Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 428 The Immortal Emperor of All Time!

Facing two dragons, King Snake Dragon and Emperor Snake Dragon, who hold five titles and are considered the strongest dragons in the Monster Hunter World.

Bai Chen directly transformed into the God of Origin!

With a body of ten thousand feet, his body directly surpassed King Snake Dragon and Emperor Snake Dragon!

Now these two super-large ancient dragons are as small as reptiles in front of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen grabbed King Snake Dragon and Emperor Snake Dragon's bodies with his left and right hands.

The two super-large ancient dragons began to tumble in Bai Chen's hands. They used themselves to wrap around Bai Chen's arms, and then used the fan blade to directly cut the hands of the God of Origin!

The two monsters have a strength far beyond the power of ordinary black dragons, so it is naturally impossible for them to be defeated by Bai Chen so easily.

At the same time, Bai Chen also received a similar title task.

These are two very special titles, which are more powerful than the titles held by King Snake Dragon and Emperor Snake Dragon.

The names are [The Lord of the Ages] and [The Immortal Emperor].

Mastering these two titles, Bai Chen's time and space will not be affected by any existence, even Zygarde's order power will never affect Bai Chen.

Bai Chen let go and fought with the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon.

Qianjian Mountain was destroyed in the aftermath of the battle, and everything within tens of thousands of meters was annihilated in their battle.

The dragon people and humans on the distant Sky Mountain saw the battle from afar.

The majestic golden giant instantly reminded them of the legendary gods.

There were devout people who prostrated themselves and offered their highest respect to the gods in the distance.

There were fearful people who stared at the gods that appeared in the distance with wide eyes. They knelt on the ground in fear and confessed their past sins.

And in the next hundred years, there will be only one god belief left in Sky Mountain.

The golden towering god has become the faith totem of Sky Mountain.

Bai Chen doesn't know all this now, he is concentrating on cleaning up the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon.

The flexibility of these two dragons is much higher than he imagined!

The attributes of the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon are not any of the 18 attributes. The attribute he mastered is the [Dragon Vein] attribute like the Dark Red Dragon.

This attribute can break the defense of any attribute.

Moreover, the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon also have the self-repair ability of the rule level.

In the battle, it is difficult for Bai Chen to kill these two ancient dragons directly.

The most important thing is that they are not affected by time and space. Even if Bai Chen wants to speed up the battle time, he can't do it.

Helplessly, Bai Chen imitated the previous fighting method of Dialga, accelerated his own time, and punched the Snake King Dragon into the earth with a lightning speed.

The Snake Emperor Dragon released the breath of the dragon vein attribute towards the head of Bai Chen's God of Origin.

The blue flame directly covered half of the sky!

The sky turned blue.

Almost zero-distance eating the breath, the shell of the God of Origin also had some cracks.

Bai Chen directly smashed the Snake Emperor Dragon into the ground with one hand.

The whole earth shook violently.

After Bai Chen caused great damage to the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon, a "bad star" with a diameter of more than 10km in the sky was falling towards Bai Chen at a speed of more than 30 Mach.

If the bad star fell, everything within a radius of 100 kilometers would be destroyed.

On the Sky Mountain, the dragon people and humans looked at the falling meteorite, and they fell to the ground in fear.

The scene in front of them made them feel that the end of the world had come.

Facing this amazing attack, Bai Chen exerted his infinite energy. Bai Chen aimed at the meteorite in the sky and performed his sword skills.

"Natural Disaster Flow, the Ninth Disaster, the Extreme Blade of Unparalleled Heaven and Earth!"

Facing the bad star, Bai Chen performed a fighting style.

Countless sword lights directly cut the bad star in two, and then Bai Chen cut more than a dozen swords in succession.

The bad star was instantly cut into gravel and rock!

Bai Chen also released the photon gushing he learned from the God of Light.

Countless heat rays directly crushed the meteorite fragments in the sky into ashes!

The Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon saw Bai Chen smash the evil star. They wanted to evacuate, but it was too late to evacuate now. Bai Chen seized the weaknesses of the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon and launched a crazy attack on them.

Finally, two days later, Bai Chen successfully reduced the vitality of the two super-large ancient dragons and successfully conquered them!

At the same time, Bai Chen also obtained two new titles and a large amount of skill proficiency.

These skill proficiency created two new mythical skills for Bai Chen.

At the same time, when Bai Chen mastered the two titles of [The Lord of the Eternal] and [The Immortal Emperor of the Eternal].

Because the two titles are titles of the same category.

The title merged and evolved into [The Immortal Emperor of the Eternal].

The judgment priority of this title was directly raised to the limit.

By analogy, it can be said that this is a title of rarity 12.

Even the titles of Dialga and Palkia, which will definitely have an impact, cannot affect Bai Chen himself.

After taming two 4,000-meter-long behemoths, Bai Chen looked at the Qianjian Mountain, which had become a ruin.

Bai Chen activated his ability to control nature, and in just a moment, the vegetation here was completely revived, and even the ecology was almost restored.

And this place was also sealed as the place where the gods descended in the next hundred or thousand years.

After the conquest was completed, Bai Chen searched for Leivinia's location, opened the portal directly and came to Leivinia's side.

When Bai Chen arrived here, the kingdom's Dragon Consciousness Ship was setting off in great numbers to the Xuhei City in the ancient Shured City.

Void Black City was once the symbol of the Kingdom of Shredder that represented the glory and wealth. Now the place is completely in ruins, and the sky is often shrouded in strange dark clouds.

The Hunter's Guild will only send extremely skilled hunters here, but most of them have not been heard from. Occasionally, survivors come back, and it's as if they have seen hell, and they no longer communicate with anyone. There is no sign of any living creatures inhabiting the center of Shredder City, and it is always in an unpleasant silence.

When Bai Chen arrived here, the army had almost arrived at Xuhei City, and there was still about half a day left.

The first princess, Leivinia, was the only one in the command room at the moment.

Seeing Bai Chen coming, Leivinia also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Sorry, I just went to fight two 4,000-meter-long snake king dragons and snake emperor dragons for two days. Fortunately, the time is right now."

"A 4,000-meter Snake King?" Leivinia was surprised that there was such a huge monster in the world.

"Want to take a look?" Bai Chen happened to be healing the snake king dragon and snake emperor dragon at this moment. If Leivinia was curious, he could also satisfy Leivinia's curiosity.


Leivinia agreed without much thought.

Bai Chen opened the dimensional space he created and took Leivinia to the different dimensional space.

Bai Chen released the Snake King Dragon and the Snake Emperor Dragon from the ball.

Leivinia couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the two huge ancient dragons that were bigger than the royal capital city.

4000 meters is actually not the limit of the body length of these two ancient dragons. If they continue to grow, it is not impossible that their bodies will be larger than a continent.

And now, in just a few days, the size of the Snake King can be expanded many times.

Bai Chen bestowed [Ultimate Aura] on these two giant ancient dragons.

The ultimate aura is evolved from the overlord aura. This aura skill can increase the size of monsters.

With this skill, the length of these two giant ancient dragons can reach an astonishing 6,000 meters, and their height can reach 900 meters.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a real mountain range.

"It's amazing." Leivinia had never imagined that there was such a huge ancient dragon species even in her dreams.

Looking at it now, she was also impressed by the amazing vitality of nature.

Bai Chen gave the two ancient dragons the shrinking skill, and their bodies quickly shrank, turning into 10-meter-long pythons.

Bai Chen waved again and summoned the Snake King Dragon. Bai Chen handed the Snake King Dragon to Leivinia and said: "I will lend you this Snake King Dragon temporarily. With her help, you can even use force. can destroy the world."

The basis of power is force.

Power without force is like rootless duckweed, which may be overturned at any time.

Next, Bai Chen didn't know what he would encounter.

For those who value him, Bai Chen still has to rely on clear guarantees.

Like Lillie, Leivinia saw something strange about Bai Chen. She asked, "Did you see any future?"

Bai Chen shook his head and conveyed his current situation to Leivinia.

After hearing this, Leivinia was relatively calm.

She possesses a skill called [Super Brain] with a rarity of 10 and cannot be copied.

The effect of this skill is that Leivinia's human brain can process certain knowledge like a supercomputer, or even faster than a supercomputer.

Leivinia had some unexpected anomalies before. For example, she could read all the books in the Royal Capital Library by herself, and she could also search quickly in her mind to quickly find the books Bai Chen needed.

Even if there was only a short sentence in the book, she could help Bai Chen translate it.

The most powerful thing about Leivinia’s [Super Brain] is that it can understand the most profound skills and mysteries!

As a mortal she could process that knowledge.

For Bai Chen, Leivinia's [Super Brain] can also help him quickly analyze those moves and skills.

This kind of analysis improvement is still very scary.

Originally, it took Bai Chen three days to analyze certain knowledge, but with the help of the First Princess, Bai Chen was able to complete the analysis of skills in just one hour, which increased the speed by about a hundred times.

In addition, Leivinia also has very powerful characteristics.

Her characteristic is to increase the upper limit of her [Spirit] by 5 times. If this ability is paired with Leivinia's own super brain skills, it will exert an ability of 1+1 greater than 5.

In addition, Leivinia also obtained a rare 10 skill called [Think Tank] with the help of Bai Chen.

This skill allows Leivinia, Lillie and Bai Chen to use telekinesis in this way.

The skill [Think Tank] has also undergone some special changes like Lillie's [Golden Temple].

[Think Tank] can access all information, whether it is knowledge that Leivinia once knew or knowledge that she has never known before.

In other words, Leivinia can also obtain ultra-high-tech weapons and technologies through the think tank.

It’s just that when checking the think tank, it will consume a lot of mental power. If you are not careful, Leivinia will run out of mental power, and it will take a lot of time to check.

It is too difficult to find a plankton in the ocean of knowledge.

In addition, according to the explanation of this skill, Leivinia can also directly check other people’s status bars like Bai Chen.

The difference is that the think tank can see more detailed content.

Including the power of skills, the consumption of skills, and how skills grow, she only needs to spend mental power to check them all.

In addition, she also has an exclusive title task for the think tank.

The title trial of ‘Think Tank Manager’ meets the trigger conditions!

[Trial Name]: Think Tank Management Trial

[Trigger Condition]: Connect to the Think Tank

[Completion Condition]: IQ reaches 500 points

[Trial Reward]: Think Tank Manager-Think Tank skills are upgraded from mythical level to rule level. Add a suffix to view all knowledge in the think tank without restrictions.

Nowadays, Levinia can view Bai Chen's panel, titles, and ongoing title tasks.

[Infinite Energy], [Dragon of Creation], [Blue Star that Guides the Way], [Pokemon Champion], [King of Rainbow], [Lord of Star Crystal], [Lord of Time], [Lord of Space], [Lord of Reversal], [Lord of Order], [Lord of Glory], [Eternal Immortal Emperor], [Eternal Lord].

A total of 14 titles.

At the same time, Bai Chen also has a large number of title tasks.

For example, when Bai Chen upgraded the moves such as the Origin God Body to rarity 11, Bai Chen obtained new title tasks - [Eternal Origin] and [God of Origin].

In addition, according to the origin of the title of [Eternal Immortal Emperor] and the title of [Eternal Lord],

Like other monsters, they will also contribute a lot of titles to Bai Chen, and the premise is that Bai Chen can cultivate other Pokémon or ancient dragons into the strongest existence in the entire universe or even the multiverse.

The title of [Eternal Lord] was directly piled up by Lillie with a huge amount of resources to become the most powerful individual in the multiverse not long after Bai Chen left.

With this title, Bai Chen can't die even if he wants to. Even if the universe is destroyed, Bai Chen will live well.

Leivinia looked at Bai Chen's pile of titles.

To be honest, she didn't know how Bai Chen would die, or what kind of existence could kill Bai Chen.

Bai Chen has become an immortal concept.

Instead of worrying about whether Bai Chen will die, it is better to worry more about whether the title mission can be completed.

Leivinia said: "I understand. If you encounter any trouble, you can tell me at any time, and I will help you find a way."


Bai Chen didn't hesitate and nodded directly.

Then, Leivinia told Bai Chen a crucial point: "Also, regarding the black dragon we are going to defeat today, that guy may be the most powerful existence in our world, and he may be immortal and transcend the concept of the world. You must be careful!"

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