A very familiar scene...

Xiao Zhi was puzzled.

Is this my past, or...


No one knew that Xiao Zhi wanted to take a closer look, but found that special power that pulled him back!

Woke up!

Opening his eyes, he found that everyone was lying on the ground except himself and Pikachu who were awake.

Xiaomao, in the dream space, saw that he became the top scientific research doctor of Pokémon as famous as Dr. Damu.

Xiaoguang, in the dream space, I saw myself becoming a top coordination trainer, and I also saw myself and Xiaozhi, and Lila, and Xiaoyao, is that Xiaoxia?There are some other girls living with...

Lila's dream space is similar to that of Xiao Guang.

But the difference is that Lila has become a champion-level trainer after seeing herself in her dream.

Ah Xun, I saw in my dream that I worked hard for more than ten years, and finally became a trainer of the Heavenly King, and even became one of the four new Heavenly Kings in the Shenao area, with tears streaming down my face...

wake up wake up!

The other four are awake!

The natural bird of the sky has left without knowing it.

Only the sound of "cuckoo" came from out of nowhere.

Xiaozhi's eyes were looking at the natural bird information that the Probing Eye had just seen.

Natural birds, classified subjects are Pokémon of the gods.

Gods Pokémon, Natural Birds! .

Chapter 258

The natural bird flew away.

"Hahaha, what are you doing, my uncle, I actually only became the Four Heavenly Kings in the end! No, no, I will be fined!"

After A Xun woke up, he immediately went crazy.

He said no, but in fact he was very happy.

Probably, this is the so-called strong mouth king.

"You see yourself becoming the Four Heavenly Kings?"

Xiaoguang looked at A Xun suspiciously.

It seems to be saying, can you be the King of Heaven, or the Four Heavenly Kings?

Asun jumped in anger.

Xiao Mao also looked at Ah Xun in surprise.

The Four Heavenly Kings are also a great existence for Xiao Mao.

But if what I saw in the dream is true, then, Xiao Mao...

The two girls, Xiaoguang and Lila, looked at Xiaozhi's eyes, which were a little complicated.

A moment of silence followed.

Then no one said much.

When we walked out of the forest together, Ah Xun said that this natural bird would fly over the writing forest in Futaba Town at this time of year.

This year, he saw this natural bird in the forest, so this time he brought everyone here, thinking about looking for it, but he did not expect to find it.

Back in Futaba Town, the five people chose not to talk about this matter.

Caiko is one of the hosts of the Futaba Town Festival, so Caiko and Hanako went to Futaba Town to work.

Xiaoguang and Lila took Xiaozhi together and went shopping in Futaba Town.

Xiao Mao decided to study the soil around Futaba Town by himself.

Xiaomao's current research direction has shown diversification.

Any aspect will be involved.

Asun went to find his father.

Because someone in town told Ah Xun today that they saw his father come back.

Dr. Ogi is helping Futaba Town arrange some things.

After a few days like this, the festival in Futaba Town started.

As one of the hosts, Caiko is also a well-known top coordination trainer in Futaba Town, so she was the one who gave the opening speech.

"Everyone, it's our annual festival conference in Futaba Town. The purpose of the festival conference is to celebrate our past shortcomings through everyone's carnival, so that we can get more harvests in the coming year. For this reason, We have specially invited the well-known Dr. Damu in the whole field of Pokémon research, everyone warmly welcomes...¨"..."

Then, Dr. Damu came to the stage, and many of the audience below warmly welcomed him.

After Dr. Ogi and more people from Futaba Town came to power, the opening speech was finished, and the festival began!

All the people in Futaba Town started to revel.

On this day, adults will put down all the work in their hands.

Children who have Pokemon will play with their Pokemon.

Will buy candy and so on.

Xiaoguang and Lila, pulling Xiaozhi today, set a goal!

Because the whole festival will last for three days.

So the three decided to use these three days to eat all the snacks in the streets where the festival is held in Futaba Town!

Ah Xun originally wanted to follow, but he rationally stopped his thoughts.

It's good to eat snacks, but at the same time he doesn't want to eat dog food...

too difficult……

Time passed, and soon the third day came.

"Everyone, now is the last part of our Futaba Town Festival, the Pokémon Battle! This is a gold cup funded by everyone in Futaba Town. Those who have signed up will have a one-on-one match. The person who wins the Pokémon battle until the end will not only get the gold cup, but also fight against Mr. Sugarcane!"

After Caizi finished speaking, a man with long blond hair came up and greeted everyone!

Sugar palm, almost everyone in Shuangye Town is familiar with it. This is the ultimate tower guardian of the famous battle tower in Shenao area, sugar palm!

"What are you doing? Dad is so pushy, he's even more eye-catching than me!"

Ah Xun looked at Sugar Palm with envy, his father has always been his target and idol!

"Xiao Zhi, I must beat you, and then go to challenge my father!"

"You think too much, the gold cup is mine."

"Pickup pickup."

Xiaozhi shook his finger, although his strength was already very strong, but occasionally participating in this kind of competition, whether it was for him or the Pokémon, was tantamount to a way to relax.

"Xiao Zhi, Ah Xun, and the two of us will also participate."

Xiao Guang and Lila chuckled lightly.

Xiao Mao also participated.

He hasn't participated in this kind of Pokémon battle for a long time.

But he hasn't given up on Pokémon training for the past two years.

Game start.

Ash uses a snorkeling weasel.

No matter what skill you use, it will bounce back for you...

Then something interesting happened.

Xiaoguang meets A Xun.

Ah Hun defeated Hikaru's Bogaman with Emperor Naboo.

Then Ah Xun met Xiao Mao.

Emperor Nabo was defeated by Xiao Mao's electric shock monster.

Then Xiao Mao met Lila.

The Electric Shock Monster was defeated by Lila's Giant Gold Monster.

In the end, Lila met Ash.

Although Lila is already very powerful now, the giant gold monster is still defeated by the snorkeling Itachi.

"¨¨This little brother, it's not easy, he is a snorkeling weasel, quite amazing, Dr. Damu, he is from your real new town, right?"

Sugar palm with flowing golden hair suddenly turned his head and asked Dr. Damu.

Dr. Damu nodded: "Yeah, I guess this kid's current strength has surpassed me. It's really not easy."

In Dr. Ogi's mind, he suddenly thought of the scene where everyone was powered by Pikachu when Xiao Zhi first set off for a trip.

Time flies like running water, and it will never return!

"Very good, then the last part of our festival in Futaba Town is finally here!"

I can't see that Caizi is quite good at hosting this kind of event.

(Nood is good) Everyone is looking at Caizi.

There are also sugar palms and Xiaozhitie who have already stood on both sides of the battlefield.

"Now, Xiao Zhi, who won the first place, will challenge the sugar nut in our town!"

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