So many things, not all trainers can receive.

That's the benefit of good academic performance!

Not everyone is eligible to claim an initial Pokémon.

Qin Hao's current class, enough people graduated from the same school, enough is enough.

There are only 5 places in the school.

In other words, out of 600 people, only 1 person can come to the institute to collect it.

If others want to be trainers, they can only buy Pokémon or go through other channels.

Therefore, the institute still takes great care of the rookie trainers!

The value of what was given was extremely high!

Space backpacks, 6 Pokéball balls, some Pokémon food and energy cubes, and much more are all necessary for travel!

Qin Hao probably calculated that it might be worth 500,000 alliance coins!

"This backpack is big enough! It is already possible to put the alchemy furnace in! Qin Hao was in a very good mood.

If such a backpack is to be bought, it may cost about 300,000 Union coins.

The larger the space inside, the more expensive it is.

Now this is just the right size.

"Qin Hao! The Katy dog you chose! Zhang Ke came out behind Qin Hao, he was smiling, obviously very satisfied with his Pokémon.

Zhang Ke picked a chrysanthemum leaf, which, as he said, was a grass-based Pokémon.

"Qin Hao, what is your Katy dog's qualification?" Zhang Ke said one after another.

Because you can't see their qualifications when you choose Pokémon, there are also many unstable factors in the qualifications of each Pokémon.

"I'm blue." Qin Hao smiled and said.

Qin Hao had already seen that the chrysanthemum leaves in Zhang Ke's arms were white.

"Lean! My chrysanthemum leaves are white, but I have some rare tree fruits at home that should help it improve its qualifications. Zhang Ke was a little surprised, he didn't expect Qin Hao's luck to be so good.

Qin Hao nodded slightly, Zhang Ke's family situation was not bad.

There is enough economic strength to boost some strength for chrysanthemum leaves.

"Then I'll go home and get ready!" By the way, after you get the Pokémon Guide, pay attention to it, there must be many people who want to fight against you, there are bets, don't be too confident, they are pit rookie trainers! Zhang Ke reminded.

"I'll pay attention, thank you." Qin Hao patted him on the shoulder.

If it weren't for Zhang Ke mentioning this matter, Qin Hao really didn't know!

Separated from Zhang Ke, Qin Hao took out the Pokémon Book from his backpack.

The Pokémon Pokédex has verified Qin Hao's information with his real name.

This Pokédex is different from the anime, it has a lot of features!

Similar to a smartphone, it can see information online or something about other trainers.

It can not only record a trainer's earning badges, but also view Pokémon profiles.

It can also be used to connect with other trainers.

"Sure enough!" Qin Hao just opened the Pokémon Book and found a lot of challenge information.

"Congratulations on becoming a trainer, if you want, I can have a battle with you with Pokémon of the same level, of course, we are playing against the battlefield, bet 10,000 alliance coins!"

"Little brother, you just became a trainer, do you want to test your strength? I can be your opponent, if you use the Pokémon you just received, then I will also use a level 5 Pokémon, let's gamble on the battlefield! Bet 30,000 Union Coins, you get so many things, you can also use things as collateral! "


Qin Hao looked at it, and there were 11 messages.

The minimum bet is 10,000 Union Coins!

The most is 50,000 Union Coins!

They knew that if the stakes with rookie trainers were too high, they would not accept it.

"If you want to use a level 5 Pokémon to fight against me, then I'm welcome!" Qin Hao smiled slightly.

Because you can't buy Pokémon through other channels until you get the Pokémon Guide.

Therefore, other trainers also knew that Qin Hao only had an initial Pokémon that he had just received.

11 challenge books, Qin Hao took it one by one!

What Qin Hao lacks the most now is money, if you want to refine a good elixir for Katy Dog, it is good to use fire Ganoderma lucidum.

But the price of fire lingzhi is very expensive!

"Katy dog, you can take these two pills!" Qin Hao put the two pills he had refined in front of Katy Dog.

The fragrance is overflowing!

Katy knows how good these two pills are for it.

Pokémon all have such instincts!


Katy Dog opened its big eyes as if to express gratitude, and then swallowed the two pills together.

"The effect is quite fast!" Qin Hao looked at the information of Katy Dog and was very satisfied.

Katy Dog is now level 18!

Other rookie trainers estimated that it would take ten days and a half months to help Pokémon reach this level, but Qin Hao did it at once.

And by feeding Pokémon, intimacy will also increase.

What's more, Qin Hao gave Katy Dog such a good thing, and the intimacy increased to 160!

With such intimacy, there will be no disobedience in the battle!

"That milky white pill is called Experience Pill! The light cyan one is called Speed Dan! "Qin Hao's name is very arbitrary, so it is easy to remember.

Qin Hao also mastered the formula of these two pills, and when he had the opportunity to improve the materials and quality of the pills in the future.

"It's time for a fight!"

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