what you say and do, what you do, what you say,

Really in the country of Alabasta, it can't affect any blood and rain.

To be able to set off a violent storm in the country of Alabasta,

There is only Xinghe, and only her running away from the country has brought a [-]-level tornado to this country,

Not only Alabasta, Galaxy's runaway, even internationally,

It caused quite a stir, and everyone was shocked.

During the international conference during that time, all the hot search headlines were occupied by Galaxy.

From beginning to end, talking about it, it's just that one thing—

Run away for love, run away from the country, Your Royal Highness Princess,

Abandoning one's own country, abandoning one's own people,

Did a very earth-shattering event!

Regarding the matter of Xinghe leaving the country, at the international conference, it dominated the hot search headlines for three days.

This shows her influence and her international reputation.

If the international conference is a place where every country shows its strength,

So for Xinghe, the International Club is a place to show her personal strength.

Thriving alone, she is talking about Xinghe, she is a legend,

Not just in Alabasta legends, but internationally,

Her prestige is not lost to any one, the head of state, the boss, the president.


Vera eased her mood. She had already decided that she would not let Su Yi go anyway.

What to do now, what must be done, is to repay Fu Yi,

Let him go and tell Her Royal Highness Princess Xingka that he should not be dismissed from office, and that he should be reinstated quickly.

Put her back in the workplace, put her back on Alabasta, First Lady,

She wants to work, she wants to conquer the world, and she wants to become a strong woman, so she can't be delayed by you outsiders.

Turning back to the ward, she wants to change clothes, she wants to be discharged, she wants to find Su Yi. .

Chapter 1056

If we have revenge, we have revenge, we have grievances for revenge, and if we have something to say, don't delay for a second.

Fortunately, no one in the hospital went to work after four o'clock. She wanted to be discharged, and no one would stop her.

Her Royal Highness Princess Xingka said that she should be hospitalized to recover from her injuries,

During this period, Vera cannot return to the Golden Palace to serve.

If that's the case, if you just can't take a job, if you just take good care of your wounds,

After leaving the hospital, you can recuperate at home, and be kinder.

Even if they were discovered, it wouldn't be a big deal, and it wouldn't be a big crime.

Vera put on a hat, mask, and sunglasses, and followed Su Yi and Xingka all the way.

Just waiting for the two of them to part, go to Su Yi for revenge.

In order not to let the other party find out, Willard opened the distance two hundred meters away,

Followed silently all the way, it was not even the slightest sound to make,

For fear of being noticed by the other party, I became wary of her,

When she wants to make a surprise attack, it will be a bit difficult.

It's just a little pity, although he tried his best to hide his whereabouts,

Don't let yourself make a sound, don't let the other party find out, don't expose it in advance,

But who is Su Yi? With his skill, with his keenness, with his awareness and vigilance,

Could it be that he couldn't find out that there was someone following him within two hundred meters behind him?

Not to mention Su Yi, even Xingka found out, even someone as careless as her found out,

It can be seen that Vera's tracking technology is really bad, really rubbish,

It is very difficult to get on the table. It seems that I will have to do more special training and exercise in the future.

Xingka asked: "What should I do now? How to solve it, she has been following us 々' ."

"Don't look back, just walk forward as if nothing happened, walk back to the Golden Palace,

Don't let her find out, you are aware of her presence and pretend you don't know anything. "

Su Yi didn't even turn his eyes, looked ahead and said,

It's really like, nothing has been found, don't say it, it's quite like it.

Xingka said brokenly: "Standing and talking without back pain, you have to know how difficult it is for a person to concentrate,

Obviously there is someone behind you, but you have to pretend you don't know anything. It's a test of your acting skills, isn't it?

It's not like you don't know me. I have never liked to lie, to put on a pose, or to pretend. "

Su Yi: "If you talk too much nonsense, you will die if you talk less."

So broken and broken, do you think you look like a princess?

Which point has the deportment of the princess, and which point has the domineering of the princess?

"¨¨Look at what you said, it's true that you won't die if you don't speak, but you'll go mad when you hold it back?

What's more, you are going to leave soon. After you leave, I will be alone again.

If I want to talk to anyone again, I don't have a confidant, okay?

At first I thought that Vera was a good person, my sister, who really fought for Alabasta,

As a result, I only found out now that she is a traitor, (Li Zhaozhao)

A hidden undercover, a person who is trying to treason anytime, anywhere! "

Su Yi:  …

There is no evidence yet, just based on his one-sided words,

You have already put so many negative labels on Vera,

It's no wonder she would betray the country, she would betray, she would betray you, the princess,

Who do you put it on, who won't betray, who can bear it,

Vera is a person with a temper and an idea. .

Chapter 1057

Xingka is a person who really can't buy people's hearts, and he really can't seek talents.

If it were Xinghe, she would definitely not do it. If it were Xinghe,

When I meet a talented person like Vera, I can't guarantee that I will get a high salary and a high position.

Be sure to keep her, no matter what means you use, keep her alive for Alabasta.

By the way, I forgot to mention, Vera is Alabasta, the position of the first female officer,

It was given to her by Xinghe, because Xinghe felt that with her ability,

Absolutely can sit firmly, Alabasta, the position of the first female officer, and it is true.

As a result, now, take a look for yourself, the talented people that Xinghe finally left behind,

In only half a year, the Star Card was removed.

Directly dismissed from office, sent to the frontier, and returned to his hometown.

It really corresponds to that sentence, what Xinghe has done in the past ten years,

She has already been defeated by the prodigal girl of Xingka, and she is almost broken.

The key is that Xingka himself never feels that he is a loser.

There is never a moment when I think I've made a mistake, terribly wrong,

He even thought that what Xinghe did was actually harming the rights and interests of Alabasta!

This is really from a mother's womb, two extreme thoughts,

You can't cater to me, I can't cater to you,

You keep going east, I keep going west, less than one piece,

It is a bit ironic that the three views are so discordant and the facial features are so similar.

Su Yi hastened to stop it, please stop talking, if you go on, he will be ruined again.

It's really bullshit, so people have to admire, your country's survival rules, survival system.

"When you arrive at the Golden Palace in a while, don't come out if you go in, I will explain everything to Vera,

Lead the snake out of the hole and tell her to show the fox's tail as soon as possible, so that you can catch the thief and grab the stolen goods. "

"Well... Then what will you tell her? What method are you going to use to lure the snake out of the hole and let her show the fox's tail?"

"There are many methods, it depends on whether you can use it or not, so you don't have to worry about it,

The rest, I will solve it by myself, and will solve it very well,

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