In addition, there are also many powerful coordination trainers in this Kanto Gorgeous Competition.

On the stage, everyone showed their skills and their own charm with their Pokémon.

"Dangdang! Everyone, please look at the big screen, these 16 coordinating trainers, in the third round of performance battles, their opponents are..."

On the big screen, the coordination trainer who has stood out from the 64 contestants, Xiaoyao's first performance against his opponent is...

Enemy road is narrow, green hat Harry!

"Hmph, Xiaoyao, it seems that your luck is about to end here. I will use my method to make you cry!"

Green Hat Harry spoke harshly.

"Humph! As long as you can do it, I'm not afraid of you!"

Xiaoyao is not to be outdone!

The arrangement of fate, let the red hat and the "green hat" duel again, who is stronger or weaker?

ps: Five watch, good night, thank you [Happy Chase Book] readers and friends for the reminder and reward, you can read it every night, so you can read five chapters at a time, thank you! .

Chapter 119

The third round is the review performance battle.

Until the final decision of the overall winner, it is a doubles match.

How to flexibly use the skills between the two Pokémon to cooperate, and at the same time to show the charm of the Pokémon, is the top priority.

The Pokémon that Haruka decided to use were Kirulian and Kamui.

On the other hand, the Pokémon used by Green Hat Harry are a Fat Coding and a Menggonia.

"Very good, the doubles match of the top [-], the first match will be held now, Herewego!"

"Chirulian, Kamui, get on the stage!"

"Go help me teach Xiaoyao a lesson, Mengge Naiya, Fat Keding!"

Both sides took out their own Pokémon.

"Smelly Xiaoyao, I will use my perfect moves with the Pokémon to defeat you and make you cry!"

Green hat Harry looked at Xiaoyao fiercely.

Xiaoyao has Kirulian, a superpower-type Pokémon, and is full of confidence.

"Chirulian, use meditation, Kamui, shrink into the shell."

Xiaoyao already has his own plans.

In the beginning, she let her Pokémon improve her abilities.

But this is a gorgeous competition, especially the Kamui turtle. At the beginning, it was used to shrink into the shell, and the impression on the judges was not very good. After all, it was a shrinking turtle from the beginning.

But what does it matter? Xiaoyao is confident that he will be able to impress the judges.

"Hmph, stinky Xiaoyao, you shrank from the beginning, are you too unconfident in yourself? If so, then I'm welcome, Mengge Naiya, use the poison needle to attack! Fat Keding is ready at any time. Accept."

Meng Ge Naiya spit out a large number of poisonous needles, and attacked Chirulian and Kamui.

The purple poisonous needle spit out from Menggonia's mouth and shot out like a bullet.

The fat Keding next to him also rushed over with Meng Ge Naiya, ready to meet Meng Ge Naiya at any time.

"Harry is very revengeful. He maliciously cos Xiaoyao failed. Now he should attack the two Pokémon that defeated Xiaoyao at one time to vent his resentment."

Xiaogang was sitting in the audience commenting, Xiaozhi nodded, but, then, this green hat must have that strength!

Next to Xiaoyao, Lila, Xiaoji, are cheering for Xiaoyao.

Lila was very happy to see how lively the battle hall was, as if she had found the feeling of traveling outside.

Ash, coming out with you seems to be the right decision.

Lila looked at Xiaozhi from the side, her face flushed red, and she continued to cheer Xiaoyao.

"Kami turtle, use Shrink in Shell again, go to Chirulian to block the poison needle attack, Chirulian, continue to use meditation to improve!"

Xiaoyao also didn't like Harry very much, the person who often saw him as unhappy.

Therefore, her choice was to knock Harry down all at once!

"Xiao Xiaoyao, do you want to increase the attack to knock us down at one time? I won't let you do it, Meng Ge Naiya, just don't stop the poisonous needle attack, use the spiked arm! Fat Keding, use the serial slap!"

Harry didn't expect Xiaoyao to have this plan, it was exactly what he wanted!

"Wow, it's incredible. In the face of Mr. Harry's fierce attack, Miss Xiaoyao chose to let her Pokémon take defensive measures instead of attacking. However, in the gorgeous card game, points will be deducted. ."

In addition to the explanation, Lilian did not forget to remind Xiaoyao, let Xiaoyao remember that this is a gorgeous competition, and if you keep defending and not attacking, you will be deducted points.

Xiaoyao cast a thank you reminder at Lilian, and then looked at her two Pokémon confidently.

Chirullian used two meditations, which should be enough.

Xiaoyao is still waiting, waiting for Harry's dream Naia and Fat Keding to continue to approach.

Get close enough.

"Right now, Kamui, use the water tail to block Menggonia, Chirulian, use illusion to control Fat Keding!"

Chirulian's moves were faster than Kamui's, and a blue light lit up in her beautiful eyes.

With the illusion technique, because the power of meditation has been increased twice, he controlled Fat Keding at one time, and directly controlled it in the air.

The next moment, Kamui's water tail hit Meng Ge Naia, who was rushing over.

"Ah! What! My Dreaming Naia, Fat Kodin!"

Green Hat Harry looked at Xiaoyao in disbelief.

As a coordinating trainer, Green Hat Harry is good, but as a practical match, he is more than a little weaker than Xiaoyao.

After all, Xiaoyao directly regarded this time as an actual doubles match.

As for Harry, she just wants to end the battle as soon as possible, perform the battle gorgeously, and save it to deal with Xiao Shun and Miss Saori!

Fat Keding was still under control, and he wanted to break free, but he couldn't break free at all.

Menggonia itself has grass attributes, and it is resistant to the water tail of Kamui.

However, the tail of the water made Menggonia's thorny arm stillborn.

At the same time, Meng Ge Naiya was rushed into the air.

The flightless Mongonaia can't move in the air.

"Kami turtle, use the water cannon!"

A powerful attack that directly hits two Pokémon.

"Very good, Chirullian, just control Fat Keding, let it collide with Menggonia in the air, and use the force of the collision to throw them away!"

Xiaoyao's fighting spirit is burning!


Chirullian nodded, the blue brilliance in his eyes was not over yet.

Illusions controlled Fat Kodin to rush towards Menggonia in the air and collided with each other.

There are thorns on Meng Ge Naia!

This time it was hard for Harry's fat cocoon.

Not only have to bear the damage caused by the collision with each other, but also bear the damage caused by the thorns on Menggonia's body.

The force that finally collided directly threw them both out at the same time.

"The last blow, Kirulian, use the magic leaf on Menggonia!"

At the same time, when the power of Kamui's water cannon ended, the last bit of power sprayed the water cannon towards Chirullian and himself.

A piece of water splashed in the air, and in the bright sunlight, it showed a faint rainbow-like color, just shrouded in the sky above Kirulian and Kamui.

In addition, Chubby Keding, who was finally thrown out by the Illusion Technique, and Menggonia who was collided, lost their ability to fight after Chirulian gave Menggonia a magic leaf that boosted the power of the attack... …

"Drip drip!"

The sound of hitting (Qian Li's) "X" came from the judges.

It means that Harry is eliminated directly.

The audience at the scene was a little quiet for a while.

Then there was a roar of applause.

At first, Xiaoyao let his two Pokémon only defend and not attack. They fought and thought Xiaoyao was afraid.

But I didn't expect that Xiaoyao would not attack if he didn't attack. Once he attacked the opposite side, he would not have the chance to pay back. It's amazing!

In particular, the water cannon at the back of the Kamui turtle turned out to be a rainbow phantom refracted in the sunlight.

The remaining water molecules fell, and under the rainbow phantom, the body color of Chirulian and Kamui looked even more attractive!

The whole battle, from the confusing beginning, to Xiaoyao's overwhelming advantage, and finally ended by the rainbow phantom!

All in one go.

There is the crushing of the battle, and there are also arrangements for the Pokémon battle tactics, and at the end, the gorgeous performance is not lost, it is really wonderful!

ps: This chapter has been revised. .

Chapter 120

Daoists give  

... use it without it, it can be super powerful, and the sex attribute is evil. Yanai song dream and forget it, I wrote it on the chapter one at that time, and the negligent person will do it. Remind me to thank you, sorry, chapter one Catch up on the revision time  

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