Xiao Feng was commissioned by his father to come to Dasha Valley. A group of people looked at the endless stream of people holding pickaxes in front of them, constantly digging here and there, and were a little confused for a while.

Wow! Where is the group? This is!

"Hey, little brother, come here!" Xiao Feng suddenly heard a vulgar voice in his ear.

Xiao Feng turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from. He saw a bed sheet spread on the ground with various items on it. A man with a middle part of his hair about 1.5 meters tall waved at him. Xiao Feng came to the middle part of his hair curiously.

"Uncle, what do you want me to do? Xiao Feng asked

"Hey, little brother, this is your first time here! Are you here to dig for fossils?"A sly look flashed across the eyes of the middle-parted man.

"Wow, uncle is so smart!"Xiao Feng nodded innocently.

"Hehe, that's it. As a person who has experienced it, I'm giving you a sincere suggestion. Do you see what I put in front of you? If you want to dig up the perfect fossil,���The tools are indispensable for the industry. Look at this hard hat. It is strong and durable. You can't buy it at a loss or get cheated. There are also……"The uncle saw such a pure young man.

If he didn't give him a meal, it would be a shame to his empty pockets, so he started to talk endlessly.

"Stop, stop, stop, uncle, do you think I look like an idiot?" Xiao Feng touched his cheek seriously at the middle-parted man.

"Um………Like!"After hearing Xiaofeng's question, the middle-parted man thought for a moment and nodded seriously.

A huge"well" character appeared on Xiaofeng's head. Then Xiaofeng reached back into his backpack, took out the long object that had been with him for a long time, and gave the man a fake smile:

"What now!"

"………Of course not! How could it be possible? Whoever says he looks like me will be angry. Okay!" The man looked behind Xiaofeng, and saw the slowly emerging black wings and sharp long tail. Sweat kept dripping down his face.

"Come on, little brother, I'll give you 50 yuan! Thank you!"The wretched man with a middle part saw that the atmosphere was a little bit awkward, so he carefully took out a pickaxe with a wooden handle and a fine iron head from the package behind him and handed it to Xiao Feng.

"Oh, this thing is good, do you have a more durable one?" Xiao Feng shook the pickaxe in his hand, waved it in the air a few times, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Ah? Yes, yes, how about this one, made of stainless steel!"The man with the middle part was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and took out another pickaxe with a metallic luster and handed it to Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng's eyes lit up when he saw this:"Name your price!"

"5...500?" the man asked tentatively.

"Deal, here, a total of 550. One hand for the money, the other for the goods."Xiao Feng took out the elf coin and quickly put it into the middle-parted man's hand, then grabbed the pickaxe with a flash of his hand, looked at it, and put it behind his waist.


The Dasha Valley was too crowded, so Xiaofeng found a secluded open space, with the pickaxe in his hand flying, raising and lowering it with great anticipation.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Xiao Feng kept digging downwards. The Charizards were like curious babies, surrounding Xiao Feng and looking forward to the upcoming harvest.


"Oh, it's shipped so soon?!"The touch of the pick head hitting a hard object came.

He moved the pick away and looked into the hole.

A corner of a black rock was exposed because of the excavation. Xiao Feng's eyes were shining, and he squatted down and started digging.

Finally, a black rock the size of a basketball was picked up by Xiao Feng. There were some familiar yet unfamiliar patterns on it.

Xiao Feng carried the rock to the professional fossil identification area in Dasha Valley.

He handed it to a white-haired old man who seemed to be experienced, paid the identification fee, and asked the old man to help identify it.

The old man took out a magnifying glass and observed it carefully. After a long time, he stood up and nodded happily, looked at Xiao Feng and said:

"Congratulations, little brother, you are so lucky. After my professional identification, this is a fossil of the ancient pterosaur KunKun, which is very valuable for academic research and a huge discovery! It can help us accurately determine the true size range of ancient pterosaur fossils! You have found a treasure." Xiaofeng, with a gray body and the elves, hobbled back to the place where the fossil was found with the identified fossil.

"Fuck! After the gray-haired Xiaofeng came back to his senses, he lifted the fossil high and smashed it hard into the hole he had dug out before.


A cracking sound was heard by Xiaofeng and his group. Before

Xiaofeng could react, the ground beneath his feet collapsed instantly. Xiaofeng and his group felt that the sky was getting farther and farther away from them.


After a long time, Xiaofeng and his group finally fell freely, their feet inserted straight into the ground to a depth of one meter. They stood upright like a telephone pole.

Lifting his feet hard, Xiaofeng pulled himself out of the ground. Looking around, the cave was pitch black, without any light source.

"Charizard, bring some light to illuminate your beauty!"Xiao Feng called out to the person beside him.

""Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon heard Xiaofeng's voice, and the flames on its tail began to burn. In an instant, the light filled the entire cave.

Xiaofeng looked ahead with interest:"Everyone, let's go in and take a look!"

Moving forward into the depths of the cave, Xiaofeng and his party kept moving forward, and finally came to the end of the cave.

In front of them stood a milky white boulder about two meters high and engraved with unknown runes.

"Wow, I should be able to get this to the old man." Xiao Feng kept looking around the boulder.

""Everyone, come and help me carry it out!" Satisfied, Xiaofeng called the elves to help him bring the boulder back to the ground.

Xiaofeng led the elves forward and squatted down, wrapping his arms around the boulder.

In an instant, the boulder burst out with a dazzling white light that enveloped the entire cave.

The white light dissipated, and Xiaofeng and his group disappeared.


"Ah, you are sick, turn on such a bright light!"Xiao Feng raised his hand to cover his eyes, then slowly opened his eyes. He looked around.

Xiao Feng and his party were in the center of a round platform, with four pillars with elf-like pictures and texts standing in the east, west, south and north.

In front of him, a royal sister in witch costume was looking at Xiao Feng and his party nervously.

"Hello, respected hero, welcome to your arrival. You can call me Fanluo."The witch bowed and saluted with her hands in front of her.

"Uh, sister, are you calling me?" Xiao Feng looked at Fan Luo in confusion, and pointed at himself with his index finger uncertainly.

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