"Bang bang bang bang" Xiaofeng flashed up and hit the Rocket Team's minions one by one. They wanted to escape, but how could they escape from Xiaofeng who could flash?

Several people felt a headache and collapsed.

After dealing with several people, Xiaofeng hit the device they dropped with bang bang a few more times.

A sizzling sound came from the instrument, and then the instrument began to emit black smoke and lost its function.

As the instrument was damaged, the chain connecting the Moltres quickly disappeared.

"Cry…!"The flaming bird let out a long and loud cry, flapped its wings happily, and circled in the air.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and gaining 100 race points."

After completing the rescue mission, it was still the same old routine, taking out the illustrated book to shake Junsha, and providing a one-stop service for Xiao and the others. Of course, Xiao was carefully carried away, and No. 8, Xiaofeng was handed over to Professor Oak, who said he would take good care of it and find a safe place for it to live.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng! Thanks to your help, Moltres was rescued."After everyone successfully rescued Moltres, Xia Bo bowed deeply to Xiaofeng and the others.

"It's okay, you're welcome!"Xiao Feng shook his head to indicate that it was okay.

"Xiaofeng is right. No need to thank me. This is what we should do. And this time I also saw the legend of the Kanto region as I wished. It was worth the trip.!"Zhulan also waved her hand quickly

"Well, haha, I won't say too much. I, Mr. Xia, will pay for tonight. Let's eat and drink well and have a night's rest. Xiaofeng, we will have the gym competition tomorrow."Xia Bo saw this and smiled heartily, and spoke to Xiaofeng and the others in a heroic manner.

"Mr. Xia is a straightforward person! Let's go!"Xiao Feng raised his right hand and cheered, leading the charge, and together with the elves and the two of them, they went to a famous elf restaurant in Honglian City to prepare a big meal.


In the private room of the Elf Restaurant

""Huff, huff, huff!"

Xia Bo looked at Xiao Feng and his elves sweeping away everything in their path, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Xia Bo helplessly touched the Mediterranean Sea. :"Well, how should I put it, it's quite real, okay"

""Puff! Slow down, no one is going to snatch it from you." Zhulan, who was sitting next to Xiaofeng, laughed out loud as she watched Xiaofeng squeal while eating, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, and then handed two tissues to Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng naturally reached out to take the tissues, wiped his mouth and said thank you,"Thank you!" After eating and drinking to his heart's content, Xiaofeng and his party returned to the B&B and had a good night's sleep.

Nothing happened that night, and when they woke up early the next morning, Xiaofeng and Zhulan were woken up by Xia Bo and came to the active volcano where they had rescued Moltres before, ready to start the Red Lotus Gym finals.

"The game will be 1v1, and the winner will be decided in one round. Xia Bo explained the rules of the game to Xiao Feng.

"No problem, let's get started!"Xiao Feng nodded to show that he understood

"Come out, Moltres!" Seeing Xiao Feng's agreement, Xia Bo shouted at the magma in the volcano.

""Cry!" With a bird cry, the flame bird flew out of the magma at a high speed, flapped its wings and landed above the magma.

"This venue is decided to be you, Charizard!"Xiao Feng looked at Charizard beside him and nodded, sending him out.

""Roar!" Charizard roared in response, flew over the volcanic magma, and met Moltres' eyes.

"Moltres, use Air Blade!"Both sides were ready, and Xia Bo could not wait to start the attack.

Moltres flapped its wings forward fiercely, and huge blue wind blades broke through the air and cut towards Charizard.

"Charizard, use Big Explosion!"Xiao Feng shouted at the Charizard in the air.

""Roar!" The hot flames in Charizard's mouth burned fiercely, and a large character explosion was shot out quickly, hitting the air blade.

Whoosh, whoosh, the large character explosion quickly burned the air blade, and then continued to advance towards the opposite Flame Bird.

"Moltres uses Hold, then Overheat Attack!" Seeing Charizard's flames burn the Air Blade directly, Xia Bo frowned and commanded Moltres to defend with a serious look.

Instantly, a yellow energy shield appeared in front of Moltres, resisting the subsequent attack of the big character explosion. When the protective shield dissipated, a huge scorching fireball had condensed in front of it, and the flames kept burning and rotating in it, bombarding Charizard in the blink of an eye.

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!"

Hearing Xiaofeng's voice, Charizard shook his arms, and the dragon's power instantly covered it, forming a huge energy claw. Then the dragon wings flapped, and flew forward, and the dragon claw slashed at the attacking Overheat. With a tearing sound, the Overheat Flame Ball was directly torn into two halves by Charizard's claws, and then Charizard continued to slash at Moltres with the energy claws.

"Moltres moves at high speed to dodge!"Xia Bo watched Charizard easily break Moltres' attack, and immediately commanded Moltres to distance himself.

Moltres moved quickly in the air, leaving a trail of afterimages behind.

"Don't let it run away, Charizard flashes and hits it with its iron tail!" Seeing that the opponent wanted to escape, Xiaofeng immediately issued a pursuit order.

Charizard flashed to the high altitude of the fast-moving Moltres, and its tail behind it lit up with a fierce metallic halo, and it quickly hit the Moltres below.


The flame bird was hit by the iron tail, and it howled in an instant, its skin and flesh were torn apart, and it was blasted into the magma below. The magma splashed several meters high, and the flame bird went deep into it and did not appear for a long time.

"Moltres, can you hear me? Use Feathers, and then..." Seeing that Moltres had not come up for a long time, Xia Bo shouted anxiously, hoping that it would have some effect.

Perhaps Xia Bo's shouting worked, Moltres flew out of the magma with a strong red flush all over its body. The places where the skin and flesh were broken were slowly healing. Seeing the state of Moltres at this time, Xia Bo immediately prepared to give it a try:

"Moltres, use Brave Bird!"

The moment the command was issued, Moltres glowed with white light and bravely rushed towards Charizard.

"Tsk, Yuqi, what an annoying skill. We should use the defense of Charizard, and then use the Shadow Claw to chop it up into the sky."

A smile flashed in Charizard's eyes, and a yellow energy shield instantly covered the whole body, blocking the Moltres wrapped in white light from entering.

Then he held the dragon claws with both hands, and the black shadow energy claws condensed in an instant. After canceling the defense of the protective shield, he swung the right claw at Moltres from bottom to top. He hit its chin hard, bringing out a broken air flow, and blasted it into the sky.

Moltres only felt a sharp pain in its chin at this time, as if it was not its own at all. Its vision became more and more blurred, and the sky and the earth turned gray.

"Charizard, use Shadow Waltz Five Claws!"Xiao Feng, watching Moltres being knocked away, shouted to Charizard in the air.

The power of shadow flashed through Charizard's eyes, and his figure flashed to catch up with Moltres, then swung the Shadow Claw of his right hand at Moltres' body, knocking Moltres to the left.

Then he flashed to catch up again, and swung the Shadow Claw of his left hand diagonally upward, knocking Moltres high into the sky again, and the combo ended after five consecutive attacks in different directions.

Moltres was hit continuously in different directions, and the whole bird was dizzy, and severe tearing pain came from different parts of its body.

Then his eyes went black, and circles appeared as he fell towards the magma below.

"Charizard, you win, catch it!"Xiao Feng saw that Moltres had lost its ability to fight, and shouted to the Charizard in the air. The

Charizard nodded, flapped its wings and quickly caught up with Moltres, hugged it, glided, and landed steadily on the edge of the volcano at Xia Bo's position, then flew back to Xiao Feng and gave him a thumbs up.

"Haha, yes, yes, you are the best!" Xiao Feng saw Charizard's gesture and praised with a big laugh.

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