The instrument is now completely useless, and the rest can only rely on themselves.

"I said that my name is Xiao Saburo, Xiao Saburo, Xiao Saburo! Damn it, Armado, you are so disappointing to me, it's okay if others call the wrong name, we have been working together for so long, even you are actually called me by the wrong name. Name, ah ah ah!"

Xiao Saburo's anger soared, and every time someone mentioned the name of Xiao three times, he would be inexplicably angry!

"Alright, alright, little Saburo, it's just the name, let's hurry up and chase it!"

Amado embarrassed to expose this matter.

"It's all my fault for that hateful Kojiro. It's not good to call him Kojiro. Now everyone is calling me by the wrong name. Damn, they deserve to fail all the time!"

Ko Saburo and Amado, both carrying a small aircraft on their backs, walked towards the footsteps.

The screen turns.

Came to 22 mountains and forests a few kilometers away from Xiaozhi and the others.

The Rockets trio is here.

They followed Xiao Zhi and others along the way.

But in the forest, especially in the overgrown places, it is really easy to get lost...

Now, as usual, they are lost.

"Where did the little devils go? If I remember correctly, there should be Baiyin Mountain in front of me. What are you doing here?"

Kojiro has a sore back and has been beaten up recently. It's really hard for him to be able to live well...

In comparison, Musashi is more spiritual.

"Cheer up, Kojiro, recently, Amado and Kosan have also come to play here. Do you want to be looked down upon by those two guys?"

Musashi knows a ghost!

She made it up.

"Don't be arguing meow, don't you remember meow, in Silver Mountain, but there lives Bangira and a child of Bangira, meow, if we can capture Bangira and its child, send them to If it's a present for the boss-nyan..."

Musashi Kojiro looked at each other.

Immediately after...

"Upgrade to be sensible, and take office as a sub-minister, it's great..."

Before the cheers of the trio were over, they saw Armado and Xiaosan who fell from the sky...

"Damn it, it's actually Musashi and Kojiro. We tracked it wrong. There was a strong wind just now, and the original trail is probably gone, damn it!"

Armado and Xiaosan landed, and the small aircraft behind him made Musashi Kojiro jealous for a while.

"Amado, Xiao San, you two are so shameless to follow us?"

Musashi quickly realized that he had lost his way, and quickly adjusted his posture.

"Damn, just said my name is Xiao Saburo, Xiao Saburo!!!"

Kozaburo got angry again.

"Musashi, let me ask you, what are you doing here sneaking? You even lost our tracking target, really."

Armado stopped Kosaburo who was angry, and immediately asked Musashi.

"Meow haha, it's impossible for us to tell you that we're going to catch Bangira's meow... ah... Meow, I missed it..."

Miaomiao spoke proudly, but accidentally said that there was a Bangira in Baiyin Mountain.

When they heard the three words of Bangira, Amado and Xiao Saburo immediately became interested.

"Oh, Musashi, we seem to have accidentally overheard some great secret. I don't think you can catch Bangira, so let's take a little loss for Xiao Saburo and I, and help us catch it together. When we get to Bangira, the credit is half.”

Mewtwo's traces are completely gone, and if Armado and Kozaburo can catch a Banjira and go back, it would be a good deal.

Musashi looked at Miaomiao with a murderous look.


Xiao Zhi and his party have arrived at Baiyin Mountain.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully arrived at Baiyin Mountain and started to sign in..."


Silver Mountain triggers the sign-in, which is also an unexpected joy for Xiaozhi.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the sign-in is successful, the rewards are being distributed..."

Ash waits for the reward from the system in his mind.

However, he estimates that the rewards should be the same as before, with little differences.

Alliance Coin 50 million!

Advanced super power!

There are also various props.

Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered that he still had a random lottery that he didn't use before, so he had to find a chance to use it.


A sudden explosion made the three of them stunned.


Pikachu's ears perked up.

His eyes looked into the depths of Baiyin Mountain.

"Pickup, pickup!"

Pikachu is calling for Ash, telling him to hurry up and take a look.

"Okay, Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, let's go over there and have a look. Baiyin Mountain is a protected area. It was obviously the sound of shells exploding just now. It may be that poachers have come to Baiyin Mountain again!"

Hearing Xiaozhi talking about poachers, Xiaoxia immediately thought of Yukira again. It was because of the poachers that Yukira was so afraid of humans. These people are really necrotic!

Deep in Silver Mountain.

The three men, Hao Ran, were the poachers who were arrested by Miss Junsha.

They are Boss Goul.

Inventor Chico.

And the muscle man fat wave.

They didn't know how to escape, and the thief chose to continue poaching in Baiyin Mountain!

The target is still that Bangira!

Bangira became a thorn in the hearts of the three of them!

After the three of them escaped, they couldn't use it again because their robot had been blown up.

So the inventor Kiko began to redesign the robot.

Finally, something even more powerful than the previous robot was created!

Named "The Ultimate!"

At this moment, these three guys are sitting in the Ultimate, and they have been searching for the hiding Bangira in Silver Mountain.

"Boss, it was only a short while before that we were able to successfully catch that Bangira. It's a pity..."

In the control room of the Ultimate, Chico just fired an ultimate cannonball, but it failed to hit Bangira, which is a pity.

"Don't worry, now those stupid Junsha ladies don't even know that the three of us have escaped. We must persevere in doing things, and haste is not enough."

Boss Goul said calmly.

He likes to end his speech with an idiom, which is his habit.

"As expected of the boss!"

Chico and Fat Bo are flattering.

"It's okay, let's continue chasing Bangira, we can start with its child. Bangera is too vigilant. If we can catch its child, we must be able to succeed."

So, on the big screen in the control room, a photo of a Shakira appeared.

ps: I don't know if you still have any impression of the three people.

Chapter 95

"I didn't expect it to have evolved into a Shakira. It would be better. We grabbed this one by the way, and if it can successfully evolve into a second Bangira, two Bangiras will be used. Together, we should be able to sell it for a very good price, and the three of us will not have to worry about it for the rest of our lives, and we will be as happy as gods, hahaha!"

The arrogant and domineering voice came from the Ultimate robot.

Vaguely, some compliments can be heard.

Night fell gradually.

The poachers are looking for Bangira, and the Rockets are also looking for Bangira.

Both teams of the Rockets began to cooperate, but they did not find Bangira's shadow at all.

Instead, they found traces of the poacher's Ultimate robot driving past the road.

Secretly followed, and suddenly found the poacher!

"Damn guy, these three guys escaped, I must make them look good!"

When Musashi saw these three guys, he was instantly furious.

She will never forget that when he was in Baiyin Mountain, Musashi Kojiro Miaomiao worshipped these three guys as his teacher, but he was finally used by these three guys, attracting Miss Junsha's attention.

This feeling of being used as a gun is the most disgusting!

"Musashi, don't be impatient meow, this time we have enough manpower, we can fully divide the labor and cooperate meow, we are like this... this way... and this way... The final result is that Bangira and Bangira's children are all us. Yes, meow haha!"

Miaomiao thought of a good plan, and got the consent of Musashi Kojiro, Amado and Kosaburo.

They, take action separately!

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