A huge explosion swept through the entire Qingquan Forest, and Qin Hao immediately released his super power to gather into a shield in front of him.

"Sonic Dragon, Sonic Blast. "

Qin Hao threw out the Spirit Ball, and the sonic dragon immediately made a fighting stance.

Sonic dragons, which are named after sound waves, can learn the big tricks of sound.

The sonic dragon, who made a fighting stance, screamed like it tore everything in the face of the sweeping wave.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye endlessly resisted the sound waves, and the hedge aura tore the surrounding flowers and trees, and even the earth and rocks were worn into powder.

Qin Hao's super power protected the position of five meters around his body, and also resisted some of the damage for the sonic dragon.

When the sound wave ended, the sonic dragon also fell from the air because of his physical exhaustion, which was still the result of Qin Hao bearing part of the pressure.

This kind of sound is completely championship-level intensity.

What the hell is going on?

Qin Hao was puzzled, the direction of the sound wave was the lake of the Qingquan Forest, and during this time when Qin Hao practiced, the water source was taken there.

There was such a big movement, and the dream did not appear.

"Oops. "Qin Hao's secret road is not good, this movement will not be made by dreams.

"Wind speed dog, let's go. "

Qin Hao released the wind speed dog and rode in the forest.

The salamander will be a faster option, but the situation is unknown, flying in the air is a live target.

The center of the explosion is the location of the lake, and the rising water vapor is hazy, but a blue elf can be vaguely seen floating in the air, and a pink one next to it should be a dream.

But now it doesn't look like a battle, Dream and this blue elf are in the same camp.

"Disperse. "Dream uses superpowers to disperse water vapor in the air.

Only then did Qin Hao see the full picture of this little elf, a small one, which looked like a blue mushroom.

"Yaknom?" Qin Hao recognized.

This is one of the legendary three holy mushrooms - Yaknom, the god of willpower, a first-class god lineage.

It turns out that this lake is inhabited by Yaknom, no wonder when practicing in the forest, he feels a powerful superpower, which is as gentle as the dreamy superpower, but different.

When Qin Hao discovered Yaknom, Dream and Yaknom also discovered Qin Hao.

"The helpers of the bad guys actually came to invade the forest where I live. "

Seeing Qin Hao, Yaknom immediately condensed a superpower and wanted to attack.

The pink figure stopped in front of Qin Hao.

"Yaknom, this is Qin Hao, my friend. Dream explained patiently.

"Friend, not an intruder?" Yaknom was suspicious, but the condensed attack was also withdrawn.

"What happened?" asked Qin Hao, Dream and Yaknom joined forces against the enemy, and how powerful the other party should be.

The two first-level gods seemed to have suffered a bit of a loss.

"A group of men in black, they wanted to capture Yaknom, I had a hunch of the crisis, so I rushed to help. Dream explained, huge superpowers covering a large area of clearing around it.

"Someone is coming. Dream and Yaknom shouted at the same time.

Before the words fell, a group of black-clad humans appeared not far away out of thin air, and the super energy system - teleportation.

Qin Hao's pupils shrank, such a superpower far surpassed himself, an absolute champion strength.

Moreover, this group of people is actually Qin Hao's old friends, and the people of the Black Yang team really do not change, I don't know where I learned the news that Yaknom is here, and actually sent a champion-level trainer to come.

"It's this group of people who destroyed this place. As a first-level god, Yaknom could not hide his anger at this time.

"It's such good luck, I just wanted to capture a yaknom, but I didn't expect to come with a dream. The leading champion trainer said with a smile and waved his hand, and the person following behind him had already moved out a machine to assemble it.

"Stop them. Qin Hao didn't know what that machine was, but the Heiyang team was definitely prepared, and that machine definitely couldn't let it assemble.

Hearing Qin Hao's reminder, Yaknom, who was already very angry, raised his hand and wanted to stop the assembly of the machine.

The impact caused a huge amount of soot.

"Success?" Qin Hao was absolutely wrong in his heart, and the champion trainer was so vulnerable.

Sure enough, before Qin Hao finished thinking, the same divine power was returned to Yaknom.

"Hahahaha, sure enough, in the huge explosion before, you were really injured, otherwise my Hudi would not have taken your attack so easily. The champion trainer of the Black Sun team laughed, and in front of him stood a beard that was more than one person tall, which was very intimidating.

This kind of elf beyond the ordinary size is extraordinary, and this Hudi in front of him is definitely the best among them.

Even if it is Yaknom's injured blow, it is not something that an elf of the same level can take.

Yaknom did not speak, and Dream flew to Yaknom vigilantly.

"Don't worry, none of you can run. "The Champion Trainer threw four Poké Balls again, Black Ruga, Mongonia, Raven Head and a Slash Commander, each of which had a champion-level breath on it.

Such a luxurious lineup is a very strong existence even among the champion trainers.

The strength of the elves becomes more difficult to improve in the future, even the elves in the hands of the champion trainer cannot be all champion level, and the five champion elves are rarely seen even in the alliance.

This is bad.

If it was the intact dream and Yaknom fighting with the strength of his first-level god, he could still fight against it, and now in the face of attribute restraint, coupled with the injury, Qin Hao didn't know how to crack the situation in front of him.

"The machine has been commissioned. The member of the Black Sun team, who had been assembling the machine, suddenly said.

"Turn on the machine. "

The champion trainer immediately said that the previous nonsense was actually delaying time, in order to make this machine have enough event debugging.

As the red switch button was pressed, Qin Hao immediately felt an obscure force shaking the operation of his superpower, it was obvious that this was a machine that specialized in restraining superpower elves.

No wonder this champion trainer was very excited before, Yaknom and Dream were restrained by this machine.

Yaknom was seriously injured, and all his superpowers shrank back, protecting his side, and Dream was slightly better.

The two restrained first-level gods, facing the five champion-level elves, Qin Hao did not react, and the two sides had already started.

Even if restrained, the champion trainer is still cautious, obviously not wanting to capsize in the gutter.

As for Qin Hao, a quasi-heavenly king-level trainer, he was not taken seriously at all.

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