Thousands of knives, lingering delays, executions, smashing the corpse into ten thousand pieces, dismembering the corpse by five horses, chopping it into meat sauce, and dragging it out to feed the dog 々`! "

Xingka suddenly yelled, almost not frightening Su Yi.

But he quickly realized who the man Xingka was talking about was.

Who else is there other than the middle-aged man who kidnapped her sister away.

Who else can make the dignified princess of Alabasta.

So disregarding the image, shouting, exasperated, beating his chest and feet.

"¨¨Calm down, calm down, you'll find your sister soon, and that man soon.

What you have to do now, think about it calmly, after finding your sister, how will you persuade her to return to China.

After all, she left so resolutely at the beginning, but if you called twice, she would change her mind and go back to China obediently. "

Su Yi quickly appeased Xingka, once this woman gets angry, she is really enough shrew to scold the street.

It's no wonder that others say that after the irrational person is burned by impulse, there is only the devil's path (Lee's),

This sentence is absolutely right, it's so true.

"I know what you said, and I have thought about it,

What method should I use to persuade my stubborn sister to turn back..."

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, the back is the shore, there is no road ahead, and the altar of the abyss is ten thousand feet tall.

"Have you made up your mind? How can I coax your sister back?"

Xinghe is not an ordinary little girl, it is really not that easy to be coaxed to turn back. .

Chapter 982

"Your sister is not an ordinary person, you can't be coaxed back by ordinary methods.

If you don't think of a way to coax her back, then it's a waste of time, the next opportunity to meet. "

"I know what you said, and I'm thinking about it too!"

Xingka was a little irritable, obviously she didn't think of a suitable method.

"Seeing that you are so anxious, is there no way to do this?"

It's normal to not have it. If there was a way, it wouldn't let Xinghe slip away in the first place.

The reason why Xinghe was able to slip away shows that they are already exhausted.

They have no way to stop the determined Galaxy, they can only make useless remedies afterwards.

"Instead of being so irritable, it's better to go back to your father and discuss it carefully. After finding Xinghe, how to persuade her to go home.

I personally think that a reasonable person like your sister should not be so difficult to communicate with.

You know it with reason and move with emotion, try to see if you can impress her goodness.

Personally, I don't think your sister will be the same as you, shrew scolding the street, lying and beating, playing rascal..."

When Su Yi said this, he didn't even know how to blush.

Star Card:  …

The more I heard it, the more wrong it became, and the more strange it became.

Xingka reacted with hindsight, and Su Yi was just taking the opportunity to abuse himself.

Instantly angry, he shouted: "What are you kidding! What nonsense are you talking about! What are you calling me to be a scoundrel, a rogue, a shrew!

Do you think I'm an idiot?If you're so obviously scolding me, I can't hear it! "

"Oh! I'm so sorry that you heard it,

I thought that with your IQ, you would never hear it...

Or am I underestimating your mind, my fault, my fault..."

Is it true that this sentence is there, scolding Xingka around the corner, he has no brains and no IQ.

"Su Yi! Do you want to die? If you want to die, just say it, and I will fulfill you now!

Why are you so bewildering, I won't feel sorry for you!

Kill you, kill now, you will not delay for a second! "

That frantic look is really not calm at all.

"Wait! Before you kill me, you should think about how to bring your sister back.

Or kill me now, and no one will give you advice. "

Just because you can't think of a way to bring your sister back doesn't mean Su Yi can't think of it.

His brain IQ, that is not what you can imagine.

Xingka didn't care, she would no longer believe Su Yi's bragging words.

Su Yi, who has no benefit, is bragging.

And that cowhide is about to blow into the sky, and I never knew how to blush.

"Look at what you say, as if you have the best of both worlds.

It's not the first day I know you, and I can still be fooled by your pie-in-the-sky remarks. "

I couldn't help rolling my eyes, if I met you for the first time, I might have been fooled by you.

Sorry, Xingka has been with Su Yi for a year and a half, and the two are old friends.

In such a situation, if you can still be fooled by you, that is the real annihilation of humanity, and it is horrific.

"You can do it. I won't believe what you say. Don't lie to me. I don't read much, and I don't even know a few words."

Xingka said that he gave up on himself, and it was really a bit of a broken pot.

So self-deprecating, there really is no one else.

"To be honest, at your level, if you can be a princess, I have nothing to say, nothing to say...".

Chapter 983

Xingka crossed his chest with his arms and looked down at Su Yi.

"Do you have a big opinion on whether I can become a princess? Look at your appearance, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Don't be joking, what opinion can I have? It's your family's business, and I'm just an outsider."

I'm sorry, Su Yi really doesn't bother to have any opinions.

Whether it's about your becoming a princess, or your inner Alabasta.

Or maybe Xinghe ran away from the country, or maybe, Alabasta, too dilapidated and impoverished.

He was not interested at all, and he didn't bother to know about it.

If it wasn't for you to force him, he would have taken Huang Ying out of this hellish place eight hundred years ago.

Why are you still here, wasting your precious time with you two?

If it wasn't for Huang Ying's temporary request - a ghost.

How could he insist on taking Huang Ying to Alabasta to find her a princess' title-identity.

If said before, Su Yi couldn't figure out Huang Ying why he wanted to be a princess.

Now, he understands and understands.

Why would someone as free and easy as Huang Ying wish to have the identity of a princess.

Huang Ying doesn't seem to care about such a false name.

The reason why I want to be a princess is that I was stimulated by others.

And the person who irritated her was the orthodox princess of Alabasta-Xinghe.

A long time ago, Su Yi never believed that it was a so-called coincidence.

But now, having experienced so many bizarre things, even if he doesn't believe it, he can't.

Because this world, sometimes, is such a coincidence.

It leaves you speechless, speechless, and I don't know how to evaluate it.

Xingka's long fingers poked at Su Yi's chest, and it was a pain.

Nails are indeed one of the killer weapons of women, and their attack power is not low at all.

She said: "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking.

Isn't it just that I can't stand it? I can't stand it when I go through the back door and become a princess.

Disliked that I had a father who was a king, and took shortcuts for me.

Although it is said that in this world, all roads lead to Rome, some people are already in Rome as soon as they are born. "

Su Yi smiled: "Why do I dislike you? What is your relationship with me?

You are not my colleague, you are not my companion,

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Are you a princess or not, it doesn't interfere with my life at all,

That being the case, I have absolutely no reason to dislike you. "

Helpless little stall hand, this star card is easy to think too much, and if there is something wrong, you will make up your own mind.

Su Yi, who has made up her mind, doesn't know what to say about her.

After all, it is still the girl's mind, which is too complicated to make people speechless.

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