Following the orders from Xiaofeng and Zhulan, the Electric Beast and the Liebite Garchomp rushed forward at lightning speed.

In a moment, white light appeared on both arms. When approaching the Strange Power and Rumble Rock, the legs suddenly bent and jumped up, raising the arms and slashing forward with great force, bringing bursts of cracking sounds.

Seeing this, Strange Power crossed his four arms and flashed white light. He ran and swung at the Electric Beast that was attacking him, wanting to wrestle.

Rumble Rock hugged his body, spun and rolled forward at high speed, using the stones on the ground as a springboard to crash into the leaping Liebite Garchomp.

The two met, and the Electric Beast's tile-splitting broke Strange Power's arm with overwhelming force, and slashed on his shoulder.

Crack, the sound of the shoulder bone breaking was heard. Then, due to the huge power of the Electric Beast, Strange Power flipped back in the direction where he was standing, smashed into the ground, and the rocks broke and the ground cracked, and smoke and dust rolled.

When the smoke cleared, Guai Li was lying unconscious in the pit, and his shoulder was sunken due to the force, leaving a U-shaped hole as thick as the arm of the electric monster.

Rhydon's experience was roughly the same as Guai Li, who was also blasted into the ground by the tile cut of the Liebite Land Shark. The only difference was that a knife scar running through his chest was clearly visible on his body!

""Well done, Electric Shock Monster, Land Shark!" Xiaofeng and Zhulan praised their own elves.

""Let's go, let's go to the next floor!" Xiaofeng looked up at the upward stairs and ran up.

Zhulan nodded and quickly followed Xiaofeng's footsteps.

Soon they went up to the second floor and came to the stairs leading to the third floor.

Unlike the first floor, there is only one elf guarding the stairs here, and its huge body directly blocks the entire staircase.

The whole body is made up of irregular steel spheres, reflecting a strong metallic luster under the sunlight. The tail is as sharp as a sword, the head is relatively large, and the lower jaw is huge, with a mouth full of big white teeth that are shiny.

Xiaofeng looked at the elf in front of him curiously:"Oh, there is actually Onix's evolved form, Steelix, here. Leave it to me, Zhulan, you take a rest, I will deal with it."

""Yeah, come on." Zhulan pursed her lips and nodded repeatedly, then took out a small stool and started eating melon seeds.

"Gyarados, I'll leave it to you!" Xiaofeng sent Gyarados onto the field:"Use Pray Rain!"

""Roar!" Gyarados roared loudly at the sky.

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and countless raindrops fell.

The Steelix on the opposite side was hit by the rain, and its body twisted uncomfortably. A trace of anger flashed in its red eyes.

Immediately, its sharp tail was raised and slammed down to the ground. The ground began to continuously protrude huge sharp rocks that extended and pierced in the direction of Gyarados.

Looking at the attack launched by Steelix, Xiaofeng gave an order to Gyarados:"Gyarados, use Slam!"

""Roar!" A gleam of light flashed across Gyarados's eyes, and his body glowed with a faint luster. He leaped up and charged towards Steelix with an unstoppable momentum.

As he moved forward, the sharp stones that kept stabbing at Gyarados' body only made a"ding ding ding" sound before losing their effect.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sharp stones that blocked the way were constantly smashed into pieces by Gyarados and scattered all over the ground, but it did not affect Gyarados's progress at all.

Finally, Gyarados knocked Steelix away with a headbutt.

""Swoosh!" The Steelix brought a blast of air and fiercely embedded itself into the wall beside the stairs, scattering the gray stones.

The Steelix in the wall, with its iron-like body, had a dent in the shape of a Gyarados' face where it was hit. Its face was distorted, and its eyes were full of red veins. It was struggling in pain.

"Oh, it didn't lose its fighting ability, it looks like it's at a high level." Xiao Feng looked at the struggling Steelix and rubbed his chin and murmured, then continued to issue orders to Gyarados:"Gyarados, finish it, ultimate impact!"

Gyarados heard Xiaofeng's voice and flew high into the sky. It was wrapped in purple cyclones and flapped its tail, rushing towards Steelix on the city wall with terrifying might. Steelix in the city wall saw that it could not break free and looked at the charging Gyarados. It condensed a destructive death ray in its mouth and shot at Gyarados.

But Gyarados, whose body was wrapped in purple energy, was attacked by Steelix without any hindrance. It dispersed the destructive death ray and continued to move forward and hit Steelix on the city wall.

Due to the impact of the huge force, Steelix was embedded deeper in the wall, and its eyes bulged, with more bloodshot on the edges. Even the steel body began to show cracks.

Not long after, Steelix in the wall's eyes turned black and fainted with a look of relief. There were circles in his eyes and he could not fight!

"Good, the needle doesn't poke." Zhulan threw away the melon seeds in her hand, stood up, put the small stool into her backpack, and came to Xiaofeng to applaud.

"Hehe! Let's go to the third floor." Xiaofeng smiled at Zhulan beside him, and ran towards the stairs leading to the third floor.

Not long after, Zhulan and Xiaofeng, who had defeated Steelix, quickly went up to the third floor, and then ran towards the stairs leading to the fourth floor. However, the stairs leading to the fourth floor were contrary to the norm and there were no elves guarding them.

Xiaofeng looked around and scratched his head in confusion:"Hey, why is this place different from before?"

"Could it be that only the first two floors are guarded by elves, and there are none in the back?"Zhulan pinched her chin with her right hand, thought for a moment and said her guess.

Seeing that Xiaofeng couldn't figure it out, he took Zhulan and the elves and decided to continue going up:"Well, never mind, let's go to the hexagonal tower first."

Soon the two came to the stairs leading to the fifth floor from the fourth floor.

But unexpectedly, an elf with long flowing golden hair, a pair of small eyes and big pink lips, and a body that seemed to be wearing a red dress was standing in front of the stairs and looking at the two.

"Well���It's Sister Michun. Zhulan, I'll leave it to you. I'm not very good at dealing with this kind of elves, so I'm counting on you, come on." Xiaofeng looked at Sister Michun with a strange expression, holding back his smile, and retreated behind Zhulan. As a face control, Xiaofeng was really afraid that he would not be able to hold back his laughter during the battle.

"Xiaofeng, you actually have a Pokémon that you are not good at dealing with, hehe, leave it to me." Zhulan's eyes were curved like crescents, and she smiled and gave Xiaofeng a reassuring look, which made Xiaofeng's heart tremble violently, and he shouted in his heart: Don't mess with my mind!

Zhulan smiled and turned to look at Sister Michun, stretched out her hand to take out a Poké Ball from her pocket and threw it out,"It's decided to be you!"

A white light flashed, and a dog-like handsome humanoid elf with black and blue hair except for the beige torso appeared in front of Sister Michun.

Seeing someone coming, Sister Michun immediately launched an attack, holding her hands in front of her, and the cold air quickly gathered into a blue energy ball, and then suddenly shot out several lightning-like ice rays at the elf in front of her.

"Lucario, dodge quickly and approach it!"At the moment when Sister Lip attacked, Zhulan's voice entered Lucario's ears.

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