Seeing Mo Qingli's appearance, Su Yi's head started to hurt again. He didn't want to have too much contact with her at first, so he avoided it if he could.

However, Mo Qingli just likes to stick to it, because they are all survivors, and they really push her aside, regardless of it, Su Yi really can't be cruel and can't do it.

 (Qian Haohao) You take care of her again. It is inevitable that the two of them will know that there is contact and entanglement. This is unavoidable and cannot be avoided, which is why Su Yi has a headache.

He really didn't want to be entangled with girls, especially Mo Qingli, who was a nympho, who was hypocritical regardless of the occasion. It really hurts the brain.

Mo Qingli took a deep breath and finally relieved his anger. When he should not be angry, he must not indulge his temper.This is common sense in dealing with people. .

Chapter 1297

Mo Qingli said softly, "Su Yi, didn't you go looking for food, did you find it? I'm really hungry now, and my eyes are shining..."

After Su Yi heard this, he realized it with hindsight, and suddenly realized that it seemed that such a thing had happened, but he forgot about it in a second.

After separating from Xingka, I kept thinking about Dr. Li and Su Xia, as well as the details of the air crash, so I put aside the search for food.

In fact, it's no wonder that Su Yi forgot that he usually eats less food consciously to keep himself hungry, so that he can promote himself to exercise his body harder.

And maintaining a sense of hunger will make you calmer and not be controlled by desires. The so-called satiety and lustful thoughts are somewhat reasonable and grounded.

Moreover, when Su Yi was thinking, it would be easy to forget other things because he was thinking too seriously. Xie An was let go of the pigeon when he asked Su Yi to eat because he was always like this.

Every time he was asked the reason afterwards, Su Yi always used a sentence of overthinking and forgetting, such a simple reason to prevaricate, Xie An took it for granted.

Su Yi looked at Mo Qingli and patted the back of his head embarrassedly, he forgot about it, it was his fault and he had to admit his mistake.

"Sorry, I didn't find anything to eat on the way out. If you're really hungry, I'll try it in the sea to see if I can catch fish."

Going to catch fish in the sea, no matter how you hear it, it seems a little unrealistic. How can fish swim to the shore of the ocean and send it into other people's belly.

This is not the creeks and rivers of my hometown, the lakes and springs in the mountains, but also let you see the shadow of a fish casually, just a fork, breakfast, dinner, lunch, all are solved.

But she wasn't sad at all, instead she laughed happily. This smile almost made Su Yi stunned. How long has it been, and she still has the heart to laugh. I really don't understand who she is. What do you think.

Does the man say that she is not hungry at all, or that she secretly hides food, so she can still laugh so happily and so heartlessly under such a situation of cutting off water and fasting?

Mo Qingli walked in front of Su Yi, stretched out his hand and pinched his arm. Although he didn't feel any pain, it was a question mark on his forehead, and he looked at each other for unknown reasons.

What does it mean?Are you playing some childish game?If you are really playing a childish game, please don't bring him on stage, Su Yi has always been disdainful of wasting time on it.

"This is your punishment for starving me, don't cry, don't make trouble, don't hold grudges against me, don't complain about being hypocritical, bye!"

After she finished speaking, she ran, running faster than a rabbit, the two little feet jumped up and down, even Su Yi was ashamed, lively, beautiful and cute.

So what exactly does she mean?Why pinch yourself?Ye Feng still doesn't seem to understand, the girl's mind is that little Jiujiu.

The most important thing is that before Mo Qingli left, the sentence he left behind was unclear, so the words had no beginning and no end, and what did they mean.

What does it mean not to cry, not to make trouble, not to be hypocritical, not to have grievances?

Looking at what he said, it seems that Su Yi is really so weak, so cowardly, that he will cry, make trouble and splash.

Thinking too much, really thinking too much, how is it possible, how could Su Yi do such a shameless, shameless thing. .

Chapter 1298

Lu City.

After receiving the call from Alabasta's ambassador to China, Kong Ling conveyed the content of the call to Ruoruo and Xie An.

The matter that Alabasta’s side asked for help—Her Royal Highness the princess sneaked out of the country, caused the king of Alabasta to be furious and furious.

After searching in many ways, they found out that their princess had secretly boarded the plane, and was on the same flight as Su Yi, and then the plane encountered an air crash.

The place of the incident was far away from Alabasta, so the country could not send personnel to search and rescue the star card immediately, and thinking that Su Yi also disappeared along with him, maybe the two of them were together at this moment.

The chance of surviving the plane crash is really small, but even if there is the slightest possibility, they are not willing to give up, because that is Her Royal Highness the Princess, not ordinary people.

Alabasta is such a country. Only those with high powers, those with wealth, and nobles are qualified to live and stand upright.

As for ordinary people, if you die, you will die. Who will look at you more, and it is better to die to reduce the population burden for the country. After all, one is not enough for food and money, and the other is not enough.

So in the end, Alabasta could only pin his hopes on Su Yi and his friends. He hoped that when Kong Ling was searching for Su Yi, he could also help search for the star card by the way.

Just for Her Royal Highness to return home safely, the ambassador also told Kong Ling a little secret, that is, there is a necklace on the body of the star card, and there is a transmitter in the necklace, which can accurately locate the position of the star card. .

The reason why it is a secret is because this necklace is also the key to unlock the kingdom of Alabasta and secretly store an important thing in a certain bank.

If it weren't for the search for the star card, they would definitely not tell the secret, and would not tell others about the existence of the necklace.

It is also what the ambassador suggested to the king to do. When looking for Su Yi through Kong Ling, look for the star card together. This is the best method, why not do it.

Moreover, it must be searched secretly, so as to avoid the leakage of information. Besides, the princess of a country sneaked out to chase a man, which is not so friendly to the reputation of Alabasta or Xingka.

"That's the way it is, I made an assertion and agreed."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Kong Ling felt that there was no problem. Anyway, he was looking for someone. If you look for one more and one less, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Xie An comforted her, "It's okay, it's a wise choice to agree."

"If we can find the princess of Alabasta, maybe the king will come to thank us specially in the future, and we will have another friend at that time, and he is still so powerful. It's not a bad idea."


Xie An's wishful thinking was good, but he didn't know that in order to get rid of Alabasta, Su Yi really tried his best to get rid of that troublesome piece of dog skin plaster.

Ruoruo disagreed with him and said cautiously, "I always feel that this king is not that simple. When something happens to my daughter, I don't have to pay for it myself, but to ask someone I've never seen before. people…"

"Do you think this is really common sense, really like a competent father, what does he do? He is very worried, but I can't feel the slightest affection..."

Ruoruo rested her chin with one hand and said thoughtfully, don't look at her usually stupid, she can be straight when she is serious.talent.

Chapter 1299

"That kind of feeling is very similar to my daily relationship with my father, but it is particularly unfriendly, and the superficial skills are very good. In fact, I don't even have to say a word when we meet, and greetings are vicious..."

Xie An didn't speak to Kong Ling, and just looked at Ruoruo quietly, as if this guy's old problem was committed again, and he began to brood about, worrying about the world, nagging, fearing the future and fearing the future.

If you have this old problem, as long as you think about it too much, you will easily suffer from excessive anxiety and anxiety, and the symptoms of the disease are quite serious and quite bad.

Generally speaking, at this time, ignore her. When she is air, putting her words into her left ear and out of her right ear is the best treatment for her.

Xie An and Kong Ling's personal practice is absolutely useful, prescribe the right medicine, and take it easy.

Ruoruo was worried for a long time, and also said a lot of unique opinions about him. He was thinking of waiting for a response, waiting for Sister Ling, her family Xie An, a complimenting response.

Nai He waited for a long time, and when she was exhausted, no one paid her any attention, and she didn't even give her a look.

Just asking if you lack virtue, how can there be such a brother and sister, it is not too much to describe, it is too bad!

If Ruo Ruo was directly stimulated to the point of being autistic, and hid in the corner to draw circles, Xie An and Kong Ling couldn't ask for it, and it happened that the ears were quiet.

"Xie An, we can't delay any longer, we must act immediately."

Kong Ling was very worried about Su Yi. Every minute and a second, on the deserted island, there were infinite crises, which made people feel uneasy.

"I, like you, set off immediately to find the Mongolian side, prepare supplies, and go to the location of the incident."

"Okay, let's act separately without delaying things."

Kong Ling and Ruoruo went to contact the Mongolian side, and Xie An went to prepare the supplies. Regardless of whether the Mongolian side agreed or not, they all gathered at [-]:[-] the next morning and went to their destination to find Su Yi.

After the discussion, the three of them left Xie An's house in a hurry. The time was pressing and they could not be delayed any longer, lest there would be many dreams at night.

Acting separately, Xie An decided to go home and use his family's relationship to raise supplies, use his network of connections, and mobilize manpower.

Time is pressing, and I can't take care of the conflicts with my family. Su Yi's safety is more important, so don't be hypocritical at this time.

Xie An took out his mobile phone and dialed the number at home. It was the nanny who picked it up. After hearing the voice of the young master, he was as happy as a second idiot...  

"Master! Master! Master!"

It's no wonder she was so excited. After all, Xie An has not been home for three years, and the phone calls are every three or five times, no more than five times a year.

"Auntie, call my dad... ah no, grandpa is here to answer the phone."

After thinking about it, I decided to start with the grandfather. After all, in the entire Xie family, only the grandfather is under his control, and only the grandfather loves him without limit.

"Okay, Master, please wait a moment."

Auntie went upstairs and ran very fast, for fear that the young master, who was rarely seen in a hundred years, would be exhausted from waiting.

About two minutes later, the man's heavy breathing came from Xie An's mobile phone. It was probably his grandfather. He guessed that the other party didn't speak much.

"Grandpa? Is that you?"

Still no one spoke, still breathing, it felt like it was intentional, and the silence remained silent.

Xie An can't take care of that much anymore. At this time, the situation is urgent, and there is no need to think about the mess, guessing the identity of the other party, as long as it is a person, as long as the surname is Xie. .

Chapter 1300

"Grandpa, listen to me, my friend was in an air accident at sea. Now his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown. I am really worried about him. Can I ask you to use the power of your family to put some pressure on the airline?"

The Xie family has a great business. If the owner of the family comes forward and puts pressure on the airline search and rescue team, it will be more effective when the time comes.

The airline's search and rescue team was temporarily organized and sent out for emergency use, and the search and rescue equipment was not fully prepared, and I heard that the leader of the team was still a novice.

All kinds of signs make people feel uneasy, and the possibility of returning without success is too high. It may be safer for Airline 22 to put pressure on them to have a little heart.

Xie An was waiting for the answer from the other side. Even if he didn't speak at this moment, he could almost guess who answered the call.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be grandpa. If it was grandpa, he would have been flying with joy and dancing with joy.

Being so silent is golden, like a statue of a dead man, a big Xie family, except for that person, you can't find another person.

"If something goes wrong, go home. Before the accident, why didn't you know to call home? Is it a dead person?"

The voice was a little cold, and the voice was a little low, which gave people a sense of oppression, which made Xie An unable to breathe smoothly. He was slightly startled, as expected.

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