Reunion with Mewtwo, Ash and Mewtwo have established a deep friendship, and they will definitely meet again in the future!

Riding on Team Rocket’s balloon, Ash and his party climbed over the clear cliff and embarked on a trip again.

Yuanzhu City, not far away!

“It feels so close to the sky!” The Johto area is indeed beautiful and comfortable to walk on.

Climbing a hillside, what appeared in front of the group was a beautiful sea of flowers.

All kinds of flowers compete with each other, beautiful flowers dance in the flowers, ladybugs and butterflies fly in the flowers, and they are full of life.

“Pokéby, don’t run around!” Pokéby jumped out of Xiaoxia’s arms and joined the beautiful flower’s team.

“Xiaomei also wants to be together!” Xiaomei also slid off the body of the geranium and stood behind them and danced together.

Seeing this, Ash threw out two Poké Balls.

“Come out, Magic Froggrass, Heracros!” Plus the big geranium that has been carrying Xiaomei on her travels.

In such a sea of flowers, both grass and bug Pokémon can be very happy.

Sure enough, after experiencing the Clear Cliff War, the Ash’s stumbling value increased again, and in this comfortable environment, he rubbed on Ash a few times with joy.

Geranium: 255/255

Drag Evolution!

The huge pink flower on the neck became bigger and bigger, until it was completely wrapped, as if it had become a large bud again.

The sweet smell pervaded, and all the grass and insect Pokémon cheered in this floral fragrance, as if celebrating the rebirth of the geranium!

Xiaoxia Xiaogang had already been dumbfounded, although he had known that Ash’s Pokémon would have further evolution of their form at a certain stage of training.

But something as gorgeous as a geranium is the first time I’ve seen it!

Subsequently, the buds opened again, and the geranium did not change much, but the stamen on the top of the head became longer, the petals on the neck appeared golden patterns, and the pale yellow body flashed with blue and golden points of light, shining, which should belong to its pollen.

The most amazing thing is that four petals seem to be wings appear on its back, and although such wings cannot fly with geraniums, they are particularly beautiful, aren’t they?

“Geranium, you’ve become so good-looking!” Xiaomei returned to the front of the geranium, climbed up behind it, and looked at the two pairs of wings with twinkling stars in both eyes.

This is Ash’s fifth evolutionary Pokémon!


Suddenly, Pikachu seemed to have discovered something, exclaimed and ran towards the opposite side of the flower sea.

“Pikachu?” Ash didn’t have time to think about it, and hurriedly chased after him.

“Ash!” Xiaoxia Xiao just wanted to follow, but quickly stopped, they wanted to stay in this sea of flowers to take care of Pokémon and Xiaomei.

The geranium also returned to its original appearance.

Ash’s speed was fast, and he quickly caught up with Pikachu, “Pikachu, what did you find?” ”

The blue light flashed, Ash also sensed something, on the opposite side of the river in front of him, there was an extremely strong waveguide, although it seemed to be deliberately hidden, but the revealed waveguide was still sensed by Ash.


Ash put Pikachu back on his shoulder and crossed the river in three or two strokes, and somehow the sky suddenly covered with dark clouds!

The beautiful scenery with high sunshine was swallowed by torrential rain in an instant.

Ash really complained in his heart, “Why do these guys always like to rain when they appear?” ”

Pikachu’s cheeks flashed with electric light, this heavy rain was filled with surging electric energy, and in the dense dark clouds overhead, a giant snake flashing with thunder and lightning!


Pikachu suddenly jumped out of Ash’s shoulder, his cheeks flashing with electricity.

“Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!”

Under the increase of the electric ball in the body, the current of 100,000 volts is extremely terrifying, however, the strength of the hidden Pokémon on the opposite side is also not to be underestimated.

With just a slight jump, he dodged Pikachu’s attack.

But its true face of Lushan also appeared in front of Ash and Pikachu.

Lei Gong!

Along with the Water Lord, it is a thunder-based divine beast born by the Phoenix King who was resurrected from that flame.

It resembles a saber-toothed tiger, with golden hair, strong limbs, and sharp fangs!

The white mane on his face and the long hair like a thundercloud-like cloak on his back symbolize clouds and cumulonimbus clouds, and are believed to carry thunderclouds and release thunder and lightning at any time, and are said to be thunder beasts that come with thunder and lightning.

Just now, the agile hand, the arc-shaped thunder and lightning emitted under his feet, and the majesty was incomparable!

Lei Gong appeared here, perhaps because Ash used the transparent bell to summon the Water Sovereign to come and help, and he was also attracted.

Unlike Shui Jun, Lei Gong has a strange personality, usually wanders around and does not appear in front of people.

Without hesitation, Xiao Zhi raised his hand and held the Spirit Ball and shouted to Lei Gong, “Lei Gong, take the battle!” ”


Answering Ash was Lei Gong’s roar, and galloping thunder and lightning!

It’s ready to fight!

Its long howl will shake the air and shake the earth like a thunder strikes the ground.

“One hundred thousand volts!”

Pikachu: 245/255

The stumbling block value is finally only the last ten points left!

This is Ash’s most trusted partner, even if it has not evolved, it has a full degree of fit!

The only one who can achieve such a high degree of fit without evolution is Ash’s skin god!

The 100,000 volts strengthened by the electric ball and the 100,000 volts of Lei Gong fought without a victory!

“It’s worthy of Lei Gong, Pikachu, use the iron tail after a flash of electricity!”

Meet at close quarters!

Lei Gong’s saber teeth shone with electric light, and the galloping thunder and lightning formed terrifying fangs, which bit into the iron tail of Pikachu fiercely!

Explode and blow Pikachu out!

“Pikachu!” Pikachu, who flew back upside down, just returned to Ash, and Ash flew to stop Pikachu and catch it.

“Come again! One hundred thousand volts! ”

Pikachu jumped out of Ash’s arms again, and the power of the thunder became more and more rushing, until it turned into a huge ball of thunder and lightning!

Pikachu: 248/255

The galloping thunder and lightning shot towards Lei Gong with a terrifying momentum, and even Lei Gong was stunned by the thunder and lightning in front of him.

It couldn’t dodge and was hit head-on!

This is a hundred thousand volts formed by the double strengthening of evolution and the electric ball, shining with golden and blue electric sparks!

Even the Thunder God Beast was covered in electricity and smoked!

“Very well, Pikachu, use thunder!”

It’s rainy at the moment, and the thunder skill is a sure fate!

Pikachu: 250/255

The furious current rushed straight into the sky, and after the reaction of the thundercloud above, it turned into a real nine-sky thunder, and slashed down at Lei Gong!

It’s like breaking ground!


Lei Gong seemed to have given up resistance and accepted the attack of thunder head-on, and the thunderclouds on his back were a little scorched black.

But its golden-red eyes looked at Ash with a special look!

It recognized it, this is the boy chosen by the Phoenix King!

Ash took the opportunity to throw a high-level ball, Lei Gong was taken in, only shook twice, and then stopped moving!

“I’ll accept it, Lei Gong!”


Lei Gong: 200/245


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