"As long as it is what you say, I will take it to heart, I will pay special attention, I will always pay attention, and I will never forget..."

Her Royal Highness, the high princess, was really frightened this time, and she was so incoherent that she didn't even know what she was talking about.

She didn't know it herself, but Su Yi knew it was enough. No one would take it seriously and no one would really take it to heart. .

Chapter 1220

Even Su Yi, after hearing Xingka's heartfelt words, just laughed it off, he wouldn't really believe it, he wouldn't be so silly.

It's just that he has another idea, and he wants a quick solution to solve all the troublesome ideas and thoughts.

So suddenly there was a sentence: "I'm sorry, I offended you."

With just these seven words, Xingka was directly scared to another level, laughter was scared to another level, eyes, nose and ears, there was no place where he was not shocked, and he was no longer afraid.

Just a little bit, she was so frightened that she turned her back, and she rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot because of her mindless fantasy.

Fortunately, before she fainted, Su Yi lifted her whole body, carried her on her shoulders, and swaggered towards the palace.

That's right, this is the only thing Su Yi wants to do from start to finish.

He wants to enter the Golden Palace, to meet the king of Alabasta, to solve all these troubles, and to return home as soon as possible.

However, if you want to go in smoothly, but if you want to see the king and solve all the troubles, you must get the sticky star Xingka.

Su Yi thought about it for a long time, but he didn't come up with a suitable method, nor did he come up with a good solution to get the dog skin plaster of Xingka.

In the end, I can only use this simple and rude trick, once and for all, try to get the dog skin plaster, and try to cut off all troubles.

Carrying the star card, he went in. The action was done in one go, and it was smooth and smooth.

Xing stuck on Su Yi's back, as quiet as a chicken, as well-behaved as a bunny, but he didn't respond anyway.

Think about it, Su Yi, a big man's physical strength, carrying Xingka on his shoulders, how can she resist as a little girl.

Picking her up is like picking up a chicken, it's easy and easy to get started.

Su Yi really thought about it for a long time, and really did not find a more suitable trick than this method.

What I thought at the time was that it should be very convenient, very concise, very clear, quite easy to use, quite handy...

If it was as he expected, Su Yi proved with practical actions that it was really smooth, really smooth, really smooth, and really comfortable to say.

Then the process was also very short, from the gate of the Golden Palace to the interior of the Golden Palace, it only took about ten seconds.

Su Yi and Xingka entered the interior of the Golden Palace together, entered the offensive conference room, the reception hall together, and waited for the king of Alabasta, who came to meet them belatedly.

As for the party concerned, Xingka was carried by Su Yi on his shoulders and walked for a long time. Anyway, he still had the same appearance and expression, and he didn't react the whole time.

With a confused face, confused eyes, and a question mark on his forehead, don't say it, he's still cute, cute, and naive, but he's not stupefied and stupid.

This state lasted for a long, long time, until His Majesty the King came to the reception hall in person, and Xingka hadn't pulled out yet.

His Majesty the King, squinting at the scene in front of him, frowning, not knowing what to say or how to express his feelings.

His face, from beginning to end, was the same expression as usual, making people unable to guess his emotions, his thoughts, and his thoughts.

As soon as Su Yi threw it, he threw the star card on the ground, but there was no pressure at all, it was easy to throw, and he was quite experienced. .

Chapter 1221


Xingka screamed, not to mention how miserable, not to mention how pitiful, not to mention how wronged, how much weeping.

His Majesty the King, on the high seat, stared at the scene in front of him, watching everything that happened in front of him, as if he was watching a play, watching a drama performance.

It's a pity that this drama performance did not penetrate his heart, did not make him happy, and did not make him stretch his brows.

Instead, the complexion is getting heavier and heavier, the color in the eyes is getting deeper and deeper, but the atmosphere is getting more and more depressed and heavier.

Maybe His Majesty the King, on the surface, is not angry or angry, but as long as you have a brain, as long as you have an IQ, as long as you have the feelings of human beings, the feelings of the five senses.

Then it is not difficult to see that His Majesty the King is really angry, really slightly angry, really forbearing, and is patient with the bottom line.

But what does all this have to do with Su Yi? He came to see His Majesty the King and to ask for a pass.

He wants to go home, he wants to go home, no one can stop him, whoever stops him will be killed.

If you don't believe it, you can give it a try. If you're not afraid of death, you can try it yourself. Your majesty, the king, can deal with Su Yi.

It depends on who of the two of you is better, who of the two of you is more powerful, and who of the two of you has the last laugh.

No matter who has the last laugh, there is one person who cannot be ignored right now, and that is the Star Card.

The one who was ruthlessly fell to the ground, the one who was smashed on the buttocks, the one who was hit so badly, the princess who just wanted to cry.

"Damn! Did you make a mistake, Su Yi, you bastard, why don't you die, why are you still alive, you are so mad at Her Royal Highness this princess 々'!"

After Xingka's shout, everyone should feel the atmosphere at the scene.

Obviously, it should be a fight scene where swords are drawn, tit for tat, hidden swords, sparks splashing, and an atmosphere of rivalry.

After being shouted by Xingka, shouted, and tossed like this, it immediately became different, changed the style immediately, and changed the atmosphere immediately.

The king looked at Xingka with a speechless expression, while Su Yi looked at Xingka with disgust.

At this point, these two people who never knew each other are in unparalleled agreement, which is great.

"It hurts... Su Yi, you bastard, I will never let you go, wait for me, wait!!"

Alright alright, he will definitely wait, he will definitely wait slowly, waiting for you to come and take revenge, and you will come out with a bad breath.

But there is one thing at the moment, please restrain yourself, that is, can you please stop screaming so loudly and not be so conspicuous.

There are still so many people watching around, you don't want to be embarrassed, he still has a face, okay?

Can you leave him a little bit, it belongs to a man's dignity and a man's face.

Also, can you stop sticking it up like a dog-skin plaster, sticking it to his body, and unable to tear it off.

As long as you use a little force, as long as you are a little cruel, your heart (Zhao's) is horizontal, your eyes are closed, and you are pulling like a doom.

Even if it can be torn off successfully, it is still a piece of flesh torn off with the fur.

Xingka didn't care about this, she only knew that she was wronged, she was thrown to the ground, and she was bullied by a foreigner.

And in front of so many people, or in front of his own father, Su Yi just didn't save her any face, and didn't take into account her mood. .

Chapter 1222

In such a situation, how could Xingka not be angry, angry, aggrieved, or cry?

Now this is in my own house, in front of my father, it is not as loud as I can cry, as loud as I can, and as wronged as possible, as much as possible.

There may be a small report incidentally, and let the high-ranking father call the shots for her and punish Su Yi, this foreigner who knows nothing.

Just do what you say, Xingka is not idle at all, anyway, this is in his own home, so he doesn't have to hide and tuck himself in doing things, and he has to make himself wrong.

Sitting in front of her is her own father, the king of this country, but her own father, who is the only man in the world who can stand up for her and call the shots!

"Father Emperor!!"

Xingka let out a greasy cry, which almost didn't make Su Yi's goosebumps fall out.

In fact, it wasn't just Su Yi who was frightened, including the aloof king, Xingka's old father.

That's right, he was also frightened, obviously it was just a very serious name, how could he frighten him?

Regardless of the reason, Xingka did frighten everyone present, one or two, but they were all too frightened.

How greasy, how hypocritical, and how cheap that royal father's call was. Probably only those present, only those who heard it with their own ears, could feel it personally.

"Father Emperor!!"

If one is not enough, then one more, anyway, you have already startled, why should you care to startle you again, right?

Anyway, this is in his own home, in front of his own father, no matter how pretentious or pretentious you are.

No one has the qualifications and the ability to easily blame her in this place.

After all, in this Golden Palace, aside from His Majesty the King, count her as the largest and most authoritative princess.

Otherwise, how to say, the star card has always been under one person, above ten thousand people, and there is no shortage of honorable pets.

As for those lousy old men in the elders' house, when it's not critical, they never show up easily, and they won't easily intervene in trivial matters.

When it is critical, it is a national event. At that time, Xingka will not have the right to speak, and she will not have the qualifications to intervene.

So right now, at this moment, in this place, Xingka is still very proud, still very proud, still very prestigious, very authoritative.

So she's a little bit hypocritical, she's a little coquettish, she's a little bit temperamental, she's a little bit emotional, it's really not a problem at all, it really doesn't violate the harmony at all.

Who made this her home, sitting high above, that venerable His Majesty the King is her dearest old father.

"Father, no matter what this time, you have to decide for me, you have to punish the bad guy for me, that guy, he has been bullying me, he has always treated me badly!"

The person that Xingka accused of, no doubt, it can only be Su Yi, it can only be him.

Besides him, no one has the qualifications to make Xingka remember to this day, make Xingka unbearable to start, put him in the sky prison, and sentence him to death.

Except for Su Yi, no one has the capital to allow Her Royal Highness Princess Xingka to drag her old father, the king of Alabasta, into the water and stir the mud together.

It can only be Su Yi, Xingka's savior, her sweetheart...

Chapter 1223

"Royal father, I have no way to deal with him, you must help me, help me think of a way, punish him well, let him eat, let him grow his brain..."

While Xingka ran forward to the warm embrace of his old father, he did not forget to accuse Su Yi and put an trumped-up crime on his forehead.

While running forward, he said emotionally, tears were squeezed out of the corners of his eyes, and his expression was also very good, quite affectionate and profuse, quite crying.

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