorescence, as if they are performing some special ritual.

There was also the small Lanron flying around Huo Ya's head.

That cologne gave people a sense of oppression that made people feel cold all over.

Seeing this scene in the room, Qiqie's head suddenly short-circuited, and he fell backwards and passed out? !

A thud.

Huo Ya was startled by the loud noise.

Turning around to look, she found that Princess Qiqie had passed out.

"Ah la la, are you scared?"

Huo Ya walked over and picked up Qiqie who was on the ground.

Normal people would probably react this way when seeing so many ancient dragons.

The scene in this room can really scare the average person.

When she first saw it, she was also shocked by the strong pressure emanating from the ancient dragons.

Fortunately, her years of experience helped her survive.

Huoya put Qiqie on the bed and waited for her to wake up naturally.

After doing this, Huoya picked up the reports on the ground, sorted them out and handed them to Baichen.

"My lord, this is the information of the ancient dragon species."

Baichen replied casually: "Well, just put it aside."

Baichen seemed to have not seen Qiqie throughout the whole process, playing chess with Aotuna.

He was at the moment of "life and death".

Baichen did not expect that in just a few days, Aotuna's chess skills had improved so much.

So if Baichen did not concentrate on playing chess with Aotuna now, he would not even have a 10% chance of winning.

This is related to the master's majesty!

While Baichen was playing chess, Huoya continued to communicate with Lanlong about her characteristics.

About seven or eight minutes later, Qiqie, who had fainted, woke up slowly.

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, Qi Qie sat up from the bed and whispered, "I had an incredible dream. I saw many ancient dragon species and one of them was playing chess."

"Ah, you're awake." Noticing that Qi Qie had woken up, Huo Ya asked Qi Qie with concern, "You just fainted. Is there anything wrong with your head now?"

Hearing Huo Ya's voice, Qi Qie looked up at Huo Ya and Lan Long beside Huo Ya.

She was silent for a moment, then lay back on the bed, whispering, "I didn't expect to still be dreaming. I'd better sleep for a while."

But Qi Qie lay on the bed for half a minute, and she suddenly sat up from the bed again, saying in disbelief, "Why can't I sleep!"

"Hehe." Huo Ya didn't expect this Princess Qi Qie to be so cute, she explained, "Because this is not a dream."

Qi Qie pointed at Lan Long beside Huo Ya and asked in confusion, "But I saw the God of Destruction Dragon there, sorry, I seem to have seen it wrong."

Qi Qie thought that Lan Long was the only one who could see him.

The kingdom has relevant records about Jue Yin Long and Lan Long.

The title of Destruction Dragon God was established through the destruction of villages and kingdoms.

How could this ancient dragon species, the incarnation of natural disasters, appear here? ? ?

"You are not mistaken, this is indeed Lan Long, Master Bai's partner, and the ancient dragon species in the room are all Master's partners."

"Ah?" Qi Qi still couldn't believe it. In this day and age, there are still people who can subdue ancient dragon species?

What's the difference between that and directly conquering nature? Ancient dragon species are the incarnation of natural disasters!

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