Chapter 26 The Giant Tree's Request for Help 1

Xiaofeng and his party were on their way to Rainbow City, traveling through the mountains and forests.

At some point, Xiaofeng, who was leading the elves forward, seemed to have passed through a transparent barrier, with ripples. He stepped in, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed as if the world had rotated and he had arrived in an empty and lush valley.

The vegetation in the valley was lush and full of vitality, with branches and leaves luxuriant, as quiet and beautiful as a landscape painting. In the center of the valley, there was a tall pink dust mist covering an unknown object.

Looking at the valley in front of him, Xiaofeng was puzzled. :"What kind of place is this? Such a strong breath of life?"

""Everyone, let's go down and take a look!" After saying that, Xiaofeng led the elves to make a big skateboard and slide down the hillside.

It was not obvious from a distance, but when you slide to the bottom of the valley, you can clearly contrast that the vegetation in the valley is much larger than that outside the valley, just like an enlarged version of the primeval forest.

From time to time, the figures of elves flashed in the air, on land, and in rivers.

Xiaofeng and the elves looked around like a grandma visiting a park and moved towards the center.

After a long time, the group came to the center of the valley, and saw a towering tree standing in front of them, with lush branches and leaves. The leaves exuded a pink dust-like glow, and countless pink fruits were on the branches and leaves, as light and elegant as Kongming lanterns, like a dream!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiaofeng's eyes were full of light:"It seems like a dream, right, everyone!"

""Roar!" The fire-breathing dragons also responded loudly.

Xiao Feng came under the big tree, stretched out his right hand and gently touched a corner of the giant tree.

The giant tree seemed to have a spirit, gently vibrating and swaying!

""Haha! Are you welcoming me?" Xiao Feng saw the giant tree swaying and laughed happily.

""Human! Hello!" Suddenly a voice came into Xiaofeng's ears!

"Who is talking?"Xiao Feng looked around but didn't find any living creature.

"I'm right in front of you, human!" the voice came again

"Telepathy! You are the giant tree!"The little wind looked around and turned his gaze to the giant tree again.

"Yes, I sensed Celebi's aura in you, so I brought you into the valley."The giant tree's words rang in Xiaofeng's ears again.

"Really? I wonder why you let me in here?" Xiao Feng asked doubtfully.

"I am in trouble now, and I hope to get help from you who is favored by Celebi!" The giant tree explained to Xiaofeng.

"Please tell me! If I can help, I will do my best."Xiao Feng looked at the giant tree in front of him seriously and responded

"Thank you. This is the case. This valley has always been isolated from the outside world. Now, the eastern part of the barrier is being attacked by outside spirits. I hope you can help me see if I can drive them away. Sorry for the trouble!" The giant tree told Xiaofeng his request.

"Really? Okay, I'll go check it out right away!" After understanding the giant tree's needs, Xiao Feng nodded to the giant tree and signaled that he would go there immediately.

"Ding, trigger the task: Help the giant tree spirit to deal with the invaders, reward: 100 racial points"

"Oh, I have already promised the giant tree, and now I have a reward, which is very good."Hearing Tongzi's voice, Xiaofeng's mouth slightly raised

""Come on, everyone, let's go and take a look!"

Xiaofeng shouted to everyone, and led the elves to the east of the giant tree barrier.

After a long time, Xiaofeng and his party arrived at the barrier. At this moment, the barrier was constantly rippling.

Xiaofeng gestured to the elves and walked forward:"Everyone, Kongxing, go out and see what's going on!"

""Roar! Roar! (Okay, Boss)" The elves responded and followed Xiaofeng's footsteps.

After Xiaofeng and his group passed through the barrier in the air, they saw a large bird with a yellow body and red eyes and a sharp beak, which was constantly releasing lightning to bombard the barrier.

"Oh, it turned out to be the Zapdos, one of the three stupid birds! But why did it attack the barrier?"Xiao Feng looked at the Zapdos in confusion.

"Ding, trigger the adventure defeat mission, defeat the lightning bird! Reward 100 racial points"

【Name: Lightning Bird lv70 (No Clergy)]

Number: 145

Attributes: Electricity, Flying

Features: Pressure

Skills: Thunder, 100,000 Volts, Drill, Electromagnetic Waves, Light Wall, High-Speed Movement, Feather Roost, Swallow Return, Pray for Rain, Primal Power

Race Value

HP: 90

Physical Attack: 90

Physical Defense: 85

Special Attack: 125

Special Defense: 90

Speed: 100

Total: 580

"Wow, Tongzi is so generous this time!"When Xiaofeng heard that there was another task, tears of happiness flowed from his mouth.

"Air-to-air, go ahead, Charizard, mega evolve, stop it, use Jet Flame!" Xiao Feng and Charizard exchanged a glance, and unilaterally determined the opponent for Zapdos.

""Roar!" Charizard roared, emitting colorful light all over its body, and soon it was fully evolved. The evolved Charizard exited the airborne state, and a jet of blue flame shot towards the 100,000 volts emitted by the lightning bird in the air, offsetting it and quickly pushing it towards the lightning bird.

""Cry!" The lightning bird looked at the suddenly appeared Charizard and shouted loudly, then flew high into the sky to avoid the advancing blue flame.

Then the sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and arcs of electricity kept flashing in the clouds. Then the lightning bird flew under the clouds, and thunder surged all over its body. A huge lightning bolt struck Charizard.

"Charizard, flash! Then attack with the Dragon Claw!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiaofeng let Charizard flash in time to avoid the combination skills of Zapdos's rain-seeking and thunder-making.

Then Charizard flapped its wings, and condensed a giant claw of green energy in its hand to grab the Zapdos in the air.

Just when the Dragon Claw was about to hit the Zapdos, a wall of golden light appeared in front of the Zapdos, blocking the attacking Dragon Claw of Charizard.

Then the Zapdos let out a long cry, opened its sharp beak, and gathered black and white energy bullets in its mouth and shot at Charizard at a high speed.

Xiaofeng looked at the incoming energy bombs and ordered in time:"Charizard, hold on! Then flashed into the wall of light, and Iron Tail pulled the Zapdos down!"

""Roar!" Charizard received the order and roared in response, then held the protective shield and condensed to block the original power attack of the lightning bird, then flashed behind the lightning bird, and its black and blue tail shone with a metallic luster, and it quickly whipped the lightning bird. With a"snap", the lightning bird was hit on the back by the iron tail of the Charizard and fell to the ground.

"Charizard, give it another shot of flame!"

Xiao Feng followed the principle of taking advantage of his weakness and ordered Charizard to give the Zapdos another blow. The dark blue flame hit the falling Zapdos, causing it to fall to the ground at a faster speed.


The earth shook, gravel flew, and a large amount of dust filled the air. It was impossible to see the figure of the lightning bird landing on the ground.

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