What secrets are hidden in you?

Or, is there a relationship that is invisible?An unspeakable secret? "

Blinking his eyes, Xingka used the most relaxed tone, the calmest expression, the most innocent eyes,

She asked Vera the most embarrassing question, the question she was most unwilling to face, and the most insulting question.

Why to say Xingka is actually insulting her personality?

Because she devotes her heart and lungs, does her best, and is conscientious,

Those who serve their immediate bosses are swayed by their immediate bosses,

Doubt it in person, and interrogate it in person, it is still unbearable to ask,

Don't you think this is some kind of insult in disguise?

[-]% hard work, but the result was treated as a donkey's liver and lungs by the boss,

Don't you think this is a kind of contempt and hurt?

But at this time, there is no time, no effort,

Feeling sorry for Vera and complaining to herself, Xianglin's Wife is possessed and chirps crookedly.resentful,

At this time, it is natural to find a way to save oneself and break the suspicion of the star card,

Let her stop doing nothing all day and doubt her personal female official.

You don't want others to suspect you, but you do something human.

You always do nothing, how can you let her not doubt you?

Since you are from the world, let's do a little bit of the world.

The things in the underworld, don't pick it up again, it's really speechless.


Vera laughed suddenly, with a little pressure and a little stiffness,

To be honest, she can still laugh at this time because of her strong psychological quality.

Vera is a subordinate. When explaining to her immediate boss,

You must have a smile on your face, and you must not have the slightest hatred, grief, or accusation.

Just because it is your immediate boss, even if it is an explanation, even if it is misunderstood,

Even if it is suspected, even if it is insulted, even if it is abused,

You must also greet you with a smile, show your most sincere side, and explain to your immediate boss humbly.

Who let your immediate boss, the princess of this country, let you work in the State Administration Office.

"His Royal Highness, there's really no such thing, you think too much,

I'm just a little female official, not that complicated. ".

Chapter 1033

Please don't bother anymore, because it's really annoying and people don't know how to explain it.

You have to invent something that never existed,

When you look back, you have to ask others to explain to you, do you think others are immortals?

If it weren't for the fact that you are Her Royal Highness, Vera would have been scolding [-] years ago.

And it's still scolding, a particularly ugly kind, you can't bear to listen to it.

"Hmph...Is it really my illusion? Is there really no such thing?

Why do I always feel that my sixth sense is not wrong,

You should know that my intuition is always accurate and can't go wrong. "

Vera propped her forehead. It was really the first time I saw it.

Use intuition and sixth sense to judge the right and wrong of one thing.

please!You are the princess, you are - the Minister of State,

You use your sixth sense and intuition to judge the great affairs of the country,

Are you really sure that you will not be beaten to death by the people?

Are you really sure that this country is in your hands, can you continue to live?

Suddenly, Vera thought of Xinghe, that very perfect woman,

That once, Alabasta, the hope of a whole nation,

Her Royal Highness, the young and promising, intelligent and intelligent princess.

Thinking of Xinghe, if you look at the Xinghe card again, if you really think that this person is better than a person, you will have to throw it away immediately.

Don't hesitate for a second, hurriedly threw the star card, because it was a pile of garbage,

Compared with the galaxy, the star card is indeed worthless and scandalous.

This is a fact recognized by all throughout Alabasta.

Star cards belong to that category. They are less than the above and more than the next. They are like chicken ribs. It is tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

If it wasn't for fear of death, Vera really wanted to complain:

You can't compare to Princess Xinghe, you can't compare to the whole person, her hair has a tail.

Xinghe said, can you please stop killing her, she has already left this country,

Still chattering like this, dragging her out and whipping her body at every turn,

Have you ever considered her feelings as a retired person? Have you ever thought about her mood?

Really convinced, one or two are so unconscious,

Always take her on the stage, take her on the stage, has it been with her consent?

Vera didn't want to say any more nonsense to Xingka.

She didn't want to communicate with this mentally retarded person. At first glance, she seemed to have no brains and no IQ.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

In this case, why should she wrong herself, with a mentally retarded idiot,

It's entangled again and again, endlessly.

So be it, believe it or not, or pull it down,

Anyway, she is not afraid of the shadow, she is not afraid at all, you will deduct her feces.


Staring at Vera, not wanting to pay attention to herself, Xingka was somewhat depressed,


What does this mean, she is a dignified princess, condescending to talk to you,

As a female official, you are still ignorant,

The appearance of not wanting to talk about it, I'm afraid it's not putting the cart before the horse and taking the lead.

Sure enough, as a servant, it is easy to float by doing what you do. This sentence is really right.

Look at the way Vera looks like now, isn't she just floating very seriously?

please!Can you stop talking against your conscience all the time?

Is he floating, or are you too exaggerated?

Unreasonable at all, suspecting that she has no evidence and no reason,

Just relying on intuition, with the sixth sense to doubt,

If you just change someone casually, there is no way someone will be convinced, okay?talent.

Chapter 1034

In everything, you must pay attention to the evidence and the results of the investigation. If you do not investigate, you will have no evidence.

You are not working on a case anymore, you are the one who is stunned.

Since ancient times, the monarch has never lost the hearts of the people or the sincerity of the people.

And if you govern a country with the idea of ​​a foolish ruler,

Not surprisingly, this country will advance and enter the countdown to its demise.

"Vera, you don't want to pay attention to me, because what I said touched your heart and made you feel guilty?"

Let your uncle be a bullshit and talk nonsense with your eyes open!

"Or for some other reason, I think I shouldn't have wronged you,

I have always been convincing with reason, and you should know me better. "

Even if you still convince people with reason, you are so embarrassed to say such a fart,

I really don't know blush at all, I don't know how to be shy, I don't feel embarrassed,

Vera pondered, how thick does a person's face have to be to have such a strong psychological quality?

Another point, Vera must declare that she really doesn't know you at all,

She doesn't know you, and doesn't want to know you, and she doesn't know you very rarely,

Also, please, Her Royal Highness, you must not put gold on your face, you will be embarrassed to death.

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