How to say it, how to express this question?

There is no conflict at all between Xingka and her father. The two of them get along very harmoniously and harmoniously. It is really a picture of a father and a daughter.

Since Xinghe's mutiny, since she left the country, and since she broke her father's heart, Xingka and her father have unexpectedly been in harmony with each other.

You must know that before Xinghe left, Xingka and her father had always been at odds with each other, their relationship was not deep, and there was not much communication.

You look at me without saying a word, I look at you without expression, and look at each other without words, although I will not get bored.

In short, it is that kind of relationship, that kind of relationship, that kind of unspoken feeling.

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It gives the impression that it is not like a father and daughter, but more like a relationship between subordinates and subordinates.

But this is also normal. In the royal family, if you want to find family affection and sincerity, it is simply impossible and impossible.

The Huang family has always been intriguing and intriguing, you bully me and I will fight back, do your part, and kill people without blood.


In this kind of place, you want to find true feelings, you want to find close friends, you want to find family, friendship, love, it is impossible at all.

Also please stop dreaming, stop dreaming, stop talking about dreams and delusions.

Therefore, Xingka would be afraid and would be reluctant to go back, simply because the way the king of Alabasta, her father, invited people was a little unfriendly.

If it was just a private summons, Xingka would definitely not have any opinion, he would jump up and down immediately, pouted his tail and passed by, running faster than anyone else.

But the premise is that he even called out the Emperor Protecting Team, which is mighty, majestic, and full of momentum.talent.

Chapter 1184

The meaning of the existence of the Emperor Protecting Team, the mission in the Golden Palace, no one will not know, not to mention that Xingka is a princess, she knows it better than anyone.

As long as you are an Alabasta person, even if you don't work in the Golden Palace, you will be very clear about the meaning of the existence of the Emperor Protecting Team and the signs of the Emperor Protecting Team's appearance.

This is obviously not here to summon her, this is obviously to demonstrate, it is to arrest her and go back, but she is the only one who asks.

Xingka Qi[-] just couldn't figure it out, what did she do wrong, what did she say wrong, that made her father so angry.

He didn't even hesitate to mobilize the Emperor Protecting Team to arrest her and bring her to justice. He didn't even care about her face or even her dignity.

All in all, it's just one sentence - the king of Alabasta, Xingka's father, what he did this time was to make Xingka feel better and make her happy.

It is to make her panic, make her feel helpless, make her panic, make her not know what to do, how to face the public.

It's really weird, it's too confusing, what is this situation and what does it mean?

What did I do wrong to make my father so angry, to do such a behavior, to arrest her and bring her to justice, and treat her as a criminal!


Xingka's face was very ugly, and he snorted heavily, very unhappy and unhappy.

Su Yi said leisurely: "Actually, it's really unnecessary, there's no need to resist so much, be so restrained, like a cat whose fur was blown up, someone stepped on its tail and strangled its neck."

It seems that he will suffocate in the next second. In order to survive, he has to struggle, use his hands and feet together, and pull around. There are no rules, no fulcrum.

The star card at this moment is really like a drowning person, unable to grasp the life-saving straw, and is about to indulge.

A person who is about to indulge, how can you expect that she can maintain her former image and maintain a calm and consistent style.

Still able to maintain aloof, as calm as ever, heart as still water, noble platinum princess attitude.

More noble than anyone else, more stalwart than anyone else, more famous than anyone else, a model for public figures.

If Xinghe was regarded as a goddess by the people of this country before, it is beyond expectation, the only goddess belief in Alabasta...  

Then the current star card is regarded as a female leader, and all women should follow her example and learn from her.

I don't want to be on an equal footing, I don't want to surpass her, I don't want to be able to become a princess, to become a master.

Just to be able to step on her shadow, to be able to grab her tail, to be able to follow behind her buttocks, and to see her far back is a relief.

This is the biggest difference, the biggest difference, and the biggest gap between Xinghe and Xinghe.

As the goddess of Alabasta, Xinghe will never be surpassed by anyone, because she will never be surpassed.

That is really a god-like existence, that is really a ceiling-level character, that is really unattainable, it can only be seen from a distance, not close.

   As for Xingka, it is different. Although she is known as the leader of women in Alabasta, the symbol of women, and the first woman.

But it is a pity that such an honor seems to be very different from that of Xinghe.

As a female leader, it seems that anyone can go up, as long as you have the ability, let you have dedication, as long as you have achievements, records, achievements...

Chapter 1185

As long as you make a little dedication and merit to the country of Alabasta, let others remember your existence.

Naturally, someone will hold you high, someone will call you a symbol, someone will naturally praise you, and someone will praise you.

With compliments, attractiveness, popularity, attention, and discussion, you will naturally have a worth and the value of being praised.

So, as long as you have that ability, as long as you have that ability, as long as you have something special, it is not difficult to become a symbol, and you cannot become the object of popular pursuit.

Just like Xingka, from the moment Xingka was born, her identity was destined to be 22. In her life, she will not be ordinary, nor ordinary, nor will she be unknown and waste her time.

Even if she doesn't have the ability, even if she doesn't excel, even if she doesn't shine, she will still be known by the world, and she will still be sought after by the world.

Because she is the princess of Alabasta, and because of this status, it will bring her eternal dividends, which cannot be eaten up.

But in this way, the dividends that come with identity are high, limited, and blocked by ceilings.

Xingka will never be able to reach the level of Xinghe, her achievements, her greatness, her heroic deeds.

That is really Alabasta, no one before, no one since, the only god, the princess of the realm of gods.

No matter how beautiful words or words you use, praise Xinghe, describe her beauty, and construct a noble image for her.

The final result, however, will never change. This is a princess who ran away from the country, a traitor who betrayed the motherland, the hometown, and the people.

No matter how beautiful she is, no matter how goddess she is, no matter how high she is, her past great achievements can't escape in the end, the trick of fate.

She is a traitor, a downright villain, not worthy of sympathy, not worthy of respect, and even less worthy of the title of goddess.

Therefore, Xinghe was defeated. The legend of her goddess, the miracle worker who has never been seen before and never came after, completely collapsed from Alabasta, the historical stage of this country.

Su Yi still felt that Xingka was a little too fussy, maybe it was just a father's call to his daughter.

Maybe this is just an ordinary conversation, just an ordinary meeting, why is there such resistance, such a frenzy, and such a guilty conscience.

It gives people a feeling that even if you don't commit a crime, you still feel like a crime at this moment.

Just because you have sinned, because you have done wrong things and said the wrong things, you dare not go to see your father.

What are you afraid of?What are you afraid of?What are you timid about?Fear of facing legal sanctions, fear of facing questioning from his father.

The dignified princess of Alabasta is going to experience the taste of being a prisoner now. For Xingka, it is undoubtedly more painful than killing her.

Anyway, Su Yi thinks so. He thinks that Xingka has made a big fuss, so there is no need to do this at all, and there is no need to resist so violently.

If there is any conflict between you and your father?It's easy and convenient to solve it face to face.

If it is the kind of irresolvable contradiction, friction, and hatred, it is even simpler. This is an opportunity, a perfect opportunity.

So that you can smoothly and safely approach your father, the man you have hated all your life. .

Chapter 1186

As long as you get close to him, you have the opportunity to kill him, kill him with one knife, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving, then you win!

Well, I always feel that Su Yi's brain is a little bloody, a little violent, and a little ignorant.

What kind of international joke are you making? Are you playing tricks on other people's daughters and assassinating your own biological father with a knife?

You're too bullshit, isn't this outrageous?

As a male protagonist, you can't be positive, you can't be positive, and you can't be bright and sunny?

It is necessary to spread such negative thoughts, and it is necessary to think about things that are messy and not.

A crow's mouth is too much. The dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, so nothing good comes out.

It's like that, my heart is extremely dark, it's not a good thing...

The words are not rough. The above evaluations are quite suitable for Su Yi, and there is no need to call injustice, because he is such a person himself.

He was not a good person in the first place, not a good man and a woman, so why did he want to spread positive thoughts?

As long as you don't do anything that hurts the world, as long as you don't do anything illegal or criminal, even if you don't have positive thoughts, even if you don't feel bright and cheerful, it's definitely not a big deal.

Anyway, for Su Yi, he has always been like this, and he will not be especially accommodating for anyone, especially to change, to change his own nature.

Adhere to yourself, live well, strive to make yourself live a wonderful life, live your life enough, and not come to this world in vain, this is undoubtedly the best, the best.

Xingka is reluctant to go back with the Protecting Emperor team, anyway, his intention is here, and his attitude is also here, extremely firm and resolute.

If you insist on taking her back, then break her hands and feet, and use force to drag her back, drag her back with a corpse.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for her to take the initiative to return to the Golden Palace with you, to cooperate with you obediently, and to be investigated and brought to justice.

What an international joke, she is the only princess of Alabasta, how can she be caught by your servants, whoever they want, whoever they want, whoever wants to investigate, who can do whatever they want?

Please also see your identity clearly, don't be so self-aware, don't put gold on your face, show your teeth and claws, and show off your power.

Don't think that you can move her if you put on the hat of the Protecting Emperor Team. As the only princess of Alabasta, Her Royal Highness is definitely not a group of you who can try to move a single hair.

If that's the case, don't hurry back, don't hurry up and stay away from her. Seeing you guys with knives and guns makes me feel unhappy and unlucky!

Xingka frowned slightly, the disgust on his face was really full, the whole face was almost unable to cover it, and it was about to float out. It was disgusting, it was really bad.

In fact, Su Yi still wanted to say something, but looking at the appearance of Xingka, he almost understood, almost understood, and almost realized.

At this moment, in front of her, no matter what you say, no matter what you do, it is all nonsense and useless.

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