Chapter 1070

Even with endless wealth, there is no way to shake Vera's heart for wanting to be promoted.

What's the use of money, only endless power, endless status,

Only then can you be able to call the wind and call the rain in this country, and I am the only one!

This is Vera's truest thought, this is her truest wish,

She doesn't need money, it's all external things, yellow and white vulgar things,

What she needs is status, what she needs is high-ranking officials.

If she can, she wants to be not just a princess, but the king of this country!

It is so ambitious, so unrealistic, what can you do,

22 What else can you say other than sighing and talking about a dream?

Anyway, Vera dares to dream, unlike some people who dare not even dream.

On the surface, he is submissive and shrinking softly, but in fact, he points behind people's backs and talks nonsense.

Since you have already asked the point, if Su Yi doesn't answer you again,

Wasn't it a waste of all the emotional swings you've had for so long?

Very good, the time is ripe, and the mood is in place,

You can tell her the truth, or you can stimulate her one last time.

As long as Vera is impulsive, as long as she is mad, as long as she acts in anger,

Then there is no doubt that the plan between him and Xingka was successful.

The woman in front of her will reveal her true face and reveal all her trump cards.

If possible, the person Vera and the forces behind her must be uprooted.

We must return Alabasta, a quiet, peaceful and peaceful world,

Be sure to let Her Royal Highness Princess Xingka sit back and relax, with no time bombs around,

This is the only thing Su Yi can do, the only thing that can compensate the star card.

After all, he released Hua Hua privately, which was undoubtedly another blow to Xingka.

One after another, fatal blows, must do something,

Come to appease the fragile little heart of this princess.

Although in Su Yi's eyes, there are more or less star cards, and they are a little hypocritical.

However, her character is a little hypocritical, which is normal.

A fool, a [-], a little idiot,

There is no adult thinking at all, adult maturity and stability.

Seeing this, I have to sigh, the character of the star card is really well established

Even an old fried dough stick like Su Yi didn't even see her true colors.

She actually thought that she was just a fool, a [-], a little idiot,

Thus ignoring the most real star card, ignoring the name behind,

What a cruel, bloodthirsty, bloody and violent princess.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Yes, you guessed it right, I did it,

I see that you are unhappy, it is not a day or two, I have wanted to touch you for a long time. "

"Su Yi, Su Yi..."

Grabbing Su Yi's collar, Vera's hands were shaking,

No, it should be said that her whole body is shaking because of anger!

"I held a grudge against you a long time ago and wanted to deal with you,

Don't you really feel nothing at all, I remember telling you before,

But you don't seem to take it to heart, as if ignoring what I said. "

Looking back now, Su Yi did say something like this,

It's just that Vera at that time really didn't take it to heart.

It was directly treated as a joke, and it was over after listening.

Because Vera at that time looked down on Su Yi at all,

This is a foreigner in a foreign country, a weak man. .

Chapter 1071

A young man with no power and no power, no gold and no silver, what qualifications do you have to point fingers in your own country?

At that time, Vera directly regarded Su Yi as the male pet of Her Royal Highness, the princess.

As a small male pet, how can it cause Alabasta, the first female official's sense of crisis?

So at that time, Vera really didn't take it to heart, and she didn't bother to take it to heart.

But who would have thought, just because she didn't take it to heart,

As a result, today, she was dismissed from office by Her Royal Highness the Princess.

There is no regret medicine in the world, and regretting the green intestines now will not help.

"I clearly warned you, but you don't take it to heart at all,

That's why I was so careless, I stabbed a knife in the back,

Under the serious injury, I was pulled off the horse, from a high position. "

Su Yi said it very lightly, without any pressure, as if he had done a very righteous thing?

Whether it is just or not, I don't know. Anyway, for Vera, this is a fatal blow.

Vera kept shaking Su Yi's body and kept questioning him,

Why do you do this, why do you do this to him, what kind of hatred is there between the two?

Let you put so much effort and effort into dragging him into the water!

In such a moment, Vera seemed to be the heroine of Aunt Yao,

Showing the arrogance and showing the roaring emperor, he is so crazy and crazy.

Su Yi is not the queen's heroine, he can't stand the sway of the hero,

With a slight wave of her hand, Vera fell to the ground. She didn't even know how she fell.

Anyway, it was a fall, and the fall was inexplicable, and the body was quite painful.

It's normal to fall, can Su Yi's strength be comparable to that of a little girl like you?

Just let you fall, and didn't kill you on the spot, you should thank him for being merciful and merciful.

Su Yi straightened his collar and said leisurely, "A gentleman speaks and does not do anything,

This girl, you are a little too impulsive, your clothes are messed up by you 々'. "

Vera glared at him fiercely, glared at him fiercely, and almost dropped a pair of beads from her eyes.

It's really typical to stand and talk without back pain. If you experience something like her, can you still be as calm as ever?

If you go through something like her, from a high position,

Being beaten directly back to his hometown and assigned to the frontier, how can he still be calm like this, it's none of his business, just hang up high.

"This is the end of the matter, it's a foregone conclusion, why do you need to be so excited?

Even if you are excited, it is impossible for you to return to the position of a female official, to return to a high-ranking official position.

If I were you, I would take the initiative to accept this ending, this arrangement. "

"¨¨Su Yi! You bastard! You must die!"

Since I can't beat you, then I will scold you, Vera doesn't believe it anyway,

With his own broken mouth, can he still scold Su Yi as a stinky man?

If a woman can't beat a man with her mouth,

Then Vera is really ashamed of the word woman, ashamed of the woman's mouth.

"Hmph (Li Qianhao)..."

Su Yi's self-cultivation is very good. No matter how you scold him, he doesn't even frown.

Because in Su Yi's view, only incompetent people will use pale and powerless abuse,

To defend the last shred of dignity, the last shred of sovereignty.

Ordinary strong people will not move their mouths, they will directly do it,

Use the strongest strength to defeat the opponent, shock the opponent, and tell him to shut up obediently.

At least the people around Su Yi are like this. .

Chapter 1072

Su Yi's friend, Su Yi's enemy, did not speak abusively,

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