The time latitude of Dialga and the spatial latitude of Palkia collide with each other, which will have an immeasurable impact on the reversal world of Pluto Dragon.

Worst of all, there will be toxins produced.

Pluto Dragon is very angry about this!

It can view any corner of the real world by reversing the world.

So, when Dialga showed up by the lake to drink water, it knew right away!

Almost without hesitation, Pluto Dragon directly opened the space wormhole between the reverse world and the real world, and rushed out!

Biting Dialga's tail fiercely, a huge suction force sucked Dialga into the reverse world.

But little Shemi, drinking water by the lake, was also affected by the suction, and was also involved in the reverse world...


Ash and his party are now heading towards their next destination, Lakeside City.

On the way, Xiaoguang is worried that the long-haired pig that has evolved into an ivory pig and the fireball mouse that has been hatching for a while cannot adapt to the gorgeous competition.

So, before going to Hubin City, Xiaozhi Lila accompanied Xiaoguang and went to Water Lily Town together.

Because the water lily meeting of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest was held in Water Lily Town, Xiaoguang brought the ivory pig and the fireball mouse to the first stage performance of the ivory pig and the fireball mouse.

Because this time, I just wanted to give the ivory pig and the fireball rat the experience of the gorgeous competition performance, so the goal is not to win.

Facts have proved that the current Xiaoguang trainer level is enough to exert the strength of the ivory pig.

The fireball mouse is also good, but the two of them, after all, are participating for the first time, so they are somewhat inexperienced.

After leaving Water Lily Town, continue to Lakeside City.

At noon today, the sky was clear, cloudless, and blue.

Just the right weather to train and nurture Pokémon.

In fact it is.

The Pokémon that Ash gave to him is training.

The tacit understanding between Xiaoguang, Ivory Pig and Fireball Rat is even deeper!

Xiaozhi is holding the round land shark.

The hidden properties of rough skin have not been activated.

Ash now has 6 feature activation cards.

But haven't used it yet.

Just now Xiaozhi and Yuanlu Shark practiced their skills well, that is, helping Yuanlu Shark to practice its Tianlong meteor.

Now Xiaozhi, the Pokémon skills are only extremely rich, and naturally it also accelerated the speed of the round land shark to completely control the skill of Tianlong meteor.

"Very good, Yuanlu Shark, the Tianlong Meteor just now is very good. Let's take a look again. If it is successful, it means that you have completely mastered the trick."


The big head of the round land shark immediately jumped towards Xiao Zhi happily!

To Xiaozhi's head, it's a mouthful!

Xiao Zhi was already prepared, he replaced his head with his arm, and let the round land shark bite on his arm.

"Okay, let's do it for the last time, let's start, gather the dragon energy and find the balance point in the center of the body. When the energy concentration reaches the critical point, let that force spurt out of your mouth!"


Round Land Shark successfully cast Tianlong Meteor once again. The Tianlong Meteor, which is as bright as a meteor, looked extraordinarily brilliant when it exploded.

Here, Lila has already prepared her lunch.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, lunch is ok, the food for the Pokémon is also ready!"

"Okay, got it!"

"Come here!"

Xiaozhi Xiaoguang agreed, and Lila turned around, only to find a small dirty Pokémon secretly eating the lunch she just carefully prepared on the table!

And those Pokémon foods were eaten too!

"This little guy is... Shemi?".

Chapter 270

"Jimi? This dirty little guy is a very rare Pokémon, Jamie?"

Xiaoguang exclaimed and walked over with Xiaozhi.

Xiao Zhi was not surprised.

Instead, I was looking forward to it.

Has this drama finally started?

Pluto Dragon, it's time to meet the master of the world that reverses it.

Xiao Zhi was a little excited.

Seeing anyone coming over, Jie Mi suddenly shivered on the table, as if she was afraid of something.

But when Jie Mi saw that Xiao Zhi and the others didn't drive him away, she suddenly became a little bolder and continued~ eating the food on the table.

The three of Xiaozhi Xiaoguang Lila released the Pokémon and let them start eating lunch.

Because of Jamie's relationship, Lila started making some lunches again.

Jie Mi is a thankful Pokémon, but this little Jie Mi can be said to have a very arrogant personality.

It shook the dust off its little body, making a huge pile of dust.

Xiaoguang quickly took this little Jie Mi to wash it with clean water.

When I came back to the table after washing, I found that Jie Mi was shaking her hair and drying the water.

"Ah, this water is too cold, Jie Mi doesn't like such cold water!"


Another Pokémon with telepathy!

Xiaoguang was overjoyed and felt very surprised.

After cleaning, she was still very cute.

Soon, Lila made some more lunches, and the three of them started to eat.

Jie Mi did not leave, but stayed on the table, sitting next to Xiao Guang.

"Hurry up and eat, and help Jie Mi go back to the flower field in a moment. Jie Mi must go back to the flower field!"

Jimi said suddenly.

He has a arrogant personality, so when he speaks, his tone is very unpleasant.

Ash is not the Ash of the original plot.

Although Xiaoguang felt that what Jiemi said was unpleasant, he was willing to listen to what it said, but Xiaozhi directly and deliberately led Xiaojiemi's neck, just like lifting a kitten, Get caught.

"Jimi, thank you for being classified as a Pokémon. I don't know what the word "thank you" means. Lila made lunch for you. Xiaoguang washed the dust off your body. You can telepathically. But you didn't say thank you to them, I suspect you are a fake Jie Mi."

Xiao Zhi said it almost in one breath. In the original plot, he was very angry with this Jie Mi.

Seriously self-righteous, using his arrogance as an excuse to say something very annoying.

Ash must make this Jaime realize his mistake!

"Pickup pickup!"


"Mi, Mi!"


All of a sudden, Ash's words can be said to have won the approval of all Pokémon.

Because Jamie ate other Pokémon's food before without saying hello.

Although it's not a big deal, they won't do anything, but as the perpetrator, Jamie can't say nothing?

"Jiemi doesn't care so much, Jiemi must go to the flower field, take Jiemi to the flower field!"

Jie Mi was led by Xiao Zhi's neck, and suddenly her four calves kicked wildly.

Want to break free.

Xiaozhi was unmoved.

"You hurt Jiemi, let go of Jiemi, you can't bear to treat Jiemi like this when Jiemi is so cute!"

Jamie's telepathy kept talking.

Xiaoguang couldn't bear it anymore, so he came up and took away Jie Mi!But it was stopped by Xiao Zhi's eyes.

"It's cute and good-looking, this is your advantage, but it's not your self-righteous reason."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[-]g whatever, thank you Lila for the lunch, and thank you Xiaoguang for bathing}"

Xiao Jie Mi finally knew that she was wrong.

Honestly admit my mistake and thank you.

Xiao Zhi let it go.

Xiaoguang immediately hugged Jie Mi and asked, "Jie Mi, what kind of flower field are you talking about?"

At this time, Xiao Jie Mi spoke in earnest.

Let Xiaoguang and Lila know what happened.

After Jamie was involved in the reverse world of Pluto Dragon, Pluto Dragon and Dialga fought hard.

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