Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 54 Visitors from another world who mastered the strange fire!

"Really?" The blacksmiths behind him also came up to observe in detail.

They did not have the vast experience reserve of the second-phase leader.

They could not see anything special about the blade.

The second-phase leader looked at the clever blacksmith and asked: "Can you show me your special flame?"

"Yeah." The clever blacksmith raised her right hand, and a cluster of black flames rose in her palm.

"Black and purple flames?"

That was the flame queen lizard fire soul.

When the clever blacksmith wore the living forge, she could summon the fire soul at will.

The second-phase leader looked serious, and he said: "Go get some materials for the 'poisonous bird'."

The blacksmiths quickly brought a dozen scales of the poisonous bird.

The second-phase leader handed the scale to the clever blacksmith and said: "Come, try to forge this material."

The clever blacksmith took the scale.

She looked up and down with the scale, and she checked the material she had never seen before.

After three or four seconds of hesitation, the black flame ignited in the hands of the clever blacksmith.

The second-term leader's eyes lit up slightly.

Laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway!

He could see that the skillful forge had insufficient experience in handling monster materials, and could even be said to know nothing about it.

But she still discovered the characteristics of the materials with her own vision and skills, and knew roughly how to handle these materials in an instant.


This guy is definitely a genius!

And what surprised the blacksmiths even more was yet to come.

The skillful forge gradually became fascinated.

She took out her living forge, and the iron furnace on her wrist dripped onto the ground, gathering into an anvil suitable only for the skillful forge.

She looked around the workshop, her eyes locked on the pile of steel.


The skillful forge actually commanded the blacksmiths directly, asking them to bring some steel.

The master's demeanor really commanded the blacksmiths.

But when he came to the pile of steel, the blacksmith suddenly became troubled.

"What kind of steel do you want?"

At this time, the second-term leader suddenly shouted: "Bring the Swallow Steel."

The Artful Blacksmith looked at the second-term leader in confusion: "What?"

"That steel is quite standard and can bear the power of these scales very well."

The Artful Blacksmith nodded and took the Swallow Steel from the blacksmith's hand.

After a careful look, she was a fairy and steel Pokémon, and she was extremely sensitive to metals. She found that the material of this metal was not much different from the patterned steel, but it had a very good point, that is, it could exert the power of the material itself more than the patterned steel!

The improvement was at least 50%.

The flame of the Flame Queen Lizard in the left hand of the Artful Blacksmith was still forging the scales of the Poisonous Demon Bird.

With the Swallow Steel as big as a palm in his right hand, a red-orange flame burned in the center of his palm.

"The second special flame!??"

All the hunters present were so shocked that they couldn't speak at this moment.

The shock in the eyes of the second-term leader was even more.

He saw the specialness of the second flame at a glance.

Bai Chen whispered in his heart: "Isn't that the fire soul of the Explosive Flame Turtle Beast? What does the skilled blacksmith do with this flame?"

Everyone held their breath and looked at the skilled blacksmith.

More and more hunters gathered around to watch the excitement.

There was nothing they could do about it. They came to the processing house to commission forging, but when they saw it, all the blacksmiths stopped working.

It seemed that the flame swallow steel was almost burned.

The skilled blacksmith picked up her hammer and started to hit it one by one.

After being strengthened by Bai Chen, her strength had become so powerful that it was horrifying.

A red-hot iron block could be flattened with one hammer.

The sound of clang clang clang echoed in everyone's ears.

The second-term leader became more and more excited as he watched.

He could see that the skilled blacksmith had a foundation in ironmaking, which was not comparable to that of an ordinary apprentice or an ordinary blacksmith.

This was a true master!

Time passed by minute by minute.

It took half an hour for the skilled blacksmith to fuse the swallow steel with the scales of the poisonous monster bird and hammer out a shape that satisfied him.

It was an arm shield about 20 cm wide and 30 cm long.

There were densely packed sharp spikes on the shield.

After quenching, the forger used the grinder in the forge to polish the arm shield.

It took only about 1 hour for the forger to complete the forging of a shield.

The speed was amazing, and the quality was not low at all!

The forger put a leather strap on the back of the arm shield.

After doing all this, the forger handed the arm shield to Bai Chen first.

Bai Chen took it, and the attributes of the arm shield flashed in his eyes.

[Name]: Poisonous Bird Arm Shield

[Rarity]: 3

[Attributes]: Poison attribute (50 points), blast attribute (20 points), defense (50 points)

[Inlay slot]: No inlay slot

[Weight]: 12KG

[Evaluation]: Excellent quality, using two special flames, which not only strengthens the defense of the shield, but also adds poison and blast attributes to the shield.

Bai Chen's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this.

It only took an hour to create a hand shield of rarity 3 excellent quality?

And the skilled blacksmith was very smart to fully utilize all the characteristics of the Exploding Flame Turtle Beast's Fire Soul.

Not only did he increase the defensive attribute of the armor itself, but he also increased the explosive attribute of the spikes on the shield?

"Let me see."

The second-phase leader snatched the hand shield from Bai Chen.

He looked at it carefully.

After a moment, he looked at Bai Chen in shock and said, "Do you really want her to stay here to study?"

"What the hell!" Qiao Forging Craftsman retorted angrily.

She came here to challenge! Not to learn!

"Don't worry, I'm not qualified to be your master. We call this communication." The second-phase leader understood the emotions expressed by Qiao Forging Craftsman.

"What the hell." Qiao Forging Craftsman was very proud. She was very confident in her skills. She thought she didn't need to communicate with the second-phase leader.

The second-phase leader knew that if he didn't take out some of his best stuff, he might not be able to suppress this blacksmith master from another world.

He turned to his eldest apprentice and said, "Go, take out the one in my room."

The eldest apprentice hurried to his master's house after receiving the order and carefully brought a 4-meter-long box over.

The hunters were confused when they saw the dusty box.

"Does the second-term leader have a hidden treasure?"

The second-term leader took the big square box from his apprentice and patted the dust on it.

He said: "This is my most satisfied work."

As soon as the leader opened the square box, the piercing coldness inside surged out.

Bai Chen looked at the Z-shaped blade and the scabbard wrapped like hemp rope.

Bai Chen recognized the sword and said in shock: "Is this the rarity 8 'Tian Shang Tian Xia Wu Shuang Dao'!?"

Bai Chen quickly scanned the big sword in front of him.

The system page unfolded in front of Bai Chen.

He took a deep breath of the hot air.

"Am I dreaming?? This sword is actually a 'supreme' level double sky sword!?"

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