After getting more detailed information from the commander-in-chief.

Bai Chen was ordered to set out for the rescue mission immediately.

The longer the time drags on, the more dangerous the two hunters will be.

After returning home, Bai Chen put the Nergigante into the monster ball, put on a set of light leather armor, and of the three swords, Bai Chen only brought the rarity 4 Nergigante sword.

This rescue mission requires speed, and he must move on the Pteranodon. Wearing heavy armor and the weight of three swords, the Pteranodon can't carry Bai Chen at all.

"If I really encounter the kind of danger that I can't escape, the defense of the heavy armor can't save me. It's better to find a way to increase my speed."

Putting the trainer belt on his waist, carrying four blank monster balls, full recovery medicine and vitality fragments, Bai Chen went out with the artificer.

For this mission, the artificer will also follow Bai Chen to complete the mission.

After making all preparations, Bai Chen came to the west gate of the base to meet the swordsman master.

Seeing Bai Chen wearing light armor, the swordsmanship master asked in surprise: "You are wearing this leather armor?"

"To increase mobility, the heavy armor has high defense, but the pterosaur can't carry me at all. And my body strength is very strong, even if I am bitten by the brute jaw dragon, it won't be a big problem."

The swordsmanship master had heard that Bai Chen dragged a big thief dragon back with his physical strength on the day he just came back.

"The commander didn't wear thick armor when he went out, he shouldn't be such a reckless person."

Thinking of this, the swordsmanship master no longer doubted Bai Chen's strength.

He said: "Since we are ready, let's go."

The two whistled to summon the pterosaur.

The clever blacksmith climbed onto Bai Chen's shoulders, carrying the big hammer that she was inseparable from on her back.

The ancient tree forest at night is the hunting ground of monsters.

The silver-white moonlight provides a faint light.

The dark mass in the woods is like an abyss that chooses people to devour, and it is filled with unsettling fear.

"Ah." The clever blacksmith heard the roar in the forest and grabbed Bai Chen's hair with some anxiety.

"Don't worry, if we are determined to escape, we can come back safely even if the ancient dragon comes."

Bai Chen comforted the clever blacksmith.

The pterosaur increased the amplitude of its wings and caught up with the swordsmanship master in front.

Their current plan is to go to the camp on the top of the ancient tree forest, and then search in the direction of Area 13 from there.

The treetop area is the nest of large monsters, and small monsters are generally less. As long as they hide their tracks, they can easily avoid fighting.

The pterosaur flew for 40 minutes with the two people before arriving at the camp on the third floor.

Landing on the platform, the bright and warm firelight dispelled the chill of the three people during the flight.

This camp is completely maintained by the Fey cats. There is a bright campfire in the center of the camp, a bright yellow tent on the north side for hunters to rest, and a large amount of support supplies, and even Fey cats cooking for hunters.

It can be said that there is everything here to meet all the hunting needs of hunters.

In addition, the transport and rescue cats usually stay in the camp and wait for orders. As long as they see the signal flare, they will set off.

Three cats came over, and one of them, wearing a cloak, greeted the three of them very politely.

"I am the cat in charge of this camp, you can call me 'Lana' meow~"

Bai Chen quickly looked at the cat named Lana, with pure white hair and a little female cat from the voice.

"Please follow me." Lana led Bai Chen and the swordsmanship master into the camp.

The two cats behind her went to help feed the pterosaurs some raw meat.

Lana took small steps and said to the three people: "Are you two adults here for a rescue mission? Meow."

Bai Chen didn't waste time and asked directly: "I am indeed here for a rescue mission. Have your rescue cats gone to investigate?"

Lana said regretfully: "I am very sorry. We have tried to investigate, but the brute jaw dragon has been guarding area 13. We don't have enough cat hunters, so the rescue operation has not made any progress meow."

Bai Chen heard the meaning of Lana's words.

"So you have confirmed that the two hunters are still alive, right?"

"We are just guessing. After all, it is rare for a dragon to stay in the same place, unless it wants to take revenge on the hunters, meow~"

Bai Chen nodded to show that he understood.

He asked: "How long does it take to get from the camp to the brute jaw dragon's nest in area 13?"

"If you are fast, you can arrive in about 20 minutes, but many foreign monsters have appeared in the middle layer recently. If you want to avoid them on the road, it may take a lot of time meow."

After roughly understanding the situation, Bai Chen looked at the swordsmanship master and waited for his order.

He is a senior hunter, so it is right to follow his command.

The swordsman said concisely: "There is no time to rest. We will set off immediately. You will be responsible for leading the way."

"Leave the leading to me, meow!"

Lana agreed and pulled down her cloak.

She was wearing a white plush coat with a pair of small black ears on the hood.

"Is this the cat equipment of Flying Thunder Dragon?"

Bai Chen recognized the equipment at a glance.

"I didn't expect that the manager of this camp, Felu Cat, is also a cat hunter."

Lana took an oversized shield from other Felu Cats.

The shield has a terrifying tribal totem, and the entire shield looks like a ferocious monster from a distance.

"This should be the guardian shield of the 'Wasteland Guardian Tribe', right? I didn't expect this little female cat to have such equipment."

The Felynx is a race from the Old World, and the New World has its own 'Felynx' - Deter, also known as mountain cats.

They are considered to be a race with an older bloodline than the Felynx.

There are four tribes in the entire New World, namely, the Forest Insect Cage Tribe, the Wasteland Guardian Tribe, the Terrace Performance Tribe, and the Valley Plunder Tribe.

Each of their tribes has its own unique equipment, and they will be very happy to impart their knowledge and tricks to their allies. Felynx can get their help as long as they communicate with them.

"I'm ready, let's go, meow."

Lana led the way in front, and the three of them didn't stop at all, and they headed towards Area 13 under the big tree.

They had just passed through the vines that were only big enough for small monsters to pass through, and when they came to a tree hole half a person's height, Lana in front suddenly waved her hand to let Bai Chen and others stop.

At the entrance of the cave, a female fire dragon just passed by.

Bai Chen took a deep breath and activated his super perception skill.

In an instant, everything within a radius of 500 meters was displayed in his brain.

Even those insects hidden deep in the branches, Bai Chen could see them clearly.

Bai Chen found the three largest figures, he carefully identified those vague energy shadows, and whispered in surprise.

"How can there be so many large monsters?"

In Bai Chen's perception, three large monsters appeared within 500 meters.

A female fire dragon on alert at the door, a male fire dragon patrolling in the sky, and a hungry thunder wolf dragon.

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