Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 84 [Simplified Dou Qi] and [Simplified Dou Qi] (3 more)

Chapter 84 [Battle Qi Transformation. Simple] and [Battle Qi Hardening. Simple] (3 more~)

At the entrance of the base, Bai Chen put on his rarity 3 knight suit again.

In fact, as early as when Bai Chen upgraded his Titan Body to the master level, his physical defense ability had already surpassed the heavy armor he was wearing.

The only bonus this set of equipment can bring to Bai Chen now is weight.

It can make up for the weight difference between Bai Chen and those large monsters.

He carried the Poison Corrosion, Curse Fire, and the Dragon Sword of Destruction on his back.

The Dragon Sword of Destruction had been noticed by the leader of the second phase when he went to the workshop to challenge.

Bai Chen explained to the leader of the second phase that he was attacked by the Dragon of Destruction when he met the Artful Forger.

After a battle, he obtained some regeneration thorns and monster materials, and he almost died in that battle.

In response, the leader of the second phase and the commander-in-chief quickly accepted his statement.

They may have some doubts, but they also understand one thing - everyone has their own secrets. If it does not endanger the investigation team, don't go too deep into it.

Bai Chen walked out of the base and came to the fourth area. He took out the monster ball.

"Come out, Thunder Wolf Dragon."

The Thunder Wolf Dragon consciously lay down, Bai Chen climbed on the dragon, and the clever forger followed Bai Chen.

The saddle was specially designed by the clever forger, a double saddle.

The front position was specially designed by her for herself.

Bai Chen's nearly one ton of weight pressed on the Thunder Wolf Dragon, which was nothing to the Thunder Wolf Dragon. At most, it would affect his jumping ability a little bit.

Bai Chen handed the map to the clever forger and asked her to show the way to the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

"Yeah!" The clever forger looked at the map and pointed the direction to the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

That was where Bai Chen and the flying thunder dragon fought before, and Bai Chen picked up the ore from the rock dragon there.

If you want to track the rock dragon, it's best to start there.

Set off to the destination.

Bai Chen took out the "Fighting Qi" that the swordsmanship master had just given him and interpreted it in detail.

There was no fancy and long introduction. The first page of this booklet showed in detail the breathing flow skills of ordinary hunters.

The booklet was not thick, and it was only more than 20 pages including the cover.

Bai Chen quickly flipped through the booklet.

He now had a clearer understanding of fighting qi.

Fighting qi is a combat skill that almost all hunters have mastered. It is also one of the weapons that hunters use to deal with monsters with much higher physical fitness than themselves.

Fighting qi is simply a high-level way of using the energy in the body of a creature.

In the booklet that the swordsmanship master gave to Bai Chen, a monster was cited as an example-the golden lion.

He is an expert in using fighting qi. Fighting qi transformation and fighting qi hardening are his specialties. In the state of fighting qi transformation, the energy consumption of the golden lion is very significant.

Unlike monsters like the golden lion who are born proficient in using fighting qi, hunters are full of ups and downs in the development and use of fighting qi.

Most hunters simply cannot enter the battle qi transformation like the Golden Lion, let alone use advanced techniques such as battle qi hardening.

But everything is not absolute. For example, hunters using dual swords will have a fighting technique called "ghost transformation", which is a move similar to battle qi transformation.

Bai Chen whispered after reading: "The blood of the ancient dragon increased my vitality, and the air blade breathing increased my physical strength. These two can be regarded as having their own responsibilities, right?"

Bai Chen continued to read.

Hunters generally rely on breathing to mobilize the battle qi in their bodies. Ordinary hunters master the battle qi moves of rarity 3.

The swordsmanship master improved his breathing method and energy flow method after referring to the fighting skills of the Golden Lion and discussing with his old friend, the head of the investigation team.

The most intuitive result is that he has a breathing flow move of rarity 7.

And his air blade breathing flow has the characteristics of more majestic battle qi, smoother battle qi operation, and wider use of battle qi.

There is nothing much to say about increasing the amount of Dou Qi and the smoothness of Dou Qi operation.

The most important thing is the extensive use of Dou Qi. The swordsman master imitated the Golden Lion Dou Qi hardening move and developed a move to strengthen his body's defense and strength. He also referred to the ghost transformation to achieve a simplified version of Dou Qi transformation.

This is a simple description of the two moves by the swordsman master.

Dou Qi transformation. Simple - refer to the ghost transformation, and make improvements on the basis of the ghost transformation, mobilize the energy in the body, increase the output and consumption frequency of Dou Qi, and all attributes are strengthened to varying degrees. When the physical strength is exhausted, it automatically exits this state.

Dou Qi hardening. Simple - concentrate Dou Qi to increase the activity of body cells, increase strength and defense strength in a short period of time.

Bai Chen carefully looked at the master's description. It is better to say that this is a move than a technique.

In other words, these two techniques do not have a proficiency increase, and the degree of strengthening depends entirely on the amount of Dou Qi and the strength of Dou Qi.

These two techniques look very similar, but they are completely different things.

The master also gave an example in the booklet.

"If a normal hunter can use his fighting spirit to fight for 5 hours, then in the state of [Fighting Spirit Simplified], the hunter's fighting time will be greatly shortened to only one hour. This is using more physical strength to exchange for stronger fighting power."

"[Fighting Qi Hardening. Simple] is to mobilize fighting Qi on the basis of [Fighting Qi Transformation. Simple], which will further shorten the combat time, but can gain stronger combat ability in a short time."

If you have to say it, it can also be said to be the first stage of transformation and the second stage of transformation.

Of course, ordinary hunters like the swordsman master can't become golden like the golden lion when using fighting Qi Transformation. At most, some red fighting Qi will be wrapped around the body.

After reading this part of the booklet, Bai Chen basically understood the rarity of the swordsman master's rarity 7 moves.

"Is this already the entry-level version of the golden lion's fighting skills?"

Bai Chen continued to read on, and he saw a sentence left by the master.

"The difficulty of triggering fighting Qi Transformation is much higher than that of ghost transformation, and the difficulty of using fighting Qi hardening is even higher than that of fighting Qi Transformation. Since I improved it until now, only less than ten hunters can enter the state of fighting Qi Transformation. Simple, and the skills of fighting Qi hardening. Simple are only used by two people."

Bai Chen continued to flip to the back.

The back is a detailed introduction on how to learn and how to use it.

Bai Chen became more and more fascinated as he watched, and he suddenly had a lot of insights.

"The sword master's fighting technique is based on the fighting technique of the golden lion, using fighting spirit to stimulate the energy in the body, but because of the physical strength limit of ordinary hunters, in order to protect the tendons, the output of fighting spirit is reduced as much as possible."

"If I increase the energy output myself, and rely on fighting spirit transformation to mobilize the dragon attribute energy hidden deep in my body, will I become as golden as the golden lion?"

There is no doubt that hunters can use fighting spirit transformation and fighting spirit hardening, which is a complete second creation! But referring to the ghost transformation of the double swords, this setting should not be considered something difficult to accept. And the sword master and his friends certainly cannot be as golden as the golden lion.

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