Don't just make up your mind, don't misinterpret what I mean. "


Vera snorted softly, what do you think, can you still not count it in your heart?

Don't blame Su Yi, he is innocent from beginning to end, but don't let Chiyu suffer again. "talent.

Chapter 1049

After talking about the star card, he left without a trace of sloppiness.

After all, she is too busy. As a princess, how can she be so free?

I vaguely remember that the last time I went out to have a barbecue with Su Yi, they were still sneaking, hiding and tucking, using the night time,

Successfully avoided everyone's eyeliner, and secretly enjoyed a barbecue.

Su Yi is very depressed and puzzled, the dignified princess of a country,

You have to be sneaky when you eat barbecue. May [-] can't be discovered by the people.

How humble you are as a princess, don't you have any points in your heart?

Such a humble princess, so what if you are wrong,

Don't you feel at all when you're so aggrieved?

When a princess, think of yourself so unhappy, so unhappy, why do you have to be persistent?

Can't you be a shopkeeper like your sister Xinghe?

Well, it's impossible, Alabasta, there are only two princesses in total,

If the two princesses are the hands-off shopkeepers at the same time, it is unfortunate,

The throne of the next generation of kings of Alabasta will really change hands.

Even Xinghe Xingka's father, the real king, would have no children or daughters because he had no children.

During the reign, persecuted by hostile relations, it is very likely to advance,

Retired from the throne, after all, he has no children and can inherit his throne.

In the absence of children, the king of Alabasta can change hands,

Because you have no heir, let you continue to be king,

It's just a waste, a waste of things, a waste of a high-ranking position.

To be honest, as far as the throne of Alabasta is concerned, no one really cares about it.

The locals don't know, anyway, foreigners are scornful of Alabasta.

The evaluation of the nationals of Alabasta also rolled his eyes and looked down.

I'm sorry, I'm really too lazy to read about the King of Alabasta.

There is no interest at all, no desire to understand at all, so stay where it is cool.

Xingka left, leaving Vera alone, sitting on the hospital bed, and began to think quietly,

She mainly thinks about the last sentence that Xingka said, let her not blame Su Yi, this matter has nothing to do with Su Yi,

However, does this really have nothing to do with Su Yi?Did he really not say a word from the beginning to the end?

I don't know why, Vera just doesn't believe it, she just doesn't believe that Su Yi is an innocent pond fish,

Look at his appearance, what exactly does he look like an innocent pond fish,

Not only do they look alike, but their words and deeds, their demeanor and micro-expressions,

There is no place like innocent, like pond fish!

And Vera is very clear. Just now Xingka was halfway through speaking, and she seemed to have forgotten her lines.

Immediately, she took out a piece of paper from her pocket. It seemed that some answers were written on it, all of which were used to perfunctory her...  

When I came to talk to my subordinates, I even had to bring a script book in advance.

Just ask if you are funny, funny or not, weird or weird.

Just ask the script book, who wrote it for Princess Xingka, and she couldn't possibly write it herself, right?

If she wrote it herself, how could she not remember it?

From this point of view, it is not difficult to judge that there must be a behind-the-scenes manipulator behind this, secretly manipulating Xie all,

And who is the mastermind behind the scenes?Who would be so idle, so bored,

The ground was moved directly to Vera's head, and Xingka was relieved of her position.

Thinking of this place, you can use the exclusion method to eliminate one by one, thinking of people who are not good for you. .

Chapter 1050

Those who secretly want to deal with themselves, or those who see themselves dissatisfied all the year round,

The main opponent in the political arena, and in private, who has he offended.

These are all very easy to rule out, just because Vera does a very good job,

Never enmity with anyone, and never enmity with anyone, unless it is necessary,

Otherwise, with her personality, she will not easily offend others.

But don't say anything, a person with such a character is not a good person.

It is unfortunate to tell you that it is someone with a character like Vera,

22 can live a long, long time in society, even longer than the princess Xingka.

Because she can disguise, change more, and hide her thoughts,

Don't let yourself be exposed to others too early, and don't let your trump card be seen through by outsiders.

She will have both sides, she will meet the needle, she will meet people to talk about people, and she will talk to ghosts,

He will coax the bad guys to be happy, laugh out loud, and make the good guys amused.

With such a skill, you can't even envy you. People are born with it and cultivate it the day after tomorrow.

Anyway, Xingka didn't have a self like Vera. If she had, how could she live like this?

If she had such ability, Alabasta would not be what it is now, shabby,

If she has a little bit of skill, a little bit of stubbornness,

Alabasta will take one step forward, not ten steps back.

If you give Alabasta a score of [-] points out of [-],

So the current Alabasta is about thirty percent.

During the reign of Xinghe, Alabasta could barely reach [-] points, barely passing.

That is to say, after Xinghe left, after Xingka took over, it was only half a year.

The status quo of Alabasta directly dropped another [-] points and fell back to a failing state.

How pitiful, how pitiful, how humble, what a headache,

That was once the hard work of Xinghe. It took Xinghe ten years to change the status quo of Alabasta,

From the state of [-] points, it has been directly improved to [-] points, and I almost worked hard.

As for the Star Card, it only took half a year to drop the [-] points back to [-] points.

If Xinghe, who is far away in a foreign country, finds out about this, he might have to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I was sent directly to the ICU for rescue and became a critically ill wounded person, all of whom were angry.

However, from this point of view, it is not difficult to see that Xingka is a person,

It's really not suitable to be a princess, it's really not suitable to be a leader,

He really doesn't have much brains, and he really doesn't have the ability to govern the country.

You made her a princess, and you made her a leader, it was a bit too wrong for her,

From the very beginning, her wish was to be a housewife,

Obviously from the beginning, she was just a little girl with a love brain,

As a result, the day did not come true, and all the previous wishes were shattered overnight.

What should come is still coming, the responsibility that should be taken by you, can never run away, he will be late but never absent,

Since you are a princess, since you were born in the royal family, then the prosperity and decline of a country,

That must be in your hands, must be led by you,

Only then can we truly realize the road of poverty alleviation and embark on the pinnacle of life.

It's a pity that this idiom, the first two words were realized by Xinghe,

The last two words are the star card, which brings out the most incisive realm.

It's really, unspeakable pain...

Chapter 1051

After Vera's exclusion method, she found sadly that,

It seems that Su Yi is the only enemy of his own.

Besides her, I really can't think of a second person who would secretly attack him.

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