After subduing the overconfident Heracros, Ash and his party decided to find a place for special training.

Soon, they came to a wide valley.

“Very good, ready to start special training here!”

Ash is happy with the valley, there is an open space here that is enough for a few Pokémon to spread their hands and feet.

Unexpectedly, just about to enter the valley, there was a shaking of the mountain under his feet.

“What’s going on, is there an earthquake?” Xiao Xia subconsciously grabbed Ash’s arm.

“It’s not like an earthquake, it’s like some ground-based Pokémon skill, let’s go quickly!” Ash scanned it with the power of the waveguide and found nothing.

Soon, the group found a Dunjia on the side of the mountain road.

“This Dunjia should have an owner!” Ash judged.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, a good-looking young lady appeared next to that Dunjia.

“Beautiful young lady, if you don’t mind, please tell me your name!” Xiao Gang’s figure at this moment could not even be captured by Xiao Zhi’s waveguide power.

As if teleporting, he had already appeared in front of the young lady, still holding people’s hands, and his tone was very affectionate.

Obviously, this bothered the young lady, but she still said, “That, my name is Yiqi, this Dunjia, is my Pokémon!” ”

“My name is Xiao Gang, this necklace looks so good on you!” When Xiao Gang said this, Xiao Zhi noticed that there was an onyx necklace hanging around the neck of this young lady.

“Is that a gem?” As a girl, Xiaoxia certainly has no resistance to things like gemstones.

Xiao Gang explained, “That’s right, the former princess and Miss Qianjin all wore agate as a gemstone!” ”

“Miss Yiqi, this should be the Dunjia Valley!”

Ash stepped forward and said, “On the way here, I heard that there is a valley rich in agate, and the villages near this valley have been training tonjia, finding and processing agate products for generations!” ”

Miss Yi Qi nodded, “You understand very well!” ”

“I hope to be able to do some Pokémon training in this valley, I don’t know?”

After all, it is a place where people live, and they still have to ask for the consent of the owner.

Such a large valley is really a very good training venue.

Moreover, it is produced by gemstone agate, which cannot be eaten, and I am not afraid that the Kabi beast will eat people’s specialties.

“Yes!” Ash asked so politely, of course Miss Yiqi would not refuse, “But the Dunjia here has a master, please be careful.” ”

“In addition, if you find agate, you can also come to the village to find me, I can help you process it for free!”

Although there was no hope that Ash and his party could find Onyx, Miss Yiqi still politely mentioned it.

Her impression of Ash is quite good.

“Then thank you!”

Saying goodbye to Yiqi, Ash and his group came to the valley, “Come out!” ”

“Charizard, Kabi, Frog Seed, Jeni Turtle, Heracros!”

The Kabi Beast was still asleep, and it had just eaten the system feed that Ash had fed it in the morning, and it was sleeping soundly.

“Soak up the sun!” Ash didn’t want to wake it up, let’s wait until it’s hungry.

“It’s rare that Ash is going to be specially trained, it seems that you have really grown!” Xiaoxia found a shady place to sit down.

Day and night, she was really tired.

Xiao Gang also prepared food, but special training was very energy-consuming.

“Pikachu, this time may be hard!” If Ash wants to train Pikachu to learn the iron tail, he will have to do a lot of training on the strength of the tail.

“Pike!” Pikachu said to let the horse come.

Seeing Pikachu’s fighting spirit, Ash smiled and tied a stone to its lightning-like tail.


Duang screamed, and the weight of the stone made Pikachu’s tail smash directly on the ground.

“Pikachu, come on! I’ll let the Magic Frog Seeds help you! Seeing this, Ash couldn’t help but shake his head.

The current Pikachu does have a lot less exercise, and when the former Ash let Pikachu learn Iron Tail, he had already finished traveling in the Johto area and was in the Fangyuan area.

But Ash believes Pikachu, he will definitely learn the Iron Tail skill!

“Then there’s Charizard!”

Allowing Pikachu to practice tail chopping with the help of the vine weaving of the frog seed, Ash began to focus his attention on Charizard.


Charizard spewed flames and burned towards Ash, which seemed to be a small hobby of it.

However, the blue light flashed, and the flames were resisted.

Ash smiled and said, “It seems that you have a very scrappy look, then it is best!” ”

Compared to Pikachu, Charizard’s workouts are much harder.


“Then take this with you!” Ash smiled wickedly and threw an item that looked like an hourglass.

Then, Charizard was bound by shackles, making it almost immobile.

“This is a mandatory exerciser, you guy is my trump card, are you ready?” Ash looked at the fire-breathing dragon twisted into a ball and said with a bad smile.

This is a prop produced by the system, the binding force is very large, but the exercise effect is also very good, which is very suitable for Charizard who forces himself to evolve to the final stage.

Charizard stretched his arm, feeling very heavy, but nodded anyway, indicating that he could accept the exercise.

“Well, I’ve been doing this for a long time!”

The evil smile on Ash’s face suddenly converged, and the fist flashing with blue light smashed into Charizard’s round belly!

The fist covered with the power of the waveguide seemed to be covered with armed color domineering, which not only strengthened the power of Ash’s punch, but also hurt a lot!

Charizard was punched back and hit the mountain wall.


This scene frightened Xiaogang Xiaoxia.

However, at this moment, Ash’s face was full of frost, “Charizard, our strength is still too far behind, we must not be complacent, you know?” ”


Charizard roared and struggled to stand up, it did not use jet flames and did not take off, but also raised its fist and smashed it towards Ash.

However, the speed was cut by the forced exerciser, and the Charizard punch was very slow and weak.

As soon as Ash lowered his waist, he dodged this punch, and the punch in his left hand flashed blue light again, and slammed into the armpit of Charizard.

He smashed the fire-breathing dragon back again.

However, this time Charizard spun in place, and its thick long tail with burning flames flung towards Ash.

“Good to go, man!”

Ash did not evade or retreat, and his right fist flashing with blue light slammed straight over!

Charizard: 155/255

Charizard: 160/255

Charizard: 165/255

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