Confirmed by Emperor Yan, Xiaomei smiled, “Although I am still young, when I grow up, I can do it!” ”

Saying that, she gently snuggled down next to Hanako, as if she was having a sweet dream.

As if sensing something, Emperor Yan stood up and sank into the floor step by step, heading in the direction of Xiaozhi under the tower.

“Dad, I’m doing Pokémon battles for the first time!” On Emperor Yan’s back, Xiaomei’s doppelganger phantom suddenly appeared.

Feeling her excited and nervous mood, Emperor Yan comforted, “Xiaomei, as long as you want, you can definitely do it!” ”

Sure enough, Xiaomei’s young phantom suddenly changed, she seemed to have grown up in an instant, becoming a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, tall and tall, with a bursting appearance, and a silver cape flying in the wind behind her.

Clear eyes showed a confident essence, “I can do it!” ”


As a virtual shadow crystallized, Yandi can freely shuttle through these crystals, and it is very difficult for Xiaozhi to break through.

Although Ash came by fire-breathing dragon, there is only one entrance to this crystallization tower, and that is the bottom of the tower. It is impossible to forcibly break through from the top of the tower, that is where the unknown totem is located!

Because of Xiaomei’s intentions, Ash’s entry did not encounter any obstacles.

“Bell bell bell!”

It turned out that the communicator rang, “Ash, are you okay!” ”

“Don’t worry, Xiaoxia, I’m fine!” “Pike!”

“Ash, I’m John, have you seen an unknown totem?” Dr. Shouli’s assistant, Mr. John’s voice appears in the communicator.

“Not yet, they should be at the top of the tower!” Ash looked up, his goal this time was not just to rescue Hanako and Xiaomei!

“Ash, do you know something?” Listening to Ash’s meaning, Dr. Ohki guessed that Ash must have some knowledge of unknown totems.

“Know some, but not comprehensively!”

“Ash, according to Dr. Xiuli’s research files, unknown totems seem to have the consciousness of other creatures, they will sense the human heart, and then turn into concrete shapes!” Dr. Ohki explained to Ash.

“If that’s the case, it makes sense, the unknown totem must have felt Xiaomei’s heart before such a crystallization tower appeared!” Ash said softly.

“These crystals are like an empty and cold heart, my mother must have felt these things, so she will want to take care of Xiaomei!”

Hearing Ash say this, Dr. Ohki was silent for a while, “Ash, you must rescue your mother!” ”

“Of course!” Ash smiled confidently.

After hanging up the phone, his face became gloomy, because he came to a meadow with birds singing and flowers, the breeze was very comfortable.

Emperor Yan, with Xiaomei who had grown up, appeared in front of him.

“You’re a Pokémon trainer, aren’t you?” Xiao Meiju looked at Xiao Zhi condescendingly, her eyes full of fighting intent.

However, Ash laughed, “When he first asked for candy after me, he called me ‘Brother Ash’, why is it that I have grown up now and don’t know people?” ”

Emperor Yan jumped, but Xiaomei rolled over in mid-air and landed on the ground steadily.

“Brother Xiaozhi, long time no see!” Xiao Mei greets Ash like a friend who has been away for a long time and reunited.

“I became a Pokémon trainer and embarked on a journey!” Ash began to talk about his experience, which was the future that young Xiaomei had been looking forward to.

“This is my partner, Pikachu, and Charizard! In addition, I also accepted a lot of friends and made a lot of good friends! ”

“I’m sorry, Xiaomei, I traveled all the way and just came here yesterday!”

Perhaps, this is the price of growth. Ash embarked on a journey, and naturally could not know about the changes in Xiaomei’s family.

Xiaomei shook her head, “Now my father and mother are all back!” ”

“Brother Xiaozhi, let’s fight!”

“Of course, I will be there to the end!”

On this grassy field, a standard battlefield suddenly appeared, and Emperor Yan calmly lay behind Xiaomei, plundering for her.

Ash holds a Poké Ball and he attacks first. “It’s up to you, Baywood!”

Facing the grass attribute Pokémon, Xiaomei smiled confidently, and a crystal Poké Ball appeared out of thin air in her hand and threw it out.

“Please, Rokuo, go!”

This Phantom Six Tails’ eyes are very good, but in the end it is still a little girl, and it can be fabricated out of thin air like this, and it is only to summon an unevolved posture, which is very cute.

The fire attribute of the six tails just restrained the grass bay leaf, and Ash couldn’t help but be ashamed of the predecessor, when the predecessor took Pikachu on a trip, the attribute restraint table was still unfamiliar.

A fever in the head sent the green caterpillar out to challenge Bibi Bird.

Even if this little beauty turns herself into a beautiful girl now, she can’t appear the knowledge of Pokémon out of thin air, obviously she is learning on weekdays.

There is a father of Dr. Pokémon, and apparently she learns a lot.

“Rokuo, use jet flame!”

The six tails were created out of thin air by Xiaomei, and what skills it can use is not up to Xiaomei’s say.

It should be said that no matter what order Xiaomei gives, Rokuo can be displayed to the letter, and the power is definitely not bad!

“Use the sweet scent after dodging!”

Facing Xiaomei’s six-tailed blazing pillar of fire, Ash did not panic in the slightest, and after the bay leaf dodged the pillar of fire, the sickle-shaped leaf on his head stood up.

The sweet aura permeated the entire battlefield, and both Rokuo and Xiaomei seemed to be a little confused.

“Now, use the rattan weaving to use percussion on the Rokuo!”

Without hesitation, Laurel Leaf stretched out her vine whip and tied up the six tails, raised it high and fell to the ground fiercely.

Rokuo was suddenly seriously injured!

“It’s not over yet, Tarzan is at the top!”

Seizing the opportunity to give the opponent a head-on blow, the bay leaf has gained a lot of weight after evolution, and has also learned the skill of Tarzan topping.

I saw it rushing towards the six tails that had just stood up, and stepped on its body fiercely!

Six tails, incapacitated to fight.

Here, there is no referee for the battle between Ash and Xiaomei, but everyone knows the victory or defeat.

“Come back, bay leaf!”

“Next up to you, Kami Turtle!”

The Kami turtle, which has just completed its evolution from the Jeni turtle, is once again on the stage of Ash’s battle.

“Water-based? Then I’ll use this one! ”

The six tails that fell to the ground turned into crystals and disappeared, and a crystal spirit ball appeared in Xiaomei’s hand again, and after throwing it out, what really appeared was a cute lamb, a fluffy sheep, and the original posture of the electric dragon!

Bay leaf: 202/216

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