Regais is level 75, and Regis is even stronger than Regais at level 1, level 76!

Xiao Zhi did not hesitate to use the [-]x EXP crit card!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully used the eight-fold experience crit card, fire-breathing dragon, and Kabi beast, and obtained 106 and 4000 battle experience points respectively!"

[-] battle experience points!


Fire-breathing dragon is level 72, and it takes about 73 to rise to level [-]!

The higher the level, the more experience you need to level up!

[-] battle experience points are enough to make the fire-breathing dragon level skyrocket!

Level 72!

Level 73!

Level 74!

Level 75!

Level 76!

Level 77!

Fire-breathing dragon level has been upgraded to 5 levels in a row!

Reached the end of the championship!

Next is the Kirby.

Kirby is now level 62!

Level 62!

Level 63!

Level 64!

Level 65!


Level 71!

With 9 battle experience points, Kirby beasts can be upgraded to [-] levels in a row!

Kabimon actually broke through to the champion level before the Pikachu level!

However, as long as Pikachu has an experience crit, the upgrade may be more than that of Kirby.

It's easy to catch up.


Jindai's gaze suddenly fell on Kirbymon.

For some reason, this Kirby beast just gave him a feeling that it suddenly became more powerful than before!

It's like breaking through some kind of shackles.

Shaking his head, this is definitely an illusion.

The shackles between the king and the champion are not so easy to break through.

"Xiao Zhi, it's no wonder that you have so much confidence in your Kirby beast. It is indeed different from other Kirby beasts. Next, as long as you defeat my last trump card, you will be able to truly dominate the battle zone. !"

The generation of gods took Regilock back, and he actually lost two games in a row!

He brought pressure to Xiaozhi, but he didn't know that Xiaozhi also brought a lot of pressure to him!

It's been a long time, even against Yulongdu, I haven't had such a lot of pressure.

However, seeing such a young and excellent Pokémon trainer in the Kanto region, Jindai is still very happy.

"Go, Regis Quirrell!"

The last one, the Steel God Pillar, Regis Quirrell!


"This is my third Pokémon, Ash, let's go!"

Kamidai said, but Ash checked Regis Quill's level.

Taller than Reggie Locke and Reggie Ace before!

Level 79!

The level of the pinnacle of champions!

No wonder.

It's no wonder that in the original plot, when Ash fought Regis Kiru, it was so difficult.

The Coal Turtle was used, and the fire skills kept hitting Regis Qilu, but Regis Qilu did not take any damage at all.

As for Bandera, the level gap between Regis Kirus and Regis is also a bit large.

"Kapimon, please try again!"


Seeing that Xiao Zhi didn't let Kirby beast replace it, the gods immediately felt welcome.

"Regis Quirrell, use the lock!"

Locked, all the three pillars will be.

"Rush over, Kabimon, don't care about its lock, use a blasting punch!"

The Kirby beast has now broken through to the championship level, and now that the attack power is so powerful, it is possible to win Regis Qilu directly in one go!

Regis Qilu locked the Kirby beast, and even had time to cast an iron wall!

In the next instant, Kirbymon's blasting fist hit Regis Quirrell fiercely, Regis Quirrell crossed his arms in front of him, and Kirbymon's fist slammed directly into the center of the cross of the arms!

Most of the power is removed!

"Just grab Kirbymon's fist and use the railgun!"


Regis Qilu used the electromagnetic cannon at a very close range, and Kirbymon's arm was still caught and locked, so he couldn't escape at all!

The electromagnetic gun directly hit the Kirby beast at super close range!

The rounding of Kirbymon increases the defense, not the special defense of special attacks!

"Don't lose to it, Kabimon, use the maximum force to focus on the slam!"


Kirbymon forcibly resisted the pain and paralysis caused by the railgun, and unleashed a concentrated punch!

"Regis Quirrell, Glossy Cannon!"

Kirbymon's Concentrated Slam and Glossy Electric Cannon collide!


Kirbymon's concentrated slam directly shattered the Luster Electric Cannon!

Penetrate the past and hit Regis Chiru!

"Very powerful, Ash, bred quite well, Regis Quirrell, use Sandstorm!"

Regis Quirrell turned his hands and condensed a huge sandstorm!

"Kapimon, destroy the death light!"

The sandstorm gradually covered Regis Qilu's body, and Ash instantly realized that something was wrong!

"Wait, Ka..."

But at this time, the destructive death light of the Kirby beast has been condensed and launched, directly hitting the center of the sandstorm!

A figure fell from the sky!

It's Regis Quirrell!

"Very well, the arm hammer to give it the final blow!"

Regis Kirby slapped Kirby's belly with one arm, and while Kirby was blasted out, he took the initiative to slam a freezing fist on Regis Kirby's arm, causing it to attack. My own arm is frozen!

However, Kirbymon himself has already been blown away by Regis Qilu at this time!

This Regis Qilu has more power than the Rock God Pillar!

For the first time since Ash challenged the Battle Frontier, a Pokémon lost its ability to battle...  

"Kirbymon loses its ability to fight, Regis Chill wins!"

Ash took the Kirby back.

"Kapimon, you've worked hard for you, and then you can rest well. You have performed well."

Ash retrieves Kirby.

This Regis Qilu is indeed very strong.

However, the Kirby beast also successfully consumed a lot of this guy's stamina.

Regis Quirrell is out of breath!

After all, it took Kirbymon's concentrated blow on the front.

"This guy is next, come on, Bangira!".

Chapter 113


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