Huang Ying is also there. After passing through Alabasta, this trip may have hit the most painful side of her heart. This will definitely not calm down, and she must be trying to find a way to deliberately take revenge.

From this point of view, if you don't rush back in time, I'm afraid that the mistakes will be made and cannot be changed. It will be the real regret, and the regret will be lifelong.

...... 0 ...

How could a person like Su Yi leave such a big irreparable regret in his life?

It is absolutely impossible, and it will never appear in Su Yi's body. He has never been that kind of person, and he has never been the kind of indecisive person who looks forward to the future and fears that.

In the face of a difficult and endless woman like Xingka, he naturally has his own way to solve it, not panic, not panic at all.

Just like in the current situation, being pulled back by the star card forcefully, how should you show your favor, and how should you solve it?

Now, let Su Yi demonstrate for you, the so-called textbook-level self-help method, the trick to get out of trouble!talent.

Chapter 1159

Xingka walked in front, pulled Su Yi's wrist, and grasped it firmly. The strength of her strength really made people think that she was holding a piece of gold, a piece of beautiful jade.

As for Su Yi, right behind her, she was firmly holding her wrist and dragged her forward forcefully. Although she was reluctant, she couldn't hold back Her Royal Highness.

This is the legendary little girl who can't even open the bottle cap, but she dragged a man like Su Yi, who was [-] meters, and [-] pounds. When she shook, she was fast. nonstop.

Xingka was in front of him, dragging him along, but he didn't forget to babble: "I said you, maybe there is something wrong with your brain. What is the relationship between us, how familiar we are, can you still feel it yourself? Points?"

I'm sorry, Su Yi really doesn't count in his heart, and it's okay if he doesn't count. The key is that he doesn't want to count at all, so it's really good, and he's too lazy to continue to entangle with you.

It's endless, it's endless, it's entangled, it's like a piece of dog skin plaster, once it sticks to you, it won't be able to be torn off in this life.

How can people be convinced, how can people bear it, and how can people handle and face it with a normal heart?

Xingka continued to nag: "As far as our relationship is concerned, you are too embarrassed to leave without saying goodbye, you are embarrassed to ignore me, and you are embarrassed to leave without saying goodbye!"

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, if it wasn't because of you, Su Yi would have been on the plane and flew back to China.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, hurry back with me, I have something important to tell you, and when I'm done, I'll personally send someone to take you on the plane and take you home, how about it?"

Xingka thinks that he is very understanding and arranges everything properly, that is not considered at all, Su Yi's mood at this moment.

Can you consider that he has a ghost? He is a high-ranking princess, how can you consider your feelings as an ordinary civilian?

She is not full to support herself, she has nothing to do when she is free, she makes trouble for herself, adds extra work to herself, and increases the amount without increasing the price.

In fact, Su Yi doesn't understand a bit. It's already this time. What more important things do you have to say?Anything else important to say?

Didn't Vera catch you already?You have also been put on death row, tortured and guarded...  

The last step, isn't it that you want to add sin, why is there no word?This kind of thing is often done by Xingka, which can be said to be very experienced.

So you can rest assured that there will never be that kind of situation, such as cramming, in a hurry, and at a loss.

So Su Yi couldn't figure it out, everything was ready, he only owed Dongfeng, what else did Xingka have to worry about.

If there is still something that can't be settled, he needs his help, and even if he doesn't want to let him leave, he must drag him and let him stay in Alabasta.

However, there is one thing that must be stated. No matter if there is something wrong with Xingka, if you need him to help, Su Yi will not help, and will not intervene again.

Because he himself has troubles to solve, and there are many troubles, one after another, like a tide.

You can't help your highness, Xingka, the foreign princess, instead of getting your troubles resolved.

Su Yi is a smart person. He will not put the cart before the horse. He has priorities. Obviously, his own affairs, domestic troubles, are more important. .

Chapter 1160

If this is the case, then I can only feel sorry for Xingka, this beautiful, noble, high princess, where did you come from?

Anyway, Su Yi has already made a decision in his heart and made up his mind, this madness, don't pay attention to her in the future, it's really a pain in the head, and a little girl who never does anything.

Xingka dragged him away from the front, and Su Yi tried to sneak up on her from behind. He didn't need to exert too much force, just knocked her out.

It's an international joke, if you accidentally use too much energy and turn around and beat people to death, then you will be in real trouble and cause trouble.

Su Yi is quite confident about his own strength.

Su Yi quietly raised his hand, wanting to put a knife on the back of Xingka's neck to end all this trouble.

Although I am not sure, I can stun her [-]%, but as long as it hurts enough to make her lie on the ground and not move, I will have a space to escape.

Su Yi planned this way, and he also planned to implement it this way, but unfortunately he forgot a sentence after all, the so-called plan can't keep up with changes, this is an eternal truth.

It's like now, like the situation in front of you, in the blink of an eye, another turbulent accident happened.

Su Yi's hand knife hadn't been chopped yet, and another accident happened, and the accident this time seemed to be not small.


Su Yi and Xingka stopped at the same time and stared blankly in front of them, without saying a word, their faces full of confusion.

In front of them, there was a team of troops in military uniforms, holding spears and shields, and carrying long guns behind them, which could be said to be fully armed.

That army came to Su Yi and Xingka, and surrounded them in groups, so that they could not escape.

Su Yi whispered, "Your Highness, Princess, can you explain to me what the situation is?"

Xingka said weakly, "Don't ask me such a philosophical question. If you ask me, I don't know how to answer you..."

"Even you don't know how to answer me, isn't this your country, your army, your subordinates?"

Su Yi is also convinced. This is clearly the bodyguard in your golden palace. Why don't you know it yet? You don't know what's going on?

"Fuck! Look at this posture, look at this momentum, look at this situation, it may be my army, big brother, do you look down on me too much..."

At this moment, the star card has a little bit of cowardice, a small bag, a little weak chicken, that is not seen at all, the previous picture of grinning with teeth and claws.

Looking back, I can scare the dignified Alabasta, Princess Xingka, into such a bird. It can be seen that the background of this army is really not small.

"If this is not your army, whose army is it?"

Su Yi asked curiously, he had to figure it out, or else he would not know how to plan and solve the follow-up incident.

"This...this...this is me...I...I..."

He stuttered in fright at Her Royal Highness the Princess of Alabasta. It was quite powerful, [-]% powerful.


Su Yi snorted lightly, with a thoughtful look on his face, and a playful look gradually emerged.

To be able to scare Alabasta, the most arrogant, arrogant, proud princess, into such a bird...

Chapter 1161

Really looking forward to it, they are going to reveal the identity drama next, Su Yi is inexplicably excited and happy.

The leader of the army said respectfully, "Your Highness Princess, please come back with us, His Majesty the King is waiting for you."

The leader of the army, his voice is very cold and icy, with a chill that penetrates the heart, and the heart is flying, which only makes people feel that the soul is frozen.

There is courtesy, respect, and respect, but there is a lack of humanity, human taste, and human heart.

It feels as if it is not a person talking to you, but a corpse, or a piece of wood, or an ice cube, cold and cold, without the temperature of a person.

Su Yi listened to what the leader said, with an expression of sudden realization, it turned out to be the king's army, no wonder even the Xingka was frightened and trembling all over.

The King's Army, as the name implies, is the army that guards the King. Within the Golden Palace, it is the strongest, most powerful, most well-equipped, and most cruel army.

Their immediate boss is the only king of Alabasta, His Majesty. Apart from him, there is no other person in the world who can command him.

Even before Xinghe left the country, he had never enjoyed such a right, nor was he qualified to mobilize the king's army.

As long as His Majesty the King of Alabasta has not authorized anyone, in the country of Alabasta, he is the only master, the soldier of the King's Army.

This is also His Majesty the King of Alabasta, the last bit of rights, the last bit of dignity, and the last bit of face.

If even the king's army was robbed by his own daughter and owned by Xinghe, then in the Golden Palace, the king would really not be able to find the meaning of his existence.

At first, he was so worried, but later he found out tragically that he seemed to think a little too much, as if Xinghe had never been interested in this aspect.

Because she was gone, she ran away from the country, abandoned her hometown, went to another country, and went to another country.

Xinghe's personality created the ultimate reason for her extreme decision - abandoning her motherland, abandoning her own people, abandoning her identity as a princess, abandoning all family, friendship, and fetters.

Now, His Majesty the King of Alabasta, don't have to worry about anything, any accident, any situation he doesn't want to see.

Don't worry anymore, your rights will be snatched away by her daughter, and will be monopolized by Xinghe alone, sitting in the Golden Palace, becoming the only Her Majesty.

Don't worry anymore, his face, his dignity, will be crushed by his own daughter, stepping on the ground.

He doesn't have to worry, his power, his own path forward, will be overhead, will be deliberately arranged to become an empty boss, just like a puppet.

Alas... Although it is said that after Xinghe left, there are many, many things, so there is no need to worry at all, and it is unfounded.

But when you think about it, after she left, after the pillar of Alabasta left, how much negative impact it brought to the country (Zhao's good), probably only the family knows.

The departure of Xinghe has directly brought a fatal blow to the country of Alabasta, as well as all kinds of troubles that you can't imagine at all.

It brings a lot of inconvenience, and it brings bad comments from various countries, and even ridicules the face and disdains the expression.

These negative effects are nothing compared to the trivial things that His Majesty is worried about. .

Chapter 1162

One is personal honor, personal rights, personal throne, one is national affairs, one is international status, and the other is national panic.

It really can't be compared, can't be compared, can't be compared on a level, it's not a matter of the world at all.

His Majesty the King of Alabasta, more or less regrets it, feels a little uncomfortable, and wants to cry a little.

If from the beginning, he could have noticed that Xinghe was wrong, that she was in a low mood, and that she had fallen into a low life.

If he had noticed it from the beginning, he would remedy it in time, give Xinghe more and more love, let her understand one thing, let her know what family is and what family is.

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