Yellow Orioles on his back, ready to leave.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Rhea immediately stepped forward and grabbed the subordinate.

What, you are leaving now, have you overlooked something?

From start to finish, I didn't even look at him.

Shouldn't you pay a little attention, what about him, a tool man?

In order to save Huang Ying from prison, he almost sacrificed his own life.

Are you sure you sacrificed your own life?

When it wasn't critical, did he push Huang Ying away and save his own life?

Oops, that doesn't matter anymore.

Don't worry too much about the process, we just need to pay attention to the ending.

Now that you have even sacrificed your future, you are leaving like this without showing any sign of it. Isn't it a bit too much?

Dare to ask about your future, isn't it a prisoner?

A small broken prisoner, what is there to sacrifice?

Rhea said, you're a bit of a lever.

Alright alright, don't bother, please do it.

Rhea grabbed the subordinate and immediately said to Huang Ying.

"Did you just leave like this?

You have nothing to say to me?

What should I do, what should I do now? ".

Chapter 976


At this moment, what should he do, what should he do?

A small prison head, because he is obsessed with interests.

Blindfolded for a while, he did something that he could never regret for the rest of his life.

But now, you have to abandon him, what do you ask him to do?

Where else can you let him go, and who can he rely on?

How can we continue to survive in the country of Alabasta?

As the only old man in the Golden Palace, the most important prisoner escaped.

Rhea is sure to die, no one will let him go, and Xingka will not let him die.

So at this time, Huang Ying was the only thigh he could rely on.

He can only continue to live if he hugs Huang Ying's thigh tightly.

Only then can you get countless gold and silver treasures, only then can you be in the top position, and only then can you have power and status.

In another country, on another piece of land, he has his own power and creates his own world.

I have to boast that Rhea's ambition is really not light.

Long ago, he was not satisfied with the gold and silver treasure proposed by Huang Ying.

He wants more and more, far from the upper limit.

Gold and silver treasures, luxury cars and mansions, accompanied by beautiful women, wine pools and meat forests.

He formed a gang, his subordinates were in groups, the power was huge, and the territory and territory belonged to him alone.

Huang Ying had never had such an ambition, but Leia had it.

Such a person is often the most terrifying and dangerous because his mind is too deep,

You never know, beneath his placid, camouflaged exterior.

What kind of heart is hidden, a heart without bottom line for greed, a crack in desire.

Huang Ying was about to speak when his subordinates interrupted him.

Pushing away Rhea, pushing him to the ground,

Then he pulled out a gun, aimed it at his head, and pulled the trigger.

"Ah! 々`!"

Rhea screamed out!

"and many more!"

Huang Ying is blocking, but she doesn't know the time, and it's too late.

At the same time, the gunshots rang out, before Huang Ying could speak.

How can you imagine that this series of actions took only [-] seconds to complete.

Push the man, draw the gun, load the chamber, aim, pull the trigger until the gun sounds.


He gasped heavily, because Rhea wasn't sure whether he was still alive.

When the gunshots disappeared and the gun smoke from the muzzle drifted away, the scene finally had such a trace of human flavor.

"Ye Xing, you are too impulsive."

"No matter how impulsive it was, I finally stopped it in time, wouldn't that be okay?"

The subordinate named Ye Xing put away his gun and walked away.

The meaning is very clear, I am not killing you, but you have to keep up with yourself, don't expect me to wait for you.

As for Rhea, he was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move for a long time.

The gunshot just now really scared him.

He has not yet risen from the brink of death, although he has been trying.

Huang Ying couldn't help but complain: "¨¨It will scare people to death, not to mention that he is a coward.

If you look at it yourself, you scared him to pee his pants, what kind of bad taste, it will not change after such a big year (Li's) discipline. "

Ye Xing replied, "You can also blame me for the fact that he wets his pants, my lord, you are a bit arrogant."

"You don't scare him, can he pee his pants?"

"When did I scare him, I obviously wanted to kill him.

If it hadn't been for your voice to stop him, he would have gone to the Western Heaven and met the Tathagata Buddha. "

Huang Ying couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, anyway, you are justified.

Forget it, let's not talk about it, Ye Xing can't be lifted with the bar. .

Chapter 977

When Huang Ying left, Rhea reacted and quickly followed.

This is a complete escape for them, and they have gained a new life.

Wait a minute, what kind of jailbreak is this!

There is no prison at all for you to escape. From the beginning to the end, there is only one prison head and five guards.

Huh... Such an environment can also be called a jailbreak.

The real big prison, I am afraid, will be silent, the storm will cry.

There were people in the dark, and a pair of eyes kept staring at them.

After everyone left, that person walked out of the darkness.

That's right, it's Su Yi.

This man is so real, he can be seen everywhere.

There are only places you can't think of, and there's no whereabouts he can't come out of.


   His lips pursed slightly, his face ugly.

His eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something.

What should I say, he really didn't think of it.

This little girl is really capable, and she really has a way to escape from prison.

"Hmph... Huang Ying, I underestimate you..."

You have always looked down on her, and you didn't look down on her only today.

Huang Ying has warned you before that she will escape from prison, but you don't believe it, who is to blame.

That would be really not believe, do not believe that she has such a great ability, saying that escape from prison escape.

In the end, I still slapped myself in the face, underestimated the strength of girls and overestimated my own judgment.

"Huang're fine. You escaped by yourself, but it saved me a lot of trouble..."

What if you escaped, he knew what he should know.

When you are in the country, it is time to sanction you.

It's not like you can put on two wings and fly to the sky side by side with the sun.

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