Xiaofeng and his party left the mountaintop palace and headed towards the Light Red City. During this time, they mainly helped Dratini to level up, which increased Dratini's level by 5 levels to 25. The early upgrade was relatively fast. They also gave the Lizard King's Mega Evolution Stone to the Lizard King.

【Name: Lizard King (mega)

Race Stats

HP: 70

Attack: 85 (110) + 174

Defense: 65 (75)

Special Attack: 105 (145)

Special Defense: 85

Speed: 120 (145) + 93

Total: 530 (630) + 267

While walking, suddenly, with a"pop" sound, a flying poster covered Xiao Feng's face.

"Bah, bah, bah, what is that?………Pokémon Fighting Tournament?" Xiao Feng took the poster off his face and unfolded it to read it out loud. The elves also came over to take a look.

"Oh, that's interesting. Electric shock monster, are you interested in this?" Xiao Feng looked at the electric shock monster beside him and asked

"Ao! (A little bit!)" The electric shock monster nodded slightly.

"Well, let's go and sign up. It says that the registration ends today and will officially start tomorrow.���The electric shock beast nodded, and Xiaofeng led the elves to the registration point according to the address above to register, and got a number plate: No. 88.

Then they found a hotel nearby to rest for a night. During this time, Xiaofeng also deliberately taught the electric shock beast the fighting moves on TV in his previous life. It turned out that he used them quite well, such as shoulder throw, iron (Kun) mountain lean [just a joke, don't take it seriously], knee rush, elbow strike, neck pull and knee strike.

Soon, the time came to 7:30 the next morning.

Xiaofeng and his party entered the giant competition venue early.

Now the game has not started yet, and it will start in half an hour.

Xiaofeng looked at the surrounding environment.

There are a total of five large arenas in the venue, which are not much less than the elves' battlefield.

There is one in the center of the venue, and four in the four directions of the southeast, northwest and northeast.

Only the middle arena is used in the finals, and many audience seats are set up around it.

It is a bit similar to the MMA fighting competition venue in the previous life, which can be regarded as an enhanced and expanded version.

Then Xiaofeng and his party came to the contestant lounge, where many contestants were already doing warm-up exercises.

Xiao Feng turned around and looked at the electric shock monster………Well, it seems that there is no need to warm up. Then he found a sofa in the corner with the elves and lay down like Ge You.

Time passed quickly, and the game officially started. There were cheers from outside!

Players kept leaving the lounge to compete in different rings.

There was a big screen in the lounge to see the situation at the game site. There were a lot of people and it was very lively.

"Please contestant No. 88 go to stage No. 3 to compete!"


The announcement in the lounge sounded three times in succession

"Oh, it's our turn, let's go!" Xiaofeng, who heard the announcement, brought the elves to the No. 3 stage.

"Electric shock monster, go up!" Xiao Feng gestured to the electric shock monster.

"Ouch! (Hit him)" The electric monster nodded and jumped onto the stage. At this time, the elves of the contestants on the opposite side were already in place.

【Name: Haoli lv36……】

A"ding" sound came from the referee's seat, indicating that the game officially began!

"Haoli, use bare-hand chop!"The opponent took the lead in attacking, and Haoli rushed towards the electric shock monster, his palms glowed white, and he chopped down fiercely from top to bottom.

""Electric Beast, grab it and throw it over your shoulder!" Just as Haoli was about to hit the Electric Beast, Xiaofeng's voice quickly reached the Electric Beast's ears, and the Electric Beast responded immediately. It stretched out its hands to grab Haoli's wrist, stretched one foot forward, and then turned around to carry the grabbed wrist on its shoulder. Finally, it carried Haoli on its back and pulled forward with both hands. Haoli turned into an arc and fell to the ground.


Hao Li fell heavily on his back and howled in pain.

"Elbow attack!"Before Haoli could react, Xiaofeng's voice came again, and then Haoli, who fell to the ground, reflected the electric shock beast's ever-larger elbow in his eyes.


The falling elbow of the electric shock monster hit Hao Li's face. Hao Li's face was covered with blood and his entire head sank into the ground.

After the electric shock monster raised his elbow, Hao Li could no longer stand up. His eyes were round and he lost his ability to fight.

"Goli, are you okay? Come back, I'll take you to the Pokémon Center!"The trainer on the other side looked at Goli who had lost his ability to fight, and worriedly put him into the Poké Ball, and ran out of the competition venue.

"Uh, is it over so soon? I thought I could hold on for a while longer."Xiao Feng looked at the opponent who left quickly and touched his nose.

"Congratulations to contestant No. 88 for advancing to the top 32. Please take a break, your next game will begin soon."

After hearing this, Xiaofeng went to the lounge. Not long after, the announcement came again. Fortunately, it was the No. 3 ring again. The Pokémons from both sides stepped onto the ring and the game officially began.

Looking at the uncle opposite and Abby Lang, Xiaofeng always had a familiar feeling, and suddenly thought:"Isn't this the guy who kidnapped Xiaozhi's Infernape in the anime plot! Well, never mind, it has nothing to do with me."

"Aibi Lang, rush forward and use continuous punches!"The uncle saw that Xiaofeng was a little dazed, and suddenly felt that it was a good opportunity, so he quickly launched an attack

""The electric monster is forced to turn around, hug it, and use your knee to hit its waist!" Xiao Feng came to his senses and saw that the opponent took the lead in attacking, so he gave the electric monster an order.

When Abbylang's fist was about to touch the electric monster, an invisible force turned his body to face the electric monster.

Then the electric monster wrapped its arms forward, hugged its neck, and used its right knee to hit Abbylang's waist.

Abbylang only felt a burst of tearing pain in his waist, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and red threads in the whites of his eyes moved towards his pupils. The pupils gradually dimmed and lost focus.

""The electric shock monster, let it go, it has lost its ability to fight." Seeing that Abby Lang had no sound, Xiaofeng hurriedly let the electric shock monster go. He thought: forced turning is really useful!

"Oh, oh (Oh! OK)"

The electric shock beast obediently relaxed his arms and retracted them.

Abby lost his support, his legs softened, and he fell down.

The electric shock beast looked at Abby who fell down, and kept lifting his right foot lightly, looking like he was still not satisfied.

""Abilang, are you okay?" The uncle saw his elf fall to the ground and hurried to check.

Xiaofeng saw that he had successfully entered the top 16, so he took the electric beasts back to the lounge.

The original corner, the original smell, and lay down.

Not long after Xiaofeng lay down, the uncle also came to the lounge and stood in front of Xiaofeng.

The uncle said with an expression of"I'm doing this for your own good":"Little brother, I see that your electric beast has amazing bones. Do you want to give it to me? I will help you train it and guarantee that it will become the next champion."

Xiaofeng shouted with a black line:"What did you say?! You want me to hand over the electric beast to you? Are you dreaming? You can't even beat my electric beast, I still need you to train. I don't want to train your own elf, but come to the idea of other people's elves. I have never seen such a thick, shameless, shameless person."

The people around heard Xiaofeng's words and whispered to the uncle.


"What do you mean by"you"? Get out of here, or I'll let the electric shock monster beat you up!"

Hearing Xiaofeng's words, the electric shock monster raised his hand and was about to beat up the shameless uncle. The uncle was so scared that his face changed drastically and he ran away

"Really, he can only fool that stupid guy." Xiao Feng curled his lips as he watched the uncle fleeing.

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