Although Xiao Gang’s intention is to get close to Aya, this does give Ash a good inspiration.

Before he could mention it, Aya suggested, “Ash, if you want to experience the entrance day and see if you think you will definitely gain something.” Are you right, Headmaster? ”

To experience the matter of enrollment, of course, the elder uncle must agree.

The head of the garden has seen Ash’s battle, and he is even more optimistic about the flying mantis, of course, he will not refuse.

“Then you are allowed to experience enrollment, and it is no problem to stay as long as you want!”

This is a great treat to Ash, like those students here, who have not worked hard for a long time to come here to learn ninjutsu.

Therefore, the four of Ash changed into ninja suits for the school. This style is very good-looking, and it is very spiritual.

In particular, the blue ninja suit worn by Xiaoxia outlines her figure, which is very charming.

Ash and Xiaomei are both wearing red ninja suits, which has a bit of a parent-child feeling feeling.

As for Xiao Gang, he wore yellow.

Moreover, the style of tying the hands and feet is very conducive to action, and Ash’s skills are getting better and better now, and he can’t help but feel the urge to ask Aya for a set to take away.

According to reports, the red uniform is a tactical discipline specializing in Pokémon battles, yellow is a technical discipline to improve the level of Pokémon’s tricks, and blue is a beauty discipline for learning beauty and losing weight.

“Wait a minute, I didn’t say I wanted to experience enrollment just now?” Xiaoxia suddenly shook, trying on a ninja suit is okay, this learning ninjutsu seems to be a little…

“That’s a pity!” The principal looked sorry and said, “The Beauty Department is now doing a special experience course!” ”

“If you take this course, beautiful people will become more beautiful, and people with poor appearance can also be improved!”

Xiao Xia, who was originally not interested in learning ninjutsu, suddenly became interested, “Beautiful people become more beautiful, this discipline is simply tailored for me!” ”

“That, Xiaoxia, you decide that you better think about it!” Ash suddenly felt a little ominous about the beauty method of this discipline, “I saw that there is training over there to control gem starfish to do water gliding, I think you can try it!” ”

Speaking of which, the shape of the jewel starfish really resembles a ninja’s shuriken.

“Yes?” Xiao Xia looked at Xiao Zhi, thought about it, and nodded, “Then I’ll take a look when the beauty class is over.” ”

As a water system Pokémon trainer, this is a skill that Xiaoxia can master!

“In this way, my beauty can be taken to the next level!”

So, Xiaoxia is tragic!

Ash’s ominous sensing was examined.

The beauty here is to tie the head with spider silk of the ball of thread and apply it as a mask to the face.

Xiao Xia sat there, facing a ball of thread, and the whole person froze.

Xiao Gang is even more tragic, Aya doesn’t have a lesson with him at all, aren’t Aya’s clothes red?

The abacus has failed.

“Miss Aya, I have a small request!” Ash followed Aya to the venue of the tactical course, and the trainers here are obviously not weak!

“You say?”

“I’m going to challenge the entire ninjutsu academy!”

Are you sure this is a small request?

Aya was stunned, she didn’t expect that Ash would actually stand directly in front of the tactical teacher, and said in a loud voice, “I’m not targeting anyone, none of you here are my opponents!” ”

“Boy, where did you come out?”

Sure enough, someone couldn’t sit still!

“Let’s fight!” Ash directly threw out the Flying Mantis’s Pokeball!

“Hit it, hit it!” This lesson was originally a practical lesson! The opposite side immediately responds to the battle and summons a Dairubi!

Fire system, the effect on the flying mantis is outstanding!

However, the other side will not know that Ash’s flying mantis was trained by Black Ruga!

“Since that’s the case, then start now, Ash’s Flying Mantis and Sasuke’s Dairubi!” The teacher looked at Ash and immediately announced the start of the battle. The name of this handsome guy is actually called Erzhuzi.

“Dairubi, Flame Vortex!”

If you put it on ninjutsu, this should be fire!

Flame Vortex!

It’s pretty handsome…

The flames unceremoniously enveloped the Flying Mantis, forming a vortex around it, continuously causing damage to the Flying Mantis.

“Hmph, it’s so horizontal that I dare not move!” Sasuke seemed to be about to declare victory.

“Sword Dance!”

This is the tactic of Ah Bi, a trainer of the Worm Dojo in Hinobi Town, to resist the fire system!

The wave of sword qi scattered the flame vortex, and also greatly increased the attack of the flying mantis!

“Ninjutsu, Shadow Doppelganger!”

Ash shouted the order as if in two, and the flying mantis turned into dozens of them, and surrounded Dai Rubi, and the right blade drooped slightly, ready to be chopped!

“Daruby, make the smoke!”

Borrow the smoke, this ninjutsu is well learned!

The smoke obscured the view of the flying mantis, and the attack of Juhechou was naturally interrupted.

“Dairubi, use a fraud attack!”

When the smoke was about to clear, Dairubi attacked, only to find that there was still the figure of the flying mantis.

As soon as the dog’s nose twitches, it immediately raises its head!

The flying mantis, right above its head!


A sword hit that fell from the sky caused a big blow, but the attack of the flying mantis was not over yet!

Flying back, the two knives were already crossed in front of him, and he slashed at Darubi again.

This is the Cross Scissors, Bug Skill!

“Dairubi!” Sasuke was stunned, he was still standing with the upper hand just now, how come Darubi had lost his ability to fight all of a sudden.

“Be patient, look for opportunities! After seizing the opportunity, give crazy blows and strive to kill with one hit, this is the real ninja! At some point, the principal had already appeared behind the teacher.

“Principal, teacher!” Aya came to the headmaster, “You said Ash this is?” ”

“Aya, if I can, I want to leave this flying mantis here for a while, do you say it’s okay?” The head of the garden looked at the flying mantis, and his eyes were shining.

Aya also saw the extraordinary nature of Ash’s flying mantis, but this also made her very embarrassed, it was obvious that this was Ash’s trump card, how could she stay here like this?

“I don’t want him, I just want to teach this flying mantis all my understanding of ninjutsu, and I must return it to him before Ash participates in the Silver Conference!” The principal seemed to see through Aya’s embarrassment and explained with a smile.

In this case, this is a good thing for Ash to pick up cheap for nothing, and he should not refuse.

“Ash, can you see it?” When Ash defeated three more trainers, Aya called him over and asked.

“Is that so?” Ash glanced at the flying mantis, saw it nodded, and said, “Of course you can, it’s my honor, thank you, Elder Garden!” ”

“I’m not selfish, with your strength and character Ash, the future will definitely shine!” Your flying mantis can use my ninjutsu to hit the sky, which is good for me and the school!” ”

To put it simply, the director is investing!

It’s just like the bike shop owner in the game who provides the protagonist with a bicycle for free.

“That’s not a shame! I will make good use of your ninjutsu Headmaster!” Ash patted the flying mantis, “But before that, there’s one more thing!” ”

Flying Mantis: 195/215


Ask for a wave! All kinds of requests! Ask for all!

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