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“So what? Why run? The group followed Haoli to a large house, and Xiaoxia finally couldn’t help but complain about this uncle.

“The reason is, that!” This uncle is really exhausted, he can’t speak clearly, he can only point in the direction of the house, and he should understand it soon.

Sure enough, a few trainers came out of the house, and they also brought Pokémon from the fighting department, calling this uncle “teacher”!

This uncle is really a martial artist, that’s right.

In front of the disciples, this uncle stood up abruptly and put on a very majestic appearance, “Have you practiced well?” ”

That must be the answer “yes”!

“Ash, welcome to my Blue Dojo! I am the king of fighting Pokémon, the trainer of the Azure Dojo, Ah Si! “This self-introduction is quite imposing, if you can not be so breathless after speaking.

After a hard workout, you have to eat!

“Start, go! Gulp and eat as much as you can! Eat as much as you can! Only when you are full of food do you have the strength to do a fighting match! “This Ah Si is very honest, and he filled Ash’s bowl with a large portion of fried rice.

“Haha, it’s delicious!” Xiaomei has already started first, and she is very happy to eat the dishes, which must taste good.

“What a cute little girl, eat more if it’s delicious!” Ah Si’s wife is happy that her cooking has been praised, and she is also happy to see them eating happily.

“You’re supposed to be the challenger this time, right?” She looked at Ash, “You must come on, hurry up and knock my husband down!” ”

Where do you seem to have heard this?

It seems that Uncle Fandou’s daughter also came to Ash and asked him to bring down Fandou.

However, looking at their husband and wife’s love, it should not be the lack of companionship of Ah Si’s wives.

The wine is full, but Ash is not in a hurry to fight in the dojo, and plans to go to the Pokémon Center first and digest it by the way.

“It tastes really good!” Xiaoxia also recognized today’s meal, and planned to go for a walk with Xiaozhi, otherwise she would be fat.

“No, it’s not just the taste! Low fat, high protein, easy to digest and absorb when eaten! This dish is perfect for replenishing the strength of trainers and Pokémon! ”

Xiao Gang looked at the table of clean food and said seriously, “This dojo is very efficient, and it pays attention to scientific training!” ”

“I’m going to go to Madame to ask, Ash, you are training very hard with Pokémon now, I think this recipe is very helpful to you!”

With Xiao Gang, the breeder, Xiao Zhi really saved a lot of worry.

“When you’re full, it’s time to exercise after cooking! Ash, come and fight! After eating a full meal, Ah Si’s physical strength seemed to have fully recovered.

But Ash was sorry to have to wait, “Mr. Ashi, I want to go to the Pokémon Center first and exchange the injured Pokémon, is that okay?” ”

Hearing this, Ah Si of course nodded.


“Ash, I was just about to find news from Mr. Fandou who asked me to help contact!” As soon as the phone was connected, Dr. Ohki gave Ash good news.

“Really? What do I say about my firestorm? Ash said in surprise.

“No problem, Mr. Fan Dou is now retired as a coach, and the Fire Storm Monkey will have no chance to go to the ring again, just give it back to you, I have already got its Pokeball!” Dr. Ohki laughed.

He has already checked this firestorm monkey, it is very strong, and Ash has another good partner!

“How? Are you going to teleport it over? ”

“Yes, and Heracros will also please you!” Ash was planning to swap Heracros and prepare to fight against martial arts.

Let’s have a head-to-head showdown.

Moreover, Ash’s hero Heracros has a very high fit from the beginning of the subdue.

However, it was later exchanged for Dr. Ohki’s research, and the three families competed to evolve, and Heracros’ stumbling evolution was delayed.

Although Ash knows in his heart that not every Pokémon can complete the stumbling evolution, there is no reason why Heracros with such a high fit can’t be completed!

“But Ash, you already have 6 Pokémon on you, which one do you want to exchange them for? Or is Lei Gong okay? “Dr. Ohki really misses Lei Gong!

Ash didn’t refuse, “Then teleport Lei Gong and Bangira over!” ”

“You kid really hid with me, but I didn’t expect you to take Bangira!” Dr. Ohki’s eyes lit up, now Ash is really big.

Now he doesn’t dare to walk around the backyard casually, and the water is all big!

Water Arrow Turtle, Magic Frog Flower, Fire Storm Beast, Drill Horned Rhinoceros Beast, Dumb King, Kabi Beast… Now teleport back another Bangira, I hope this big guy has a better temper!

“Don’t worry, this guy is very obedient and plays well with Xiaomei!” Ash discovers that Xiaomei has a special talent and can play well with his Pokémon.

Since he wants to pass it back, Ash exchanged another forced exchanger for Bangira to bring, for it, a strong physique is the strongest weapon!

“It’s up to you, Firestorm Monkey!” Arriving in the backyard of the Pokémon Center, Ash releases the Firestorm Monkey.

This firestorm monkey is the eighth Pokémon that Ash took during his trip to Guandu, when the predecessor Ash heard that Xiao Mao had teleported back dozens of Pokémon, and when he encountered it, which was still a monkey monster at the time, and snatched his hat, he was obsessed with accepting it.

Later, it turned into a firestorm monkey, but it was still subdued by its predecessor.

The pure fighting firestorm monkey is very strong and wears black rings on its limbs.

Trained by Uncle Fan Dou and fighting in the ring for a long time, it has reached a size of 1.3 meters, and it still wears the championship belt after the P1 victory, which is its glory!

“Fire Storm Monkey, long time no see!”

Unexpectedly, this fiery monkey suddenly attacked, and a left hook punch struck towards Ash.

This punch was fast and fierce, menacing, but Ash flashed blue light, and bowed to avoid this punch!

However, the fire storm monkey attack that has been active in the ring seems to be as fast as a mountain, seeing that Ash successfully avoided it, the corner of the fire storm monkey’s mouth grinned, and when he turned around, it was an elbow blow that smashed into Ash’s moon hunch!

“Good to go!”

As if arming a domineering protective body, Ash raised his hand to block the blow, turned to take the initiative and smashed a punch into the face of the firestorm monkey.

Unexpectedly, the speed under the feet of this fire beast was extremely fast, it seemed to be only a little bit, so it took a small step back, just avoiding this punch, and then squatted down and punched Ash’s stomach!

Whether it’s reflexes, skill, or strength, the Fire Storm Monkey is trained very well!


This series of battles took place in an instant, and Xiao Gang reacted at this time and exclaimed.

However, the Fire Beast stopped in time, put away its posture, and actually ripped off the belt on his body and handed it to Ash.

Looking at its narrow pupils, Ash seemed to understand what it meant!

The previous glory and achievements are a thing of the past, and now that it is back, its glory will be created with Ash!

Ash took the belt and put his hat on its head again, “Welcome back, Fire Storm Monkey!” ”

Firestorm Monkey: 180/220

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