How come the big event of leaving the country after the incident, how can the tragedy happen unexpectedly, and how can I regret it, and I have been reluctant to face the facts for a long time.

Su Yi asked helplessly: "Who told you all this?"

"No one told me, I feel it myself!"

"Ah... mediocre people harassing themselves..."

Fortunately, no one was talking nonsense inside, otherwise Su Yi would definitely beat that person to death.

It's really every day, when I have nothing to do, I know that there are rumors in the river, spread negative thoughts, and cause the panic of others to intensify.

Can't you find a job, can't you be serious for a day or two, and show the value of your existence?

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Xingka hurriedly said: "No, no, what a mediocre person, what you said is wrong, not at all!"

What a mediocre person, this is not the way of saying it, it is her intuition, the most accurate intuition of a woman!

"Huh? What's wrong, you tell me it and refute me one or two."

"It's definitely not the mediocre self-harm as you said, it's my intuition. My intuition tells me that something bad will happen next, something big!"


Xingka spoke very fast because she was in a hurry. Su Yi was so short that she couldn't hear clearly what words she spit out.


"Yes! Intuition!"

"Oh... intuition, can this thing be taken seriously?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's true, do you know how accurate a woman's intuition is?"

Look at what you said, how could Su Yi know that he is not a woman, how could he know what a woman's intuition is.

What you said, more or less embarrassed him, and saw him speechless.

"Look, you don't know from the beginning to the end how accurate a woman's intuition is!" Cai.

Chapter 1214

I've told you how many times that Su Yi is not a woman, so I don't know if it's normal, what's the fuss and weirdness.

"You don't know, I'll come to science today to let you know!"

Xingka put his hands on his hips, very imposing, quite powerful, with a little meaning.

Su Yi waved his hands again and again, you don't need science, he really has no interest in knowing it, you don't need to waste your saliva, he won't listen if you say it, you have to listen to it if you're lazy.

Xingka doesn't care if you want to hear it or not, anyway, as long as she wants to say it, she will definitely say it, she must say it, and she will tell you the truth.

As for whether you want to listen or not, whether you like it or not, it is not within her consideration.

After all, she is a princess of a country. If you really have to consider so many things, so many factors, and so many people, wouldn't it be very tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

Xingka was just about to talk eloquently, just about to make a big move, just about to babble, just wasting a little more time.

Su Yi covered his mouth, stopped the loss in time, and closed his chattering mouth, which was very annoying.

Su Yi said: "Don't talk, you can be quiet, let me think about it, how to deal with your father, how to survive this crisis safely."

This sentence is still very useful for Xingka, very healing, very nice.

He nodded quickly, just like a chicken pecking at rice, and his appearance was also very well-behaved and unusually obedient.

"And let me tell you, intuition is absolutely unbelievable. It is simply illusory and baseless lust."

"As long as you have a little IQ, as long as you have a little brain, you won't believe this kind of stuff, you will be led by the nose, and your soul will be controlled."

Star card disagrees with this sentence. What is intuition? It's useless at all. I can't believe it is illusory and baseless.

You must know that she usually handles official business, but she uses her intuition to judge and think of solutions.

Not to mention [-]%, but definitely [-]%, relying on intuition to decide cases and deal with national affairs.

Seriously speaking, it is really not easy for Rabastan to live to this day, in the hands of Xingka, and it is really not easy.

It's the misfortune of this country, it's their speechlessness, it's their tragedy, it can't be changed, it can't go against the sky...

"Are you dying of sleep! My feet are humming! (What nonsense are you talking about! My intuition is accurate!)"

"It's fucked up like a piano, my heart is so stupid! (If you don't believe it, I'll show it to you live!)"

Because Su Yi covered his mouth, he couldn't speak normally, so the words Piao said were pitted and pitted.

"You don't need to show it to me, we'll go to see your royal father now, and resolve this matter well, so that you can rest assured, and you don't have to be so worried and frightened."

It's so rare that Su Yi actually understood it. He understood the words that were out of whack, not the language of a normal human being.

Really worthy of being a great god, really worthy of strong skills, and also great, a compliment, quite powerful, cattle critics.


Xingka was shocked, she was about to go in, was she going to see her father?

Please, so fast, so fast, so unprepared for a surprise attack.

Can't you just slow down, wait a little longer, play again, chat again, delay for a while, and let your psychological endurance and power build up to the maximum? .

Chapter 1215

Su Yi patted his forehead and said very seriously, he has grown so big, he has never seen such a grumpy person.

In other words, he has never seen such a grumpy princess, and he is also confused. Just how did Xingka become a princess?

The princess is so worthless these days, anyone can be on it, anyone can be, and anyone can show off their power?

In the end, it was Su Yi who made a mistake. The reason why Xingka is a princess is not because she was promoted by others, nor because of her great achievements and high expectations.

It's just pure luck, good fortune, good reincarnation, a family of emperors from birth, and Rome from birth.

It saves 22 lines, every line leads to the champion, all roads lead to Rome, these very hard struggles.

How do you think the second generation of wealth, the third generation of wealth, the second generation of officials, the third generation of officials, the second generation of emperors, and the third generation of emperors?

Don't they all come by reincarnation, don't they all come by good luck, and it doesn't mean that reincarnation is also a struggle?

But stop talking nonsense, reincarnation is really a technical job, it really is to see the will of God and see how lucky you are.

Obviously, Xingka has a lot of luck, so she is a princess from the moment she was born, even if she doesn't have to struggle, work hard, or climb up.

He is already at the peak, he is already a big man under one person and above ten thousand people in the country of Alabasta.


Su Yi couldn't hold back and sighed heavily. This should be the legendary corruption, which starts from the inside and disintegrates from the inside.

Finally, before you know it, the entire country collapses, the entire system collapses, and the entire survival system collapses and collapses.

At that time, what do you want to do? At that time, when you want to save something, it is really too late, and it is really too late.

Why is this country desperate to find Xinghe, why Xingka would rather abdicate and not be the queen, and Xinghe must return to the country, and she must return to her place.

This is the biggest reason, this is the tricky hidden behind, this is what everyone expects, and the result everyone expects.

This country is ill and terminally ill. Only Xinghe, a good medicine, can save this country with one blow, and bring it back from the track of destruction, back to the right track, and back to reality.

If you can, please don't perish. If you can, the citizens of this country still hope to survive.

Don't talk about vigorous, don't talk about prosperous and rich, don't talk about clothing and food, don't talk about being high, just want to be able to live in peace, with wives and children in groups, Chenghuan's knees.

Su Yi smiled awkwardly but politely, and his mouth was almost sour. Looking at the star card again, it was really hate that iron can't become steel, it's really rotten wood that can't be carved, it's really jade that can't be cut, it can't be a weapon what.

If you look closely, Su Yi seems to have regarded himself as Xingka's old father, looking at her with a kind of caring eyes, looking at her, helpless, powerless, speechless, melancholy...

Anyway, there are all kinds of complex emotions. Anyway, it is normal and abnormal. All of them surfaced, between the pupils and on the cheeks.

Xingka blinked, hugged Su Yi's arm, and looked at him leisurely. Instead, he looked at himself furiously, his whole body was hairy and uneasy.

The more he looked, the more scared he became, the more scared his heart beat faster, Xingka had a little guilty conscience, a little panic, and a little blushing.

Inexplicable embarrassment, vaguely floating...

Chapter 1216

Xingka was stared at by Su Yi, more and more guilty, more embarrassed, more and more blushing and heartbeat, somewhat frightened.

She slowly let go of her hand, slowly let go of her strength, and slowly stepped back, trying to stay away from Su Yi, trying to stay away from the crisis.

Don't forget to ask in a low voice, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Su Yi replied with a smile: "Isn't this caring about you, otherwise why would I look at you with such eyes..."

It's fine if he doesn't laugh. If he laughs, Xingka's heart will be even more hairy, more uneasy, and more fearful.

I always feel that Su Yi is the tranquility before the storm. In the next time, you will never be able to guess or figure out when he will get angry, when he will explode, and when he will be mad.

Or what Mr. Lu Xun said is right, don't break out in silence, just die in silence.

Do you think it is possible for someone like Su Yi to die in silence?

Since it doesn't die in silence, it will definitely explode, it's just a matter of time.

Xingka is slowly backing away, she hopes to stay away from the dangerous element Su Yi, and away from him, the time bomb that will explode at any time.

Look at what you said, it's like how terrifying Su Yi is, how untouchable, how unapproachable, and some kind of dangerous person.

If he hadn't been forced by you, if he hadn't been tossed by you, if he hadn't been rectified by you, why would he even have the eyes of his old father come out.

Why is there a look of hating iron and steel, staring at you, wanting to see a flower on your face, wanting to solve your big trouble as soon as possible.

Because if you don't get rid of your troubles, he won't be able to return to China smoothly. If he can't return to China, a lot of troubles will pile up.

Alas... Whenever he thinks of this question, Su Yi will have a particularly headache, will be quite frustrated, and sigh.

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