Cucumber Fragrance is confident in her charem!

This is her first Pokémon!

Accompany her for many years!

In order not to carelessly underestimate the enemy, plus the cucumber incense makes Charem use yoga poses to increase Charem's attack power, Ash glanced at Charem's information.


Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed, the characteristic of this Charem is the power of yoga!

The power of yoga and the characteristics of a strong man are the same thing!

The effect is to make your physical attack power twice as normal!

There are still some Pokémon with the characteristics of Hercules, but the power of yoga is only possessed by Charem and Masana before Charem evolved!

And it will also use yoga poses, a skill to improve attack power, which is not easy to deal with!

This Charem's level is also as high as level 52. In this case, it can only use the powerful physical strength of Kirby to fight the war of attrition!

Xiaozhi make a decision!

"Kapimon, use Rounding!"

Kirbymon began to curl up and use its power to increase its defense.

"Turn round? Isn't this a defensive skill? Let Kirby beast increase its defense before the opponent starts to attack Ash."

"No, the aroma of cucumber on the opposite side made Charem use yoga poses. This is a skill to increase attack power. At the same time, Charem's characteristic is probably the power of yoga, which also makes Charem's attack power 2 Bei, Xiao Zhi, you must not underestimate the enemy!"

Xiaogang also began to analyze the opponent.

The two of Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao only felt that the Charem became so powerful in an instant.

Yachida looked at Ash curiously.

Cucumber Fragrance is an overlooked and powerful developmental brain for battles. He spent a lot of money to invite him here. He is a powerful trainer in the battle arena. What would you do, Xiaozhi!

"Charem, rush up and focus on punching!"

"Kapimon, use Rounding again, and then block Charem's attack with Guard!"


The Kirby beast became round again, and in the next instant, Charem's body rushed to the front of the Kirby beast, and the concentrated attack was about to come!

Kirby opened a light green defensive mask with both hands, completely protecting himself inside!

Charem's attack power is very strong, but its own strength is a flaw, it can't break the shield!

"In that case, Charem, use yoga poses again!"

"Kapimon, continue to use rounding!"

The scene got interesting for a while.

One side keeps increasing the attack, and the other side keeps increasing the defense.

"Sure enough, it's not unreasonable that Xiao Zhi once reached the top eight in both the Chengdu Alliance and the Fangyuan Alliance. It is indeed a good way to deal with my Charem with a war of attrition, but I won't let you Ruyi, now, Charem's attack power is almost able to break your defense mask."

Cucumber Fragrance said confidently.

In the real world of Pokémon, there is a natural limit to holding on to this skill.

When the upper limit is reached, it will be broken.

"Furthermore, there is a high chance of failure if you use Hold continuously, Charem, use the Eye of the Heart to lock the opponent, and then use Concentrated Slam!"

"Kapimon, block it from the front, and then use the belly drum!"

Charem slammed the punch with a concentrated punch, and directly knocked the Kirby beast away!

It can be seen how terrible it must be after its attack power is increased and the power of yoga is doubled!

Kirby's injury was limited, and he waved his arm forcefully, indicating that he was fine.

Kirbymon took a deep breath and used his belly drum. By doing this, he increased his maximum attack power at one time!

But the price of this is to directly consume half of your physical strength!

Don't be afraid, Xiao Zhi naturally has countermeasures!

"Kapimon, use sleep!"

Want to restore physical strength?I will knock you down within the time you recover your stamina!

"Charem, good chance, use Knee Knee!"

Cucumber Xiang started to get a little anxious because he was restricted by Kabimon every step of the way!

Never met such an opponent!

This makes Cucumber Xiang eager to defeat Xiao Zhi and prove himself!

Otherwise, the risky skill of using Knee Knee will not be shouted, although Kirby is already asleep!

Is this really going to be the case?

"Kapimon, use sleep talk!"

Facing the oncoming Charem, Kabimon opened its mouth and destroyed the death light directly!

Strong physical strength, usually eat so much food, this moment comes into play!

There is not much charge at all, destroying the death light emission!

"What!? Even sleep talk?"

The fragrance of the cucumber and the rushing Charem were surprised!

Hit directly!

The flying knee crash failed to hit the opponent, and it also brought severe pain to Charem's knee!

"Charem, don't admit defeat, use Concentrated Slam this time!"

"Kapimon, again, sleep talk!"

This time, Kirbymon once again opened its mouth and made a deafening noise!

Ash's face is weird, this skill is... snoring!

Well, sleep skills are used with sleep talking, and snoring is used, and there is no one else....

Chapter 41

The strong noise affects more than just Charem!

The surroundings are also affected!

"What a strong noise, Xiao Zhi turned out to be using the amazing physical strength of Kirby to fight a war of attrition. This is indeed a very good tactic. No wonder he has been using rounding since the beginning. With the two skills of sleep and sleep talking, the abdominal drum enhances the ultimate attack power, it's amazing!"

Xiaogang covered his ears with his hands.

There are Xiaoxia Xiaoyao and Yaxida who made the same action!

Of course, the sisters-in-law who study in the fighting dojo are no exception.

Both Cucumber Xiang and Xiao Zhi did not cover their ears. Cucumber Xiang was a powerful fighter who could limit the influence of noise on her through special breathing methods, not to mention that the noise was mainly aimed at Charem.

Although the effect on Charem is a bit weak, concentrated slamming requires gas gathering, so it cannot gather energy at all due to the noise!


He has intermediate combat skills now, but it's completely unnecessary. His physique is so powerful that he ignores the noise directly...

Then, the Kirby beast woke up!

After sleeping for two rounds, it just happened to let it go through the rigid state of destroying the death light for one round!

At the same time, most of the lost physical strength of the abdominal drum was recovered.


"Very good, Kirby, continue to maintain the noise attack, let the other party see your attack, and use it to gradually break it!"


"Charem, hurry up and leave the place, use See Through!"

Seeing through this skill, Charem will too!

At this time, the speed of Kirbyon once again surprised Cucumber Fragrance and Charem!

Such a fast kibbi!


Charem used see-through with both eyes, and just as it was about to leave the place and dodge the attack of the Kirby beast, the severe pain in the knee caused by the flying knee knocked into the air before appeared again!

Charem cried out in pain, but couldn't escape!

The next moment, Kirbymon, whose attack power exploded, used it to gradually break it, and punched directly on Charem!

call out!

Charem's small body was directly blasted away!

He lost his ability to fight while he was still in the air, and his eyes circled.


Charem's entire body was slammed into the wall by Kirby's punch!

Inlaid there motionless...

"Charem... loses the ability to fight, and Kirbymon wins, so the winner is the challenger, Ash of Zhenxin Town!"

The referee decides.

Ash wins!


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