Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 59 From shock to buddhahood, it only takes one legendary hunter

The receptionist was numb.

She counted the small monster materials that Bai Chen brought back.

Even though she didn't sleep for a night, she didn't make any mistakes in her work.

After counting the materials that Bai Chen brought back, she said: "I have counted them for you. The task confirmation has been completed. The task money and the deposit will be settled together with you tomorrow. In addition, the materials you want to sell may take some time for the Resource Management Office to settle. The cost of the materials will be paid to you about the day after tomorrow."

"Don't rush about this." Bai Chen waved his hand. He sold 90% of the monster materials.

He planned to leave the remaining 10% for the clever blacksmith to practice with her.

Now Bai Chen hopes that she can create a weapon comparable to the level of the double sky sword as soon as possible.

That thing is really fragrant.

Bai Chen put on his completely empty backpack and said, "I want to take on a new mission. I wonder if you can help me register it?"

"But you have already taken all the two-star subjugation missions."

"Aren't there three-star missions? I have completed ten two-star missions in a row. I should be qualified to take on higher-level missions, right?"

The receptionist was stunned.

She didn't react for a while. The strange member of the recommendation team in front of her also broke the record of the fastest promotion in the New World Base.

At this point, it's nothing to be surprised about just breaking the promotion record.

"You are strong enough to take on three-star missions. Please follow me to the gathering area. I will help you register for the mission."

Follow the receptionist to the Star Ship.

There are no hunters here now. Generally, a few hunters will come to the Star Ship around 9 am.

The most people are near dusk and night. There are the most hunters here during that time.

They also mostly take on missions at night, and then set off to complete the missions the next morning.

Just like Bai Chen a month ago.

The receptionist came to the front desk and gave Bai Chen the 3-star mission information for him to choose.

"Please choose the mission first. The 3-star large monsters are not easy to deal with. Please make your own safety the first priority."

After that, she immediately started to handle the star upgrade procedures for Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took the mission and looked at it in detail.

There are many more 3-star large monster hunting tasks than 2-star tasks.

There are as many as 26.

And the hunting targets are also diverse.

For example, the poisonous monster bird, flying thunder dragon, and bull dragon in the ancient tree forest.

The mud fish dragon and earth sand dragon in the big anthill wasteland.

It is worth mentioning that the danger level judged by the system is not necessarily related to the star rating of the guild's mission.

The judging criteria of the star rating of the guild's mission are based on the ecology of the monster and the difficulty of the mission.

But the system's judgment of the danger level is completely based on the monster's own strength.

Just like Bai Chen found a big thief dragon with a danger level of 4 last night.

The level has reached 45, with two master-level skills and a bunch of master-level skills. It is completely different from the Great Thief Dragon captured on the day Bai Chen returned.

Of course, the difference in races will also significantly increase the rating of danger. The most obvious example is the dangerous 5 Brute Jaw Dragon last night.

Level 42, the danger level is one level higher than the 45-level Great Thief Dragon.

"These three-star tasks may require facing dangerous monsters of level 4"

Last night, Bai Chen hunted all dangerous monsters of level 2.

Those monsters are basically not Bai Chen's opponents in a few moves.

As long as he finds them, a set of fierce attacks can solve the battle in 3 minutes.

"My current strength is no problem for dealing with monsters of danger level 3. I can't lose with the Nergigante, but monsters of danger level 4 may be a little more troublesome."

Bai Chen thought for a while and asked: "Are all these tasks completed within 3 days?"

"Some are not. Some are within 5 days, and there is 1 task that requires 7 days."

The receptionist selected 11 tasks from the 26 tasks and said: "Since these 10 tasks are nearly 4-star tasks, the time given is slightly more sufficient, and the time limit is 5 days. In addition, the task of capturing the 'Flying Thunder Dragon' is almost a 4-star task, so the time is more generous, 7 days."

Bai Chen calculated in his mind.

This is equivalent to him completing 15 3-star tasks within three days.

Then complete 10 nearly 4-star tasks within two days. Finally, there are two days to complete the 3-star task equivalent to the 4-star task.

The time will be very tight, but it is not an unfinished task.

Bai Chen put the 26 task commissions together and handed them to the receptionist.

"Please help me register these 26 tasks, thank you."

The receptionist looked at the stack of tasks in her hand.

She had 10,000 doubts in her mind.

For example, does Bai Chen not need to sleep at all?

But these questions were swallowed back when they came to her lips.

"A monster that can complete 18 tasks in one night does not need my worry at all!"

The receptionist smiled and said, "Okay, no problem, please wait."

The receptionist helped Bai Chen register the task.

Bai Chen touched his empty pockets and smiled awkwardly, "In addition, can I borrow the deposit for the task for one day? When my task money comes tomorrow, you can deduct it directly from it."

"This does not meet the requirements of the guild."

Although Bai Chen will definitely get a lot of gold coins tomorrow, the guild also has its own rules and regulations, and there is absolutely no such thing as credit.

Seeing Bai Chen's distressed look, the receptionist said: "I'm very sorry, the guild does not have such a rule. But I can lend it to you personally. When your task gold comes tomorrow, I will deduct it myself."

"It's really a big help. In addition," Bai Chen was a little embarrassed to speak, and he finally asked shamelessly, "I wonder if you can lend me more money? I want to buy 30 anesthetic balls for capture."

The income from capture is much higher than that from crusade.

And compared to fighting monsters, the threat of capture is much smaller.

"Of course no problem." The receptionist readily agreed.

Anyway, she won't lose money anyway, and she can let a legendary hunter like Bai Chen owe her a small favor, so why not?

The receptionist quickly helped Bai Chen complete the task registration.

The emergency medicine and food to carry were all handed over to Bai Chen, along with the 1,000 gold she lent to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen packed all the things.

He took out a bottle of emergency medicine from the hundreds of bottles and threw it to the receptionist.

"This medicine is still useful for treating lack of sleep."

The receptionist hurriedly caught the emergency medicine and watched Bai Chen leave in the chain elevator.

She breathed a sigh of relief, with only relief in her eyes.

She opened the bottle stopper and gulped down the emergency medicine.

She looked calm.

"Why am I shocked by this? Anyway, I am not the one affected."

"Hmm~" The receptionist stretched comfortably: "Go to sleep for a while, you should be able to see the green flare in two hours."

"By the way, the emergency medicine is really effective in relieving fatigue."

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