Now that she is completely out of trouble and out of danger, she doesn't need to continue to disguise,

It's better to expose his true face as soon as possible, in order to shock, the disobedient old man Rhea.

Rhea complained: "You guy, you are really a two-faced person, in the Golden Palace dungeon, so obedient,

As soon as I got out of the dungeon, my attitude took a [-]-degree turn.

Become so arrogant and arrogant, even verbally threatening me. "

Nonsense, I was begging you at that time, how could I reveal my true face prematurely?

Naturally, I have to discuss it with you in a good voice, to please you, and to hug your thighs.

I have to say, at the peak of Rhea's life,

Probably in Alabasta, the Golden Palace dungeon,

Huang Ying begged for his wagging tail, bowed his knees, and begged pitifully.

To make Huang Ying show such an expression, such a tone, such a gesture, Leah is the first person,

For this matter, Rhea can really take it to the bottom of his heart and go out in the future, blowing it for a lifetime,

After returning to China and joining the organization, he can blow everyone's breath,

Huang Ying was humble and begging for him, kowtow for help,

So that others can look at him with envy, admiration, and jealousy.

Huang Ying smiled and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? When I asked you for something, I naturally had to be nicer to you.

Now that I don't want anything from you, do you think I will still have a good attitude towards you?

Besides, in my eyes now, you have no use value at all,

I was able to take you with me, and it was a great mercy,

I'll teach you another truth today, don't be greedy, don't be greedy enough.

Before you have such a big desire, first see if you have such a big appetite to support. "

Huang Ying's remarks are too realistic and can be said to be very close to human nature.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Rhea complained: "After saying so much, you just want to cover up, and you want to remove the essence of grinding and killing donkeys."

"Isn't this nonsense? I've even unloaded the mill, why do I want you as a donkey?

I raised you so big and asked you to work for me, not just for,

Can you drain your body at the last moment and use the last value?


And your final use value is to be slaughtered and eaten by others. "

Rhea:  …

There is no way to refute, Huang Ying's broken mouth, although not like a machine gun, swept the Quartet,

But every word he said seemed to be logical and heart-wrenching.

You are obviously very uncomfortable listening to her, it is clearly a heresy,

But you just can't refute her, you just can't protest.

This is really amazing, what kind of magic is it?

Only then can such fallacies and heresies sound so reasonable and so true.

This is not heresy, it is the root of human nature, the worst of human nature,

Maybe you don't understand now, but when you get along slowly in the future, you will have deeper discoveries.talent.

Chapter 1029

It's not that Rhea doesn't understand, he just pretends he doesn't understand, an old fritter like him,

They have all been in ups and downs and have lived for more than [-] years. How could they not understand, how to write the word human nature?

Then you said that at this age, Rhea should know more than Huang Ying,

It's just that for some reason, he was forced to pretend that he didn't understand.

"You haven't answered my question, do you like her? Goddess of Alabasta, the one you most admire."

 Wu Liu San Huang Ying likes to get to the bottom of things very much. You don't want to change the subject, and don't try to avoid answering.

There is nothing she doesn't know about the answers she wants to know. Even if she brings a shovel, she must dig it out.

Seeing that he couldn't be perfunctory, Rhea could only put his hands behind his head in a condescending attitude.

You can hang on, why can't he hang on, just like that, who is afraid of whom?

Don't you want to hear the answer to this question?He can tell it to you, whether you believe it or not is up to you.

He said: "Of course I like her, in the whole of Alabasta, there should be no one who doesn't like her, ever.

You must know that she is Alabasta, the former goddess, Her Royal Highness, the most perfect woman in the country. "

It came again, and began to praise and kill again, Huang Ying felt more and more,

The reason why that woman fell from the altar was that she was held up too high.

In other words, it was not herself who killed the woman,

She didn't 'suicide,' gave up on herself, ran away from the country, regardless,

She was just held up too high and fell too badly by the whole nation of Alabasta.

"About my answer, I don't know if you are satisfied, eldest son,

If I'm not satisfied, I'll watch a little more TV series and think about other lines? "

Rhea's casual attitude seemed to be joking with someone.

"No, let's have a quiet rest, and soon we will reach our destination, soon..."


That is to say, soon, he will be able to see himself, the person who thinks day and night,

Her Royal Highness Princess Xinghe, once the goddess, once the hope of Alabasta.

Hospital roof.

Su Yi stopped to look into the distance, looked at the helicopter that was leaving, smiled slightly, and felt relieved.

As long as Huang Ying leaves, as long as Huang Ying is safe, he can handle Vera's affairs with peace of mind.

After he has dealt with Vera's affairs, he can rush back to China immediately and do his own business.

Time is really rushing, one after another, just like urging one's life to steal the soul,

If things go on like this, Su Yi himself doesn't know how long he will be able to persevere.

Such a high rhythm, high movement, high intensity life, the brain is very painful.

"Hey... Hurry up and deal with Huang Ying's business, and go home after finishing it..."

At this time, Su Yi misses him very much, misses him very much,

Kong Ling, Bai Ruoruo, and Xie An, this group of friends.

It's really rare, really lucky, you still remember that you have such a group of friends,

People who don't know, think you have thrown them out of the sky.


Royal hospital.

Vera is currently hospitalized, and her injuries are too serious to not be hospitalized.

On this day, Xingka came to see her mercifully, and she was really flattered.

"His Royal Highness, why did you come in person? Why didn't you tell me in advance so that I could meet you."

Vera wanted to get up and give Xingka a big gift, but she still had a drip on her hand.

It is really inconvenient to move, and it is in a dilemma.

Xingka found a chair and sat down and said to her: "Okay, you don't need to get up, just lie down like that."

Chapter 1030

We have nothing to do with each other, why bother with these falsehoods, there is one set and no set. "

"Thank you, Her Royal Highness."

Vera nodded slightly, although routines, procedures, and etiquette were waived,

However, there must be no lack of courtesy, and respect for Her Royal Highness.

"How is your body, is it better?"

While Xingka asked, he patrolled left and right. The ward where Vera lived,

Very luxurious, very luxurious, VIP presidential luxury ward.

If the star card remembers correctly, a ward of this level,

It seems that only she, Xinghe, the king of A-22 Labastan, and the queen are eligible to stay.

So now, the question arises, why only royal family members,

Only the ward that is qualified to live in, but Vera lives in it?

Who gave her this right, who gave her this capital,

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