Even his voice was trembling slightly.

Obviously, Huang Ying's reaction showed Su Yi's guess, all of which were true...  

"Because it was the first time you saw Xingka, you were instantly blinded by her face and acted in such a bold and reckless manner."

"You see through her face who you really want to kill, you don't have any time to think, and you act almost instinctively."

"In the depths of your heart, you are extremely eager to kill that person, but that person is not something you can move, so it is suppressed in your heart for a long, long time..."

"It has continued to this day. The moment I saw the star card, it all burst out, turned into a devil, and wanted to fulfill my long-cherished wish."

But speaking of it, Huang Ying's long-cherished wish turned out to be to kill a girl.

Su Yi has really been refreshed with his worldview. After all, you are also a arrogant and arrogant girl. Just a little bit of a pattern, such a little bit of a big picture?

I really can't stand it. It's a waste of such a good character like you, but I'm trapped by love, doing all kinds of irrational things and out of pattern behavior.

"Su Yi...you guy..."

Huang Ying clenched her teeth tightly, word by word, popping out from between her teeth, really grinning. .

Chapter 845

"Looking at your reaction, I guessed right."

Su Yi smiled happily, and the smile became stronger.

"I thought my head was blunt, but now I realize that I'm still the same me. I'm smart, with great bearing, strategizing and judging the situation."

This wave of bragging is okay and completely worth it, just your brain, there is no exaggeration at all.

"Shut up! Shut up for me! Stop talking nonsense there!"

At this moment, Huang Ying is a little bit out of control.

How to say it, it seems that the deepest secret in my heart has been exposed.

That kind of embarrassment, embarrassment, anger, and bewilderment were all vividly expressed on Huang Ying's face.

I have to say that this underage child is indeed not very good at lying22.

Compared with others, Huang Ying may be a more capable, capable, deep, scheming and shrewd girl.

But compared with the big man Su Yi, it is really not worth mentioning.

That feeling is like a three-year-old child playing tricks in front of an old fritters in his twenties.

At the end of the game, I found that I was completely covered by the quilt, and all the masks I tried to disguise were just a joke in the eyes of others.

"Su Yi, don't be complacent there, none of the bullshit you said is true!"

Huang Ying was a little angry, and everything she said was out loud.

To be honest, if your reaction was not so extreme, Su Yi might still doubt himself.

"What you've guessed is all messy things, don't take it for granted. I always feel that I can predict the prophets and probe other people's minds, but in fact, I'm just a clown who disgusts others and demeans yourself."

Now, he doesn't need to doubt at all. From your reaction, he can finally judge that his guess is [-]% true.

Huang Ying's behavior is probably legendary, there is no silver [-] taels here.

Seeing Huang Ying's frantic appearance, Su Yi really wanted to laugh, but she couldn't. Laughing directly in front of her would probably hit the other party's fragile self-esteem.

At that time, the shrew scolding mode will definitely be turned on, and the shrew scolding the street, Su Yi has no interest in dealing with such Huang Ying.

It's good now, although I'm a little crazy, but at least I still have a shred of sanity.

"Don't get excited yet, can you listen to me, I haven't finished yet, why are you so excited?"

"What you are saying is some fart. I don't want to hear it at all. Please stay away from me. Get as far as you want."

"Huang Ying, you have to figure out that you can't stand still and close your country as a person. Not only one person will be destroyed, even a country will still be defeated completely."

It means that you can't close yourself, you have to face the public bravely.

In the face of external voices, listen to their evaluations, their opinions.

Maybe it will give you superficial knowledge and add some necessary knowledge to broaden your horizons.

Just like now, your repeated resistance can't obliterate the fact, it's just a way of self-escape.

Escape from oneself will not solve the problem, but the more it is delayed, the more out of control the situation will be.

In the end, it may evolve into a situation that you cannot control.

"Go away, I don't want to listen to your nonsense. If you really want to say it, say something meaningful."

"What is nonsense, what is meaning?"

Su Yi is very curious about this, and is willing to listen. .

Chapter 846

Boys and girls are two worlds, very unbalanced creatures.

It's two extremes. They are both human now, but the gender is different.

Whether it is a view, a thought, a vision, or a soul, it is a completely different existence.

As for why, after God created human beings and divided male and female genders, the gap would be so big...

You should ask God about this, as mortals have no way to answer such a profound question.

As long as the content of the chat didn't involve anything about Xingka's assassination, Huang Ying was willing to have a few words with him.

"What I like to hear is meaningful words, and what I don't like to hear is nonsense."

Such a domineering declaration is indeed what a girl would say.

Su Yi was stunned. He knew a long time ago that a girl, a creature, is completely unreasonable.

It's just that he rarely has contact with girls, so he has no personal experience. What does the unreasonable nature of girls look like?

Well, now I can feel it, from Huang Ying's body.

What you like to hear is meaningful words, and what you don't like to hear is nonsense.

Even the ancient kings were not so domineering.

Even the ancient kings, there will be that kind of words, good words and good deeds.

When he arrived at Huang Ying's place, he was so arrogant and unreasonable that it really made him a little dumbfounded.

"Sister, have you ever thought about it, what you said is really awkward 々'."

"I thought about it."

"Then how dare you say that, you're very daring."

"Although I am very flat, I have never been flattened when I have grown so big."

This is the truth, Huang Ying's personality is not cultivated in a day or two, it has been like this from a very young age.

There are indeed many people who want to flatten her, ten fingers plus ten toes can't be counted.

But the only person who can crush her is that one.

And that person is the person in the world who is most reluctant to flatten her.

This also caused Huang Ying to have such a lawless, arrogant and unreasonable personality.

Regardless of what she looks like now, in front of Su Yi, she is quite well-behaved and sensible, and even does housework very smoothly.

But in fact, she was somewhere else, and that was the standard boss sitting posture.

The words spoken are the declaration of the king, whoever dares not to listen to it will say it after a shot.

Anyway, people like them who have been wandering on the edge of darkness all year round are desperados, and if one or two people die, they won't attract much attention.

Su Yi buttoned his nostrils, and said contemptuously, "According to your words, those who want to flatten you will be grass grass, more than two meters tall."

"Do not."

Now you guessed wrong.


"It's true that I want to flatten me, and it's true that I don't dare to do it."

"So cowardly?"

"It's really cowardly."

Su Yi suddenly remembered that even though his opponents wanted to kill him, they were all over two meters tall.

But they never flinched, and kept rushing up, not daring how powerful Su Yi was, whether they could beat him.

No matter what the three, seven or twenty-one, let’s talk about it first. According to their words (good money is good), they will not leave any regrets for themselves in this life.

Even if we can't beat you, even if we will be killed by you, but we have worked hard, persevered, struggled, even if we die, we can really close our eyes.

This is the meaning of the legend, you have to close your eyes when you die.

Su Yi wanted to laugh inexplicably, those stupid people, wouldn't it be good to have a small life, they had to come to die.

From this point of view, Huang Ying's opponents are quite self-aware. .

Chapter 847

At least they know what it means to be a man who knows the times and does what he can.

Don't act impulsively, don't die in vain, cherish your own life, and you will do great things in the future.

Since Huang Ying didn't want to discuss about the Star Card assassination, let's ask another question.

Anyway, his way of evading himself can't solve any problems at all.

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