If you don't understand, then Su Yi can only really feel helpless.

Very helpless to tell you in vernacular, after all, you have no IQ, no brains.

Vera is different from Su Yi, she will not be like him,

Pretending, pretending, pretending to be deaf, pretending to be deadly. .

Chapter 1066

If you can understand, you can understand, if you don't understand, you don't understand. There's no need to pretend.

Vera also picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip,

It's just that her mood is not as calm as Su Yi's,

Her little heart was thumping, her little face was like a burning cloud,

From top to bottom, not a single place is no longer showing, he is very nervous now, very restless, very cramped,

But even so, pretend to be calm, pretend to be calm,

Don't let Su Yi see what's wrong, don't let him grab the handle.

She said, "Mr. Su Yi, you are really not sincere to talk to me."

"You misunderstood, I am really sincere, the world can be learned, and the sun and the moon can prove it."

"Don't talk about some things that you don't have. You know that I can't understand your domestic language."


That's really embarrassing, just these two sentences, in the domestic language,

The maximum level is the level of primary school education, nine years of compulsory education,

You can't understand it, it's really nine years of compulsory education, and it looks like you haven't finished reading it.

He was probably a lonely family again, he didn't study much, and dropped out of school early to work.

"I hope you don't pretend, don't pretend to be innocent,

I hope you can confess to me and be lenient, resist and be strict,

You should know my personality, I don't like to listen to lies, I only like to listen to the truth,

Even if the truth is something I don't want to hear, I can accept it reluctantly.

But if you tell a lie, even if it's a lie, you can make me very happy, and I'm also very disgusted 々'. "

It means, can you explain honestly, can you not play tricks,

If you tell the truth, you will die!If you don't pretend to be a white lotus, you will die!

Whether he will die or not, I don't know at the moment, anyway, Su Yi's purpose now is to make you angry,

Make you angry, make you angry, make you angry,

Because only when you are angry will you lose your mind, only when you lose your mind,

It will make more horrible and irreversible crimes.

This is Su Yi and Xingka's plan, only to let Vera show her true colors,

Only let her commit a crime and send her to jail.

Make her completely isolated and helpless, trapped in a desperate situation, without any hope of life,

Only in this way can it be possible to draw out her trump card,

Only then is it possible to let the forces behind her show their true colors.

Anyway, Su Yi would never believe that Vera alone can do such a big thing.

Who gave her the courage and the courage to make her act so recklessly and defiantly.

"¨¨Mr. Su Yi, can we be a little more honest, since we've already opened the skylight to speak out,

Can I ask you to stop pretending, every time you pretend like this,

It doesn't look alike at all. I have to cooperate with you. It's really tiring. "


"Whether you're pretending to be a victim, or pretending to be ignorant, or pretending to be a white lotus..."

Wait a minute, what is a white lotus?What does this word mean?

"It will give me a very fake, very hypocritical, (Li Qian's) very unreal feeling,

To be honest, Mr. Su Yi, you are really not suitable for acting, especially such a weak person.

You should play a strong man, under one person, above ten thousand people, because you are born with a domineering air. "

"Cough cough..."

Look at what you said, you are almost complimenting people to the sky, and I am a little embarrassed.

"So, since it is a magnanimous king's honor,

Just please stop lying, stop pretending. "Cin.

Chapter 1067

"You always say I lied, what did I lie about?"

You say if you don't pretend, you don't pretend, I have to pretend, to the point of anger and resentment,

When you pretend to be impatient, when you have no temper,

When to yell, when to sit still, when to burst out,

Maybe Su Yi will think about it, won't pretend, and will tell you the truth.

How does Vera know Su Yi's thoughts, she just wants an answer now,

With this answer, she can die clearly and clearly,

After knowing the answer, she can know what to do in the future, what kind of plan to make, and turn the tide.

Vera said: "Mr. Su Yi, really don't pretend any more, you are not pretending at all,

I don't believe it at all, why do you keep pretending?

I don't believe it, I don't cooperate with you, it's meaningless to pretend.

Please explain honestly, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist. "

"Hey... But I still don't know, what am I going to tell you, can you be more specific?"

Su Yi supported his head with one hand and looked at Vera with an innocent look.

He is very innocent, as if the problem is Vera, and the persecutor is also Vera,

Every bad thing is done by Vera, and every bad person is made by Vera,

It is absolutely amazing, and the appearance of the victim is vividly interpreted.

"Humph! Su Yi, you guy..."

Obviously, Vera's patience is coming to an end, she is not an idiot,

How can you still play her like a monkey and lead her by the nose?

How can you do this, how can you treat her like this, can't you take her as a person?

I'm really sorry, it seems that Su Yi treated you as a human from the beginning to the end.

It's just that I don't treat you as a normal person, I always treat you as a shrew, the kind who scolds the street.

In fact, I really can't blame Su Yi, just Vera's previous style,

It is quite normal to be treated as a shrew.

After all, recall that what Vera did in the past was to fight him,

Either raise a gun at him, or find someone to besiege him,

In short, after knowing each other for so long, I have never done anything that a person should do.

So Su Yi's evaluation of him is that of a shrew who scolded the street and opened fire incidentally.

This evaluation is also quite normal, quite acceptable, and has no meaning to smear it.

Vera finally couldn't hold back, and shouted loudly: "Can I ask you to be serious!

Can I ask you not to challenge my patience again and again!

I am a human being, not a god. I don't have such strong patience, and I will always overuse it!

You are endlessly provoking me like this, have you considered my mood?

At that time, if I get angry, I do something to you, and you will go to our princess to make a small report! "

Standing directly on the table, it can be seen how angry Vera is now, how angry, and her patience is not good.


Vera had only this sentence, she was right, she guessed right,

Because Su Yi will indeed go to Xingka to make a small report and arrange Vera's crimes,

Let her impressions fall again and again in Her Royal Highness's heart,

It's best to fall into the bottom of the valley, and it's best to never be able to work in the Golden Palace in this life.

Just because she is unworthy, she is really unworthy, unworthy to be the first female official of Alabasta!

Vera's identity is really a mystery, and her power is also amazing.

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