Meow has extraordinary combat potential.

She has two titles - [Origin Gene Carrier] and [Pokémon Origin].

Meow has all the genes of Pokémon in her body, in other words, she can learn all types and kinds of Pokémon skills.

The title of [Origin Gene Carrier] removes the restrictions on Meow's learning skills, and she can learn all other skills except Pokémon skills!

And this title has another advantage, that is, once a day, the proficiency of any skill she has learned can be raised to the regular level! And get the corresponding regular level suffix!

The title of [Pokémon Origin] strengthens Meow's [Transformation] move.

Originally, the transformation move can only change the appearance of the enemy, and have the same skills as the target, and the proficiency of the skill takes the highest value of the transformation move.

For example, the entry-level transformation, after changing into someone else's appearance, even if you get the same skills, the proficiency is only the entry-level.

And Meow's mythical transformation moves, the skills learned, are of course all mythical moves.

The title [Pokémon Origin] also unlocks restrictions.

Now the transformation can not only imitate appearance and skills, but also imitate race values, and can also randomly imitate a target's title!

The original race value of Mew is only 600 points.

With the blessing of this title, if she transforms into Rayquaza, her race value will reach 780 points, the same as Mega Rayquaza.

This transformation will obtain almost the same attribute values ​​as the opponent.

And randomly imitating a target's title can also give her very powerful combat power.

If these moves are used well, Mew can directly become the most powerful Pokémon in the world.

Ye Ci muttered: "I didn't expect it to be Mew."

Mew is also a legendary Pokémon that others rarely see.

Ye Ci is now very curious about how many legendary Pokémon Bai Chen has.

At this moment, everyone at the scene is very curious about what Mew will transform into. Will it be Ho-Oh?

Facing Ye Ci's Ice Rock Monster, Mew did not transform into Ho-Oh, and did not even transform into any fire-type Pokémon.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mew transformed into Bai Chen's appearance.

After seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"What is this? Mew has turned into the trainer's appearance? She is not going to use this appearance to defeat the Ice Rock Monster? What a joke??"

Not only Ye Ci was stunned.

Even Dan Di in the contestant room was puzzled.

Even the novice trainers who have just embarked on the journey know that the transformation skill can transform into the trainer's appearance. In addition to imitating the appearance, no ability can be used.

However, only a few people know what is going on.

Liliae, who was watching the game in the VIP room, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Mew is treating Bai Chen as the most powerful existence in her cognition."

Liliae can understand Mew's thoughts very well. Bai Chen is indeed ridiculously strong now, and to some extent, Mew and Bai Chen are very similar!

She can't transform into any Pokémon as well as Bai Chen. Bai Chen is the most suitable for her!

Bai Chen saw Mew transforming into himself, and he smiled helplessly and shook his head.

He didn't let Mew transform into himself, it was Mew who wanted to become him.

Bai Chen simply checked Huanhuan's panel.

Huanhuan copied the title of [Infinite Energy] from him, and her own title upgraded a skill called [Seal] from the myth level to the rule level, adding a rule-level suffix that cannot be removed within 24 hours.

Huanhuan has now become his appearance. Although she did not copy the title of Creator Dragon, the highest level of the skill she copied was only rarity 11, and only one skill with an infinite core was rarity 11, and the other skills were all rarity 10 at the strongest.

But Huanhuan has an advantage that Bai Chen has never had, and to some extent, Huanhuan can rely on this advantage to be more powerful than his original body!

That is, the thousands of skills she copied from Bai Chen are all myth level! ! !

The myth level transformation skill can upgrade all the skills of the transformed object to the myth level! ! !

When Ye Ci was still wondering why Huanhuan wanted to become Bai Chen's appearance, Huanhuan suddenly snapped his fingers while wearing Bai Chen's appearance.

Then, Mew appeared silently behind the Ice Rock Monster.

Then Mew used the signature skill of Flame King Dragon [Nova].


A violent explosion sounded, and the flames directly covered the entire battlefield. The barriers in the surrounding venues were instantly broken because they could not withstand the power of the moves.

Fortunately, Bai Chen was quick-witted and used barriers to cover the entire venue, so that no one in the audience was injured.

When the blazing flames gradually died down, they looked at the center of the venue, and they all showed extremely shocked expressions, and their mouths were so wide that they could fit a big apple.

The venue was completely melted into magma by the flames, and the entire venue sank one meter.

Looking at the Ice Rock Monster again, it completely lost its combat ability.

With just one blow, Mew defeated the Ice Rock Monster.

Host: "What did I see? Why can Mew, who has become a trainer, use such a powerful explosion??"

This question is also a puzzle for everyone.

The appearance of Bai Chen, the incarnation of Dream, floated in the air using the electromagnetic levitation skill.

Ye Ci looked at Bai Chen, and then looked at the floating 'Bai Chen' in the air. She was very smart and knew what was going on.

Dream used such a powerful move. In other words, Bai Chen, as a trainer, also had equal ability and exactly the same move skills.

Ye Ci took back her Ice Rock Monster.

She said to Bai Chen: "You really exceeded my imagination. You are really powerful. Next, use the last Pokémon to solve the battle. This is the strongest trump card prepared for Dandi. I hope it can make you feel some pressure."

Ye Ci did not think that her trump card could defeat Bai Chen.

She was very sensible and said that she hoped to put pressure on Bai Chen.

"Millarton, it's decided to be you."

Ye Ci sent out her last trump card!

One of the cover gods of the Padiya region, Milton!

As Milton appeared, her hadron engine characteristics were activated, and the whole field became an electric field.

Milton is blue, with strong lightning flashing on her body, and her style is full of technology.

Milton seems to be the iron snake mentioned in ancient books. Legend has it that she used lightning to turn the earth into ashes.

She has a similar impression to the motorcycle lizard, but she is much stronger and colder than the motorcycle lizard.

Details about her are still unknown. The name Milton was given by the doctor who discovered her. She has observation and insight that can see through even the personality. Although she seems to have adapted to humans, she still strictly selects her opponents.

She has a calm and calm trait. In battle, she will predict the opponent's actions and attack the opponent's weaknesses. Her expression rarely changes, and only the color of her eyeballs and changes in her pupils can be seen. But these changes are also lifeless, and it should be difficult to interpret the subtle expressions of her emotions.

When she is in full mode, she always floats in a favorable position to contain enemies on the ground. The attacks she launches with her claws and teeth will be electrified, and no matter how strong the opponent's body is, she can use the energy generated by her internal organs when swinging her tail to stun the opponent with one blow.

Milton is a paradoxical Pokémon in the Padia region.

Paradoxical Pokémon are a series of mysterious creatures and mysterious objects similar to certain Pokémon that were discovered in the Padia Pit.

Paradoxical Pokémon include ancient Pokémon and future Pokémon. Ancient Pokémon are paradoxical Pokémon that appeared in "Red", and future Pokémon are paradoxical Pokémon that appeared in "Purple".

Paradoxical Pokémon are Pokémon from a different timeline than the present, that is, modern Pokémon in ancient times or future times.

The appearance of paradoxical Pokémon is related to the research of two professors. The two professors have a high enthusiasm for Pokémon from other times. They are each fascinated by ancient Pokémon and future Pokémon, and dream of creating a world where paradoxical Pokémon and modern Pokémon can live together happily.

However, the primitive and root power from the distant ancient times is too violent, and the unknown power from the distant future that has evolved to the extreme is too powerful. Their vitality will destroy the modern ecosystem.

Bai Chen didn't expect that he could actually see the paradoxical Pokémon on the highest stage of Pokémon trainers, and it was Miladon from the future era with a race value of 670 points.

What surprised Bai Chen the most was that Miladon was level 100 and had two titles.

The titles of [Paradise Guardian] and [Future Snake].

The effect of Paradise Guardian is similar to that of Bud Crown King. When Miladon is in the paradise, Miladon's combat power will be greatly improved.

The title of [Future Snake] strengthens Miladon's exclusive move - Lightning Rush.

The effect of this move is to run at high speed while transforming, and penetrate the opponent with unknown electric shocks. If it targets the weakness, that is, when facing an opponent with unfavorable attributes, the power will be further increased.

This title adds the suffix of time and space jump to this move.

When Miladon uses this move, Miladon's attack will disappear for a short time, as if entering a time and space tunnel, and will hit the enemy 100%.

Miladon's appearance brought the atmosphere to a higher level.

No one expected that Ye Ci would send out such a powerful Pokémon.

Mew faced Millerton.

He was the first to use the Snow Spear of the Bud Crown King to attack. With the blessing of infinite energy, the Snow Spear used by Mew was twice as powerful as that used by the Bud Crown King himself.

Faced with Mew's attack, Millerton immediately used 100,000 volts under Ye Ci's command.

The two moves collided in the air, and finally an even more shocking explosion broke out, and the entire arena seemed to be broken because of it!

Mew imitated Bai Chen.

After Bai Chen evolved into the origin species, his rarity had reached rarity 10, and his own race value was exactly the same as that of other cover gods.

The collision of the combat power of the two Pokémon completely exceeded the endurance limit of the arena. If Bai Chen had not used a barrier to protect the entire arena, the arena would have been destroyed by now, and there would have been a large number of casualties.

After one blow, Ye Ci used 100,000 volts again on Millerton.

But what she never expected was that Millerton could not use this move.

After helping Milton dodge the snow spear again, Yesi finally understood what was going on.

Just in the previous explosion, Menghuan used the explosion light to use the sealing move, which completely sealed the 100,000 volt move.

After thinking about it, Ye Ci didn't take it seriously. Although the sealing skill is powerful, it is not the most absolute.

The seal is also time-limited.

What's more, Millerton has other skills to use, so there is no need to panic.

However, when the battle continued, Ye Ci gradually discovered the problem.

When Millerton used Metal Sound once, Millerton could no longer use Metal Sound.

When Millerton used Thunder once, Millerton became unable to use Thunder again.

Then she didn't believe in evil and asked Millerton to use Dragon Wave, but after using it once, Millerton became unable to use it again.

She didn't believe in evil and asked Millerton to use Overheating. After using it, it still became unusable.

After Millerton's 30 skills were sealed, Ye Ci couldn't hold it anymore.

"Are you kidding me? Even if it's Dream's original body, it's impossible to seal so many skills! Dream has become Bai Chen's appearance, why can he seal so many skills?"

The reason behind this made her dare not imagine.

If what she thought was true, then this world is really crazy!

After fighting for 5 minutes, only one skill of Millerton was sealed - Lightning Rush.

This skill was the only one that Dream didn't master.

Ye Ci could only order Millerton to use Lightning Rush.

Being a little unhappy about the unavoidable attack, Dream used Bai Chen's [Lord of Disaster] skill.

Lord of Disaster (Rarity 8): The owner of the disaster, resonates with his partner, and can use attribute moves and disaster skills of the same level and proficiency as his partner!

Note: This skill cannot increase proficiency or rarity.

The Lord of Disaster skill allows Dream to use the disaster skills of other monsters.

If Fantasy wants to use Thunder Wolf Dragon directly, then Bai Chen will upgrade the skill of [True. Thunder Lord] to rarity 10.

True. Thunder Lord (rarity 10): summon thunderclouds, bring natural disasters, and change the venue to [Thunder Lord Domain]. Thunder Lord will no longer be damaged by thunder, and Thunder Lord can control the power of thunderclouds. Thunder Lord Domain: Electricity moves are greatly improved.

If Fantasy can use this move, then Fantasy will be immune to all electric moves.

Then the only skill left of Millerton that has not been sealed - Lightning Rush will be completely ineffective.

At that time, Fantasy can win without fighting!

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