Although he subdued the little saw crocodile, Ash teleported it back to Dr. Ohki along with the Kami turtle.

Obviously, this little saw crocodile is still young, although its strength is good, it is still weaker than bay leaf and fire rock rat.

Ash teleported the Kami Turtle back, that is, to teach and train the Kami Turtle and the Dumb Beast as seniors.

Just like Charizard in Charizard Valley, it continues to get stronger under the training of seniors of the same attribute.

“Very good, the little saw crocodile and the Kami turtle here have received it, I will urge it to train well!” I heard that Dr. Ohki was also a powerful trainer when he was young.

Coming out of the Pokémon Center, Ash and his party bumped head-on into a teenager who was rushing to treat the Pokémon.

The Katy dog in his arms looked very injured.

“Why are you so flustered? What happened? Xiaoxia said with concern.

“I lost the Pokémon battle!” The young man replied frankly, “That opponent’s strength is too strong!” ”

As soon as he said this, Ash was immediately interested, “Where is such a powerful trainer?” ”

“He’s on that bridge on top of the mountain! So I advise you, if you are going over there, you better avoid that bridge! ”

Will Ash be the kind of person who hears that people are very powerful and avoids not fighting?

Apparently not, so they went straight to the top of the mountain and found the bridge.

I saw that across the bridge, there was a tall young lady standing.

Xiao Gang rushed over, holding the other party’s jade hand and speaking affectionately, “Hello Miss, my name is Xiao Gang!” If you don’t dislike it, please tell me your name! ”

Xiao Xia just wanted to step forward to make a move, but she didn’t expect that this time this young lady actually let Xiao Gang hold hands, and replied to Xiao Gang, “My name is Meiqi!” ”

The young lady’s answer suddenly made Xiao Gang get carried away and immersed in happiness, “What a cute name, come on, this place may encounter danger at any time, let me accompany you on the road!” ”

“Let me ask you, do you have a Pokémon of the fire system?” This time, the young lady didn’t talk, but she didn’t have a clue to ask such a sentence.

Xiao Gang nodded without thinking, “Of course.” ”

He is indeed a Pokémon with a fire attribute.

That’s Miss Koyuki, a Pokémon beautician and top breeder, who asked him to take care of a six-tailed one!

“Then please!” The young lady’s face suddenly became cold, and she took out a Pokéball and retreated to the right distance, “Use a Pokémon for one, let’s fight!” ”

It turns out that the trainer who challenged the fire Pokémon at the bridgehead was her!

It was as if a basin of cold water was poured on Xiao Gang’s head, and he quickly calmed down, “As long as you don’t dislike it, I’m happy to be your opponent!” ”

Meggie was the first to send her own Pokémon.

It was a big bird covered in steel feathers called the Armor Bird!

This is a Pokémon of the Steel & Flight system!

Steel Pokémon have excellent resistance, with 10 of the 18 stats not working well on its attacks, one poison stat being completely ineffective, and only 3 stats being ineffective against it, that is, ground, fighting, and fire.

In addition, steel attribute Pokémon will not fall into a poisoned and highly toxic state, nor will it be injured by sandstorm weather!

Among the three attributes that have outstanding effects on the steel system, the armored bird with the flight attribute, although it has more electrical attribute weaknesses, can be immune to ground skills, and in turn restrains the fighting system.

In other words, the armor bird only has two weak points in its attributes, that is, electricity and fire!

“So, why are you deliberately looking for the fire attribute to fight?” After listening to Xiao Zhi’s introduction, Xiao Xia couldn’t help but ask strangely.

Meiqi looked at Ash and said proudly, “Because it has already fought with Pokémon of other attributes, I saved the most difficult fire system for the end, which can be regarded as an end for the special training on the mountain!” ”

“So it is!” Xiao Gang was like a big enemy, his face was gloomy, “This opponent looks very powerful!” I also want to show the spirit of practice. ”

“Go, Rokuo!”

This six-tailed one, entrusted by a Pokémon beautician is not good at fighting!

Of course, it is not the opponent of the armored bird, and under the high-speed star attack of the armored bird, he was quickly beaten to the point of abandoning his armor and running away.

In the end, he was killed by the Armored Bird’s Steel Wings and lost his ability to fight.

“Sure enough, it’s strong, I admit defeat!”

This Wings of Steel is a good skill, you know, the skill of the steel attribute is very effective on the rock system, but the rock system restrains the flight system.

If the flying Pokémon can learn the Wings of Steel, they will be able to strike effectively when facing the Rock System!

Before Maggie could get addicted, she asked, “Do you still have a fire Pokémon?” ”

Xiao Gang is gone, but Xiao Zhi still has it, and there are still two!

“Let me fight!” Ash stepped forward, and after thinking about it, he threw out Dairubi’s Pokeball.

After these two days of daily training, Ash and this Dairubi dog king have run in very well, after all, the fit is very high!

“What a fierce Pokémon!” As soon as Dai Ruby appeared, he surprised Meiqi.

Dai Ruby is already hideous in appearance, and this dog king of Ash, with the scars of battle on his face, looks even more vicious!

“That’s it, Dairubi, using odor detection!”

This is a skill that canine Pokémon can often learn, and it can make moves that have no effect on Ghost Pokémon and opponents with a high dodge rate easier to hit!

“Don’t try to play tricks, high-speed stars!” Meiqi’s current fighting style is very similar to the previous Ash, which is a powerful attack attack attack!

The armor bird has a high resistance and goes on a rampage!

“Use jet flame!”

The fiery pillars of fire shattered the stars.

But by this time, the armored bird had risen into the air and dived down, wanting to use the speed brought by the dive from the high altitude to attack.

This has always been a good show for Magie and Armor Bird!

However, this time they are facing the evil attribute of Darubi!

“Dairubi, use a surprise blow!” Even though the armor bird was swooping very fast now, Ash and Dairubi didn’t panic in the slightest!

At the moment when the armored bird came down, Dai Ruby’s figure suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of the armored bird, and slapped it down!

“Now, spray flames!”

The armored bird was knocked to the ground and lost its superiority in the air, and Ash seized the opportunity and quickly let Dairubi perform a lore!

“How come? Armor bird, fly quickly! ”

However, the evil flame smoothly swallowed the armored bird, rendering it incapacitated!

“Lost, it seems that my practice is not enough!” Meiqi reluctantly admitted the defeat and lost the armor bird to fight.

Xiao Gang comforted, “You don’t have to care too much, it’s just that Ash and Dai Ruby are too strong!” ”

But victory or not, Meiqi is ready to end her practice and go down the mountain to continue her journey. It turned out that she was also going to participate in this Johto Alliance Silver Conference.

This is a strong opponent!

Dairubi: 155/200

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