When Ma embroidery appeared on the stage, almost all the audience cheered, which is enough to see how popular Ma embroidery is in the aromatherapy market!

Then there is the tacit understanding of the Pokémon that Ma Xiu needs to perform in a fashion show, and she will randomly designate a trainer on site.

This is, the lady at the front desk said a few words to Ma Xiu before, and Ma Xiu immediately appointed Shota, hoping that Shota could come to the stage and have a battle with her.

"Please rest assured, if I can beat me on the fashion show, I will also hold the badge of the Aromatherapy Gym."

Ma Xiu said with a smile.

It turned out that Shota directly lost to Ma Xiu and her Fan Xiangxiang.

Finally, after the day of the fashion show was over, Ash and his party came to the Aromatherapy Gym again.

Now, it's time to start the challenge!

The person in charge of the gym, the young lady who takes care of the referee, brought Xiao Zhi and his party into the gym's competition area.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully arrived at the Aromatherapy Gym, and you are starting to sign in..."

ps: How many readers like this Ma embroidery?

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Chapter 407

The sign-in reward is the expansion of the system space, and then rewards such as alliance coins

"I'm really looking forward to the duel between Senior Xiaozhi and Miss Ma Xiu. Although Miss Ma Xiu's powdery fragrance hasn't evolved yet, I feel that Mu Shougong was too reluctant to fight against it."

Shota recalled the time when his Mu Shougong and Fan Xiangxiang played against each other, it was simply unbearable to look back...

"This Maxiu's Pokémon is not that strong. What makes her stronger than your challenger is that she understands the idea of ​​Pokémon and the use of skills. It just so happens that these are also what Xiao Zhi is good at, so look at it and wait. There will be a good show soon."

Citron pushed his glasses, the lenses glowed.

"Then now start the gym challenge match between the gym trainer Ma Xiu-sama and the challenger Xiao Zhi. There are only two Pokémon available. When all the Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability, the game will stop. It's over, only the challenger has the right to replace the Pokémon!"

The aromatherapy gym is full of girls, and the referee is also a young lady.

And the words are called Ma Xiu, enough to see how respected Ma Xiu is in their hearts.

"Xiaozhi, you can make Citron, who is also a gym trainer, your companion. He seems to be a fairly reliable man. How powerful is he, I'll wait and see."

Ma Xiu looked at Xiao Zhi expectantly, and immediately took out her first Poke Ball.

"Come out, fairy fairy."

"Mia Mia!"

As soon as the fairy elf came out, she greeted Ma Xiu directly.

Ma Xiu also said, "Mia Mia, Mia~~"

Nodding while talking.

"Appeared, it's the conversation between Ma Xiu and the fairy elf, it's amazing!"

The staff of the gym immediately admired and looked at Ma Xiu.

Indeed, being able to speak the language of Pokémon is amazing.

"Xiaozhi, come on, take out your Pokémon, but don't underestimate my fairy elf."

"Of course, come out, Rocket Sparrow!"

Rocket Sparrow!


Rocket sparrows fly over the battlefield.

"Rocket sparrow, electric light peck!"

Lightning peck, a combination of lightning flash and peck attack.

Ash is now more and more interested in researching the combination of two different moves.

However, not all moves and skills can be combined, and some combinations will be counterproductive.

However, as long as one succeeds, the combat power will increase.

The rocket bird flapped its wings, and at the same time as the flash of electric light, its beak began to condense its strength, becoming longer and sharper.

Ma Xiu was directly surprised by Xiao Zhi's manipulation.


The fairy elf was directly hit by the lightning peck of the Rocket Sparrow.

"It's really powerful, but I said don't underestimate my fairy elf, fairy elf, grab the Rocket Sparrow!"

Maxiu's little hand gently covered her little mouth, and the fairy elf used the silk ribbon-like thing wrapped around her body to directly entangle the Rocket Sparrow!

"Fairy Wind!"


After the fairy elf entangled the Rocket Sparrow, it immediately used the fairy wind!

The strong fairy wind blew, and the fairy elf's ribbon was still wrapped around the rocket sparrow.

"Ma Xiu was fooled, Xiaozhi should have deliberately let the rocket sparrow directly approach the fairy elf, and was entangled by it. After all, the rocket sparrow has the skill of accumulating flame attack, and the fairy elf can only bind itself. Shota, learn to fight The prediction of the trainer who observes the battle from outside is also a very important thing in the Pokémon battle."

Citron smiled, recently his actual combat level can be said to have risen in a straight line.

"Yes, Master of the Citron Pavilion!"

Shota's handwritten notes, keep writing!

He found that the knowledge in the Pokémon battle was too much, and he had to work harder.

Sure enough, Ash's next instructions justified Citron's words.

"Miss Maxiu, you are about to tie yourself up, Rocket Sparrow, accumulating flame attack!"


In the strong fairy wind, the Rocket Sparrow unleashed an energy-storing flame attack!

Flames erupted from the body!

The fairy wind of the fairy spirit was directly transformed by the energy storage flame attack of the rocket bird!

The fairy wind that formed the flames!

Fairy Wind is out of its control!

The Rocket Sparrow directly let the fairy wind of the flames envelope the Fairy Elf. At the same time, because of the flames, the Fairy Elf's ribbon can no longer wrap around the Rocket Sparrow...  

The Rocket Sparrow's energy-storing flame attack directly hit the Fairy Elf!

Immediately, it soared into the sky, gaining momentum for the next skill!

"Steel Wing, solve it!"


The Rocket Sparrow, who had just been gaining momentum, took advantage of the situation to directly steel its wings, and slapped the fairy elf that was still entangled in flames.


The referee was dumbfounded, and the fairy elf was directly crushed!

I didn't come back to my senses for a while.


Ma Xiu was stunned for a while, although the outcome was beyond her expectations, but victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs.

"The fairy elf loses its ability to fight, and the rocket bird wins!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the Rocket Bird successfully defeated..."

There is also a system prompt sound that rings in my mind.

"Xiao Zhi, you are really amazing. It seems that we were clever but we were mistaken by cleverness. You have already collected five badges, how can you easily reveal such a big flaw."

Ma Xiu smiled, touched the poor fairy spirit, encouraged and comforted the fairy spirit.

He took out his second Poké Ball.

"It's amazing, Senior Xiaozhi, who actually crushed Miss Maxiu's first fairy elf! It's so cool! The gap between me and Senior Xiaozhi is really not that big. In the previous battle between Senior Xiaozhi and I, Xiaozhi Senior Zhi must have released the water, I have to do my best, forest lizard, you can see it too, come on!"

Shota clenched his fists hard, and he also released the forest lizard to watch the battle between Ash and Ma Xiu.


Forest lizards are also looking forward.

"But next, it's Miss Ma Xiu's Fen Xiangxiang. I wonder how Senior Xiaozhi will deal with the Fen Xiangxiang that killed us in seconds?"

Shota also looked at Ash expectantly.

Sure enough, watching the high-level trainer battle, my harvest is also full!

"Come out, Fan Xiangxiang!"


"Come back, Rocket Sparrow, you've done a good job, I'll replace you next, fighting the birds!"


Fighting Asuka, Xiao Zhi still took out this guy who likes smugness. .

Chapter 408

"Cuck, cuck, cuck!"

Every time the battle bird comes out, it must do this action.

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