The Pokémon felt that they had changed and began to communicate.

On the passenger ship, we spent a few days beautifully, and we are about to arrive at the metal island.

Above the metal island is the location of the Battle Palace.

The guardian of the battle palace, Mr. Yukang, is considered to be very powerful in all the brains of the battle.

Arrived at Metal Island, first went to the Pokémon Center.

If you guessed correctly, Ahida should be waiting there in the Pokémon Center.


This is not a metal island, but in the deep mountains and forests far away from the port capital of Maiden Gorge.

There are obvious cracks on the ground here.

Pieces of huge stones have long been turned into powder.

At present, here comes a group of people wearing "R" uniforms.

These people all have a detector-like instrument in their hands.

All detectors are connected to the same computer.

On the computer, it is the data detected by various detectors.

"¨¨I haven't found out what Pokemon caused it yet?"

In front of the computer, a silver-haired man sat there, pressed his finger on the headset on his ear, and asked.

"Drip, drip, drip!"

The probe has responded!

"Report captain, we found that there is a breath of data here, which is highly consistent with the breath data of our headquarters' top-secret database!"

Headquarters Top Secret Database!

The silver-haired man made an immediate decision and reported a phone call to the headquarters.

"Boss, I apply to connect to the top-secret database."

"Well, I will turn it on immediately. If there is any match, please tell me immediately and wait for your news."


The conversation between the two was extremely simple.

"Report captain, has connected to the top-secret database, and is querying the matching breath data..."

The silver-haired man kept his eyes on the percentage on the computer screen.

(Qian Dezhao)

Twenty percent!

Twenty-five percent!

Forty percent!

Seventy percent!

connection succeeded!

Breath data matching begins...

In an instant, the silver-haired man's heart beat faster.

I hope this time, it can be successfully detained!

A picture pops up on the computer screen.

The match was successful!

It matches the Pokémon breath data above the picture successfully!

"Boss, the match was successful..."

After the silver-haired man finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before a voice came:

"Very good! Finally found it, which one? Groudon? Kyogre? Or, it?"

"Boss, it has been successfully matched with Chaomeng's breath data, we finally found its trace!"

"Immediately investigate, find out the situation in a radius of [-] miles as quickly as possible, and be sure to find out where it went!"


Chapter 76

The phone hangs up.

In the headquarters, the person who answered the phone, Hao Ran, was the man who deceived Chaomeng!

The owner dominates the world and has the ambition to conquer the world!

Team Rocket's biggest boss, Sakagi!

"Hahaha! Chaomeng, finally let me find your news, I'm not in a hurry, I have patience, now is not the time to use all my strength to hunt you down, wait for my Rockets to catch those two, then the capital of Guandong City will be In the three major regions of Fangyuan, who can stop the Rockets' pace??"

Sakagi's laughter came from the room.

A cat boss walked over obediently and gently rubbed his head against Sakagi's feet.

The sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows shone on the arrogant face of Sakagi and the red gem on the forehead of the cat boss, shining brightly...


Of course, Xiaozhi didn't know that the Rockets were able to use the breath left by the battle between Mewtwo and Millennium Ghosts to find out that it belonged to Mewtwo.

Now he, together with Xiaoxia Xiaoyao, under the leadership of Yaxida, walked into the depths of the big forest of Metal Island.

"Xiao Zhi, the guardian of the battle palace is Mr. Yukang. Mr. Yukang often uses the sky as a quilt and the ground as a bed. He believes that nature is the best place for our Pokémon trainers to live. Therefore, at this time, he It should be in the big forest outside the battle palace."

Yahida had already brought all kinds of bug sprays and stuff.

I also sent one to Xiaozhi Xiaoxia Xiaoyao.

"The battle palace is in the big forest, and at this time, in the big forest on the metal island, there are iron-shelled kuns everywhere about to evolve into giant needle bees.

In order to protect the iron-shelled bees, the giant stingrays will frantically attack foreign invaders that disturb them, and insect repellent sprays are very useful. "

Ahida took the lead as she spoke.

Of all the people who challenged the frontier area, only Xiaozhi made Yachida wait and lead the way in person every time.

Xiaoxia hugged Xiaozhi's hand tightly the whole time, it was most afraid of bugs...

The group walked into the big forest, and Yachida sprayed a little insect repellant on everyone, and the effect was quite good.

"Look, there is cooking smoke rising from that place. It should be where Mr. Yukang is. The battle palace is also in that place. Let's go."

the other side.

The Rockets trio hasn't been seen in a long time.

Today, they walk very carefully.

Because around them, there are dangers everywhere...

Yes, they were also in the big forest on Metal Island, and they lost their way with Ash.

"I think...for the sake of my Monini, let's get out of here quickly, Musashi..."

Kojiro looked at the iron-shelled Kun around him, a little frightened.

He held Mornini tightly in his arms, for fear that Mornini would be attacked by the giant stinger bee that suddenly rushed out.

There's no way, this child, Monini, prefers to stay with Kojiro rather than stay in the Poké Ball.

"I also think it's better for us to leave first, Miaomiao, it's all your fault, what the hell did you take us to!"

Musashi was also a little scared. Thinking of Miaomiao who led the way, he got angry and slapped Miaomiao directly!

"What, meow! How can you blame me meow, it's not Musashi you've been trying to get lost, meow, blame you!"

Not to be outdone, Miaomiao directly started fighting with Musashi.

Musashi was on fire, grabbed Miaomiao's neck and threw it out!


Miaomiao fell directly into a large pile of iron shells.


The large needle bees directly swarmed and attacked!

"Run away!"

"Quick, there is a corner ahead, let's hurry over there!"

The Rockets trio ran desperately, but when they turned a corner, they saw the person they had been following but lost!

Xiaozhi Xiaoxia Xiaoyao!

"Little devil, I don't have time to fight with you now, hurry up and get out of the way!"

Followed by a large swarm of large stinger bees, Musashi Kojiro is going crazy.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"


Pikachu jumped out of Ash's shoulder, a hundred thousand volts, and the electric swarm and the Rockets trio.

"Ah! It's so numb, so numb..."

They were electrocuted and danced.

"Xiaozhi, look! There are more giant stingers coming from behind!"

Xiaoyao suddenly pointed to a larger group of giant sting bees in front of him and said in fear.

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