Prepare the plane in advance, just wait for her to wake up, give an order, get on the plane and leave at any time,

It really does not delay for a second, just wake up and leave, and the efficiency is fast enough.

Before leaving, there is still one question to ask.

"My lord, what do you need me to do? In this country."

He can make a fuss in the country if he needs to,

To the leaders of this country, add a little trouble, add a little distress,

To the citizens of this country, add a little more disaster and a little more misery.

It's just a little trouble, a small illness, a small disaster, and Ye Xing can still handle it.

After all, he has been lurking in this country for many years, and he can be regarded as well-informed.

Huang Ying is thinking, thinking about the follow-up of this matter, how to solve it.

Randomly, she said: "Do your job well, these things have nothing to do with you, don't interfere."


Ye Xing would never intervene, any decision Huang Ying made.

Subordinates are bound to obey the orders of their superiors, and they are not allowed to ask the reasons for the orders.

This is the idea that everyone, joining the organization, must instill,

It is also a rule that every member of the organization must abide by.

There are no exceptions, including Huang Ying's special case of going through the back door and entering.

It's just that Huang Ying's position in the organization is under one person and above ten thousand people.

In other words, she only has one immediate boss, and she only needs to obey one person.

Hospital roofs, helicopters.

With Ye Xing's help, Huang Ying limped step by step and boarded the helicopter.

Rhea was lying on the ground, very alone, and he didn't know if anyone could help him.

"Sir, what should I do with this person?"

Ye Xing didn't think that Huang Ying would leave with Lei Ya,

After all, this man is useless.

The only place that can be used is also squeezed clean.

A person who is completely useless, no one wants to take it with him as a drag bottle.

Huang Ying is a smart man and a very smart woman,

It is the object Ye Xing has always admired, so it is impossible for her to do it,

Such a stupid and pointless thing to cause trouble for myself.

It's a pity that Ye Xing, who has always been proud, really guessed wrong this time, a big mistake.

What should I say, he really did not expect that Huang Ying would actually bring Rhea,

Take that one and look at it, and you will know that he is a useless person who drags oil bottles.

"Drop him with him."

Just a light command, Huang Ying closed her eyes and rested.

Really tired, physically and mentally exhausted, and the wound is aching. .

Chapter 1023

She was really too tired, too injured, and desperately needed to rest.

Ye Xing wiped his sweat and threw Rhea up, sweating on his forehead,

Sure enough, he is getting old, and he can't guess more and more, and the thoughts of adults are changing.

He couldn't figure it out, why did Huang Ying bring Rhea?

Is such a useless fuel bottle really not afraid of bringing trouble to yourself and dragging you down?

Throwing it on the helicopter, Rhea woke up immediately, just like that telepathy,

Quickly open your eyes, take a good look at this great world, and take a good look at the chance to live.

"Wow I..."

On the helicopter, looking down from the top, it is such a beautiful scenery,

All the high-rise buildings, in a blink of an eye, became the size of an ant,

All the busy traffic, as if shrunk, have a panoramic view.

It feels like getting on a plane and being at a high altitude, as if the whole world is under your control,

That kind of feeling, the feeling of being aloof and looking down on the world,

Just don't be too comfortable, don't be too happy, don't be too cool!

Just getting on a plane made Rhea excited like this,

If he were to be treated as a petty official in the future, he would not be so excited when he looked back!

I'm afraid that at that time, his mental capacity will be low,

Little Heart couldn't stand this sudden high-ranking position.

"Wow... So this is the scenery in the sky..."

As far as Rhea looks like, it is more or less rare and strange.

Short hair, short knowledge, no vision, a bum.

The person on the side asked: "What's the situation with you?

What's so surprising, it makes you excited like you've never seen it before. "

Rhea replied: "I haven't seen it before, I saw it for the first time today."


"Miss, you seem to be well-informed? What else have you experienced?"

If you don't understand, ask, this is what the teacher has taught us since childhood.

Rhea has always kept it in mind, and now when he encounters something he doesn't understand, he will naturally not be ashamed to ask.

The little sister is a little stunned, a little dazed, a little mentally retarded,

Mainly because she had never seen such an ignorant person in her life, so she felt a little strange.

Weakly asked: "Don't you have any, have you ever been on a plane?"

Rhea nodded very honestly. He thought that he had never been on a plane and had nothing to hide. Shameful,

After all, he has never traveled far, so there is no chance, and there is no need to fly.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Ah...I've never been on a plane before..."

Amazing, there are still adults in this world who have never been on a plane,

Such people, how do they live, how do they go out, and how do they do things?

You can't take the train every time you go on a business trip, take a sleeper,

Eighteen hours of sitting, twenty-four hours of sitting, thirty-six hours of sitting?

...... 0

If that's the case, it's more or less scary.

But being able to take the train for such a long time is a kind of itself.

Anyway, if you let them take the train for thirty-six hours, it will definitely not work, and they will definitely die.

This is why people who are accustomed to flying will never take the train again.

Miss Sister doesn't understand again, even if you haven't been on a plane,

But it should also be on a high-rise building, looking down on the ground, right?

It's impossible. Your country doesn't even have high-rise buildings, right?

If that's the case, it's a bit too exaggerated.

A country so big that it doesn't even have high-rise buildings.

Then the meaning of your country's existence on earth is really gone.talent.

Chapter 1024

The young lady asked, "Didn't you stand on a tall building and look down at the scene on the ground?"

If you have had such an experience once, it will not be like now, making a fuss, rare and strange,

Just like a bumpkin from the countryside entering the city, he has never seen the world and has no eyesight to see.

"Yes, there must be. High-rise buildings, although there are not many, but one or two can still be found."

"If that's the case, haven't you been to the roof and looked down five or sixty?"

Miss Sister still doesn't understand, since it is a high-rise building, why is it like this, a douchebag?

"High-rise buildings in Alabasta are generally where rich people work.

That's not something we ordinary people can easily get in. "

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